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Cruise ship being beached at full speed

dannym3141 says...

This really depressed me, so i wrote this to feel better:

Wearily i shed
This heavy prison of steel
My spirit soars free

I was made to roam;
Do not mourn mere nuts and bolts,
They subjugate me

deathcow said:

One final harbor
The terminal port of call
They harvest my flesh

Cruise ship being beached at full speed

Stolen Valor at the Mall

artician says...

Eh... ptsd on the part of the cameraman? I thought it was odd the 'imposter' had a detailed and seemingly legitimate answer to everything the guy asked him. Couldn't tell if his silent exit was a shameful retreat or a polite dismissal, either way I know nothing of the military which would shed light on the legitimacy of this.

Monday's Mona Lisa "Katy Perry"

Cassie1123 says...

Hello all,
I've just been alerted to this thread through the a few fans of this band. Maybe I can shed some light on what seems to have happened. First of all, I co-manage this band and NO, I will not be posting any videos, because obviously that would be a violation of this websites rules. Understood, they're trying to keep this an entirely "spam free zone" and not used for any type of promotional tool.
That being said, I also understand why KellyMML posted the video here. KellyMML has not "lied" or tried to spam anyone in anyway, NOR did she post this video for some type of self promotion, as Kelly is NOT a band member nor is she a paid employee in any way shape or form. She IS however a street team leader, but is not paid, given any types of gifts or holds any kind of "rank" within the management company.
Kelly was one of the artists earliest fans, and through her own enjoyment and wanting to be a part of their growth, as taken to sharing their work online through out the world, and I must say has done an incredible job of it.

I completely understand the views that the site owners take on spam, and not wanting VideoSift to become some annoying sounding board of musicians/comedians/actors and up-and-comers posting constantly about their "not yet anything" dreams. I get it. There are plenty of websites out there that allow this and I myself have become irritated at having to scroll through trash to see something good lol.

After some digging, I was able to contact Kelly myself and figure out why this may have happened. Kelly informed me that when she email the website to find out how to put a video up, they replied to her with instructions AND the rules. Still confused, I asked her to forward me that email.
I immediately saw where the confusion begin.
Kelly worded her email as if she WERE either a bandmember, or in the very least someone who works for them. This isn't the case, but it's noticeable by reading her inquiry why it looked that way.
After she read the rules, she posted the video. I'm guessing that because she used those terms when she first contacted VideoSift, they assumed (understandably so) that "we and our" meant this was some type of self promotion.
Since I've been notified of this issue, Kelly has been instructed that while she is more than welcome to run a street team for MML and we appreciate her spreading the word, to please not refer to herself, or any of her posts/shares/activities as if she were connected with the band either AS a member, or as an employee of management, and to also identify herself as a fan. She is also welcomed to explain that she runs her own street team but is not employed by or managed by anyone on their professional team.

Hope this clears some things up. Feel free to contact me at cassie at mondaysmonalisa dot com if you need any other information. We would like to dispell any negativity affiliated with Monday's Mona Lisa.
Thank you!

man freaks out holding door open

man freaks out holding door open

slow motion tattoo

newtboy says...

From the little I know, the intent is to penetrate to about the middle of the outer skin layer, below the layers that shed but not so deep you can't see the ink anymore. It's a fine line.
There is degradation of the image from skin shedding, worse from sunburns, but for normal people it's not so bad that the image erases, only lightens and 'spreads' so it's not as crisp. At least that's what I've heard and seen from friends I know with many tattoos and from watching TV shows and reading books about it, I have none myself.

VoodooV said:

so someone school me.

Those needles don't look like they're penetrating much at all. how come all that ink doesn't wear away when we inevitably shed skin cells either through sunburns or just the passage of time?

slow motion tattoo

VoodooV says...

so someone school me.

Those needles don't look like they're penetrating much at all. how come all that ink doesn't wear away when we inevitably shed skin cells either through sunburns or just the passage of time?

Little League World Series Coach Gives Moving Speech to Kids

Dog passes out from overwhelming joy.

shagen454 says...

I lived there for 19 years. As far as I know it has only improved. I don't mind being down-voted for having wanted to and being proud of moving as far as possible away from my "home" as I possibly could. It's all about adventure and challenging concepts; getting out of your comfort zones; it paid off nicely. I doubt I would have found one of the most confounding experiences of the Universe that a human can have if I had not begun challenging everything I was taught in such a closed-off, conservative place. I grew up close to Amish country! It actually took some willpower in order to start shedding and rebuilding a lot of ideas about the way thing's actually work as opposed to the ways the media tells one how it works.

ant said:

Did PA get worse since the (19)80s or something?

lurgee (Member Profile)

radx says...

If you're still interested in emerging details of the NSA/GCHQ story, keep reading. If not, feel free to delete the comment.

As you might have heard, a parliamentary investigative committee was set up in Germany to shed some light on at least some of the claims made by the press. They don't want to pay too close attention to it, given that our own intelligence services are just as bad, but that's another discussion.

Today, two expert witnesses were supposed to testify, William Binney and Thomas Drake, Everything was to be broadcast, as is custom, but they decided not to broadcast it after all. Given that recent interviews with both Binney and Drake indicated that they were planning to reveal quite a lot about shady cooperation between NSA/GCHQ and our own services, a set of rather embarassing details might have emerged. What a coincidence... [see footnotes]

Additionally, one of our public broadcasters, in cooperation with Jacob Appelbaum, revealed a piece of source code from a selector of XKeyscore. Hardcoded within, for some reason, we find the IPs of all servers running a TOR directory authority, once of them owned and maintained by a German student. So now we have the names of two German citizens under surveillance, and it'll be significantly harder for our Attorney General to find ways not to open up an invenstigation into espionage.

Also part of the revealed code was a confirmation that using TOR gets you labeled as an "extremist" and your ass is now amongst those whose activities will be monitored, constantly. A Google search for it is enough to land on their shit list, same for Tails.

That's the day so far, and it's not even 1pm.

Edit #1: Binney and Drake are considered witnesses, their statements are exempt from broadcast/streaming. Opposition forced a vote on it, government prevailed, no stream available.

Edit #2: I'll provide a summary of the juicy bits once they are done.

Edit #3: Members of the US Congress present, curious to see some (yet unmentioned) names.

Edit #4: Well, 0:20 and they're finally done for the day. Here's a summary of today's session, though the source can sometimes be a bit of a mouthpiece for the government.

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

shuac says...

Jesus, this.

I'd love for them hipsters to get over the look-at-me-I'm-cool thing. Yes, shedding Facebook is a good first step but you gotta follow-through. Just think how much more impactful this would've been without all the oh-so clever "humor".

ChaosEngine said:

Ok, I don't care what his message is, because I stopped watching after 25 seconds of that god awful stupid jumpcut editing.

A Hip-Hop Tale of Drunken Debauchery

Orz says...

Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over (bend over)
Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over (bend over)
Party’s over, it ain’t over
Try to make a bad memory over and over
Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over (bend over)
Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over (bend over)
Party’s over, it ain’t over
Care to find a single piece of me, game over
Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over
Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over (bend over)
Hangover, hangover, hangover, hangover-over-over
Care to find a single piece of me, game over

[Verse 1: Snoop Dogg]
Drink ‘till you’re drunk
Smoke like a broke stove
Don’t quit, take flight
I can’t remember last night
It’s aight, this the life of a superstar
Sci-fi with that boy trooping hard, couping cars
Snoop be hard in the paint
Drink another cup until I fall flat
All lead and then some
1-5-1, done dilly
Really for sure that
I’m throw back intoxicated
Change over, game over, hangover, faded
Body shed, miss

[Verse 2: PSY]
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe catch a lady by the toe

(Take a shot!)
Drink it up and get sick
Bottom’s up, get wasted
Pour it up, drink it up, live it up, give it up
Oh my God, dammit, there’s the fucking limit
Pour it up, drink it up, live it up, give it up

But I can’t stop
Making bottles pop until the wheels fall off

And I can't quit
I wake up in the morning do the same shit
Wake up in the morning do the same shit


[Bridge: Snoop Dogg]
Waking and baking, shaking the flees
Caking and baking, raking the cheese
Early in the morning in the bathroom on my knees
Tipping and dripping, flipping the flow
Whipping and dripping a drink on the floor
This is the only way that I was taught a long time ago
Seoul, Korea, you’ll see a G-a like me-a
Never would there ever be another like he-a
G-A-N-G-S-T-A, nothing left to say
I done smoked my whole day

[Verse 3: Psy]

[Pre-hook] + [Hook]


[Hook] + [Pre-hook] + [Hook]

billion candle xenon torch bulb

radx says...

A bloke in a shed playing with his 30kW torch - this can turn into a horror movie real quick, I presume. Love it.

In Australia they race tiny boats

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