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Maybe it's time I created a channel... (Sift Talk Post)

Hybrid says...

I think I may have mentioned calling it the middleeast channel before, but it was called out as being a potentially annoying *invocation to type due to the two e's next to each other.

I didn't realise that technology was shot down before. To me geek is "geeky" stuff... but there is cool and innovative technologies that I wouldn't necessarily call "geek". To say everything to do with computing is geek is a bit dated and stereotypical. Besides, geek to me could include really nerdy videos that have nothing to do with computing at all. If geek is supposed to be computers only, I'd argue that it should be renamed to reflect that...

My 2 cents.

Political Reaction "Pay to Spray" Fire Department

Zyrxil says...

>> ^blankfist:

I forgot to pay my life insurance premium and died. But, seriously, I feel like if you pay taxes you deserve the services. It's lazy for policy makers to use all the money in the general fund and double dip with added service fees.

It's a rural area. They didn't have fire service at all until the city offered it as for pay. They had a big proposal for covering it with a tax, but it was predictably shot down, so they went with the service fee instead.>> ^Trancecoach:

any investigation as to the cause of the fire?
small town accidents have a way of being not so accidental.

Again, minor karma. He caused it himself. He was burning leaves, which in most places (and there too probably) is illegal just for this reason.

A Different View on the Science Behind Global Warming

xxovercastxx says...

I wish this video actually presented some alternate views instead of just floating a bunch of counter-claims.

This is like Zeitgeist except without all the insightful research and information.

Most of the things said in this video have been pretty well shot down already, but there's one point I'd like to make which has only been hinted at so far:

There's no such thing as a "Climate Change Scientist". This idea that, if climate change is disproven, all these scientists will be out of work is ridiculous. Climatologists and meteorologists will keep right on collecting and studying the same exact data regardless.

The William: The Geek Stove.

Seric says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Nope. No tech tag. I tried to make one like two years ago but got shot down because there's "too much overlap between geek and science."
Good thing we've since created a jazz, country, rock and roll, classical, electronica, hip hop, livemusic, obscure, metal, blues and even Celtic.
Oh, what? You tell me that we also have a "music" channel? Well that's just going too far.
Seriously. I get shot down for a tech channel and yet we have a "wilhelm" channel (no offense to YDJ. What gives?

Technology can be distinct from science, engineering and geek. I think it would be a nice addition.

As for the music, they all seem to be types of music that have a culture attached to them...perhaps with the exception of electronica but I guess that's the newest one.

It would be neat to properly channel this *Tech.

>> ^westy:

kinda cool ,
strangley i have found gass stoves to be the best over all the stoves i have ever used ,
this would be allot cooler if it aplied the same concept but used gass soem how ruting it around the table lol

Yeah, same. It's great to have that instant heat, not having to wait for the coils or whatever to warm up. It's by far the best I've found for things you need a high heat for.

The William: The Geek Stove.

MarineGunrock says...

Nope. No tech tag. I tried to make one like two years ago but got shot down because there's "too much overlap between geek and science."

Good thing we've since created a jazz, country, rock and roll, classical, electronica, hip hop, livemusic, obscure, metal, blues and even Celtic.

Oh, what? You tell me that we also have a "music" channel? Well that's just going too far.

Seriously. I get shot down for a tech channel and yet we have a "wilhelm" channel (no offense to YDJ. What gives?

On filming the "Bitches, leave!" scene from Robocop

ant says...

>> ^Sarzy:

FYI Robocop totally holds up. It's a great movie. I think people tend to underrate Verhoeven; he's pretty awesome.

Yeah. I am glad the remake got shot down due to MGM's budget problems.

Bill Maher - New Rules (6/11/2010)

Bill Maher - New Rules (6/11/2010)

Start the summer right: "mosquitoes being killed by lasers."

StarCraft 2 tv commercial

Heart Attack Victim Wins Scratch-Off Card Lottery... Twice!!

BoneRemake says...

I would call shenanigans and ask for it to be verified, and when they said yea you won, and it was a joke, then you reacted and then where shot down, could sue for mental stress and other fun quirky laws. Gotta have your bases covered I say. Weird Happening of events.

A possible idea to make *beg work better (Sift Talk Post)

calvados says...

I like this idea (look at my PQ and it's no wonder). I seem to recall that this or something similar was floated a couple years ago, and it was shot down for some reason and begging was the compromise. I may be misremembering though.

Should Potential New Channels be Voted on by the Community? (User Poll by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

There are other examples that never see the light of day. Sometimes people pre-vet a chennel choice with Lucky and I- and sometimes we disuade because it's not a good fit for the Sift.>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^marinegunrock wanted a tech channel, but dag and lucky said it was too similar to geek. This is the only example I know of, other than choggie getting shot down on his request for a 3rd or 4th channel, which I believe was the calalyst for his first sifticide.

Should Potential New Channels be Voted on by the Community? (User Poll by dag)

enoch says...

i was gonna vote yes but blankie and DFT changed my mind.
i have seen how some have made open forums an excuse to badger and even enact retribution.
sorry but i dont want any part of that.
and i just made my case for a channel and i would rather the owners of the site tell me NO or YES than have me shot down by vote and then have my wee lil heart crushed,not by the owners but by popular demand.
dag and lucky say no?
i am ok with that.
the collective says no?
then i am taking my toys and going home and you are off my christmas list.
well..not really..but you get my drift.

Should Potential New Channels be Voted on by the Community? (User Poll by dag)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^marinegunrock wanted a tech channel, but dag and lucky said it was too similar to geek. This is the only example I know of, other than choggie getting shot down on his request for a 3rd or 4th channel, which I believe was the calalyst for his first sifticide.

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