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newtboy says...

1) Yes they are...they are his and his group's interpretations of other people's studies (unsupported interpretations the studies authors almost always disagree with)...I just saw a video of him shouting it at people on the street. His, and his cohorts that also lie about health issues to convert the gullible to their cause.
You see, it's exactly as I warned long ago, when you use statements from known liars to back up proven lies, no one trusts what you claim or those you reference to corroborate you at all anymore.

2) If they aren't his claims, then why post a video of him with a crowd shouting them....why mention him and his dishonest groups at all? Edit: oops, forgot you didn't post this one, but you do post him all the time.

3) Nope. Not trolling. Contradicting knowingly false statements....with scientific evidence and math on my side. I understand you are trying to insult, guilt, and shame people away from examining and debunking your claims, for myself, that only makes me want to examine more closely to see how deep the misunderstanding and misstatement of facts goes, exposing it so it doesn't spread.

Have you dropped the insane claim that risk increases 18% for every single slice of bacon consumed? (Yes, that's what you claimed) You stopped defending it, so i think so, but you never admit your misstatements, so who knows?

Interesting you ignored the second paragraph completely, since it proves your miraculous cancer claims are fantasy.

transmorpher said:

They aren't his claims though. That's what I'm trying to get you to understand.

You guys have to be trolling me, because I know you are smarter than this.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Public Shaming

diego says...

I agree that mob mentality and internet anonymity are a toxic combination, and for that alone his point is well made that public shaming is bound to end badly for everyone involved.

however, its hard to take the video seriously when he fails to address at all the failure of police and the justice system. He talks about bringing powerful people to justice as if it were a bad thing, in fact Larry Nassar's name comes up in the video as he makes the point- are you really suggesting that its a bad thing that a guy who raped dozens of girls- while representing your country no less- be exposed and brought to justice for his despicable behavior?

as for palmer, he complied with the law but the law sucked, and he knew what he was doing. he went to the border of a national park and shot a lion that had a GPS collar because it was under study, you'd think a good hunter would spot that. He didnt care because he travelled half way round the world and paid good money to bring himself back a lion skin- should he be immune from criticism just because he didnt break the law? The people who put signs and flowers didnt break the law either by that standard, only the ones who vandalized his property. maybe its just a matter of the justice system actually working so that mob justice is unnecessary??

Dry Aged 400 Day Old Beef

Sagemind (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

That's very cool It took me a bit of exposure to get into Jazz, and I'll credit @Ornthoron and the videosift jazz channel for providing most of that exposure.

It's a shame there weren't any other Jazz fans around while the promote was running... that's really some performance.

Sagemind said:

Thank you sir, for the Promote.

My son is a 17 year old jazz player (Trombone) and he's really turned me on to Jazz. More than the casual listener I was before.
He's heading to University of Toronto in a few months with a focus on Jazz. (I need to fly him there for auditions entrance in February).
He performs 2-3 times a week with various combos in town so I get to see a lot of jazz lately.

Quincy B & Sweets - My Pledge

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

BSR says...

So you like real men? No shame in that.

We become what we fear.

Or, as wise man once said, "It's easy to become what you despise in one's fight against injustices."

Try to not confuse restraint with weakness.

bobknight33 said:

Lets tun boys into boys, not men.

Liberals want a Soyboy Nation of men.
Shame on Gillette for this ad.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

transmorpher says...

You guys think that vegans are lying?

It's a shame you do not scrutinize the sellers of these products, as much as you do with vegans - Where is the *they lied to us* comments from the meat eaters about this:

Clearly blatant number fudging, but people are happy to overlook it because vegans are the annoying ones right?

Every single study that shows animal products are good, or neutral are funded by the people that sell them. I CHALLENGE ANYONE TO FIND A STUDY THAT SHOWS ADDING ANY ANIMAL PRODUCT TO A DIET MAKES IT HEALTHIER - WHICH ISN'T TIED/LINKED TO THE INDUSTRY. In 5 years I'm yet to find one, and almost all of them have very audacious number fudging and statistic manipulation like the above egg study.

Now compare that to the 400 studies that came out last year showing meat has detrimental effects for us...... not coming from vegans. (and this happens each and every year, since 1970).

(There are also plenty of doctors who aren't vegans (like John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, Dean Ornish) who all make very strong points about avoiding animal products.) These guys still eat meat on special occasions, so clearly not vegan.

Kurzgesagt - Is Organic Food Really Better or is It a Scam?

transmorpher says...

It's a shame that they didn't mention the negative effects of pesticides on the soil and environment.

For example there are pesticides that damage the soil and earthworms so badly that the soil becomes infertile.

I really want to see a serious commitment from developed nations on vertical farming though. You can eliminate so many issues, from water use, land use, and most of the transport problems - the office building next door could be a farm....and of course you don't need pesticides if you are growing things in a controlled environment.

We could give so much land back to mother nature. And perhaps we would stop losing 200 species of plants/animals each day.

At least they acknowledged that eating plants of any kind is more environmental than eating animal products. That's something we can all strive for ourselves. But it will require some government intervention or some really good start ups to start vertical farming. Where are my Tesla potato farms? :-)

Emotional Wedding Haka

toferyu says...

I get where you're coming from.

But I'll tell you with this my feelings are more along the likes of

**Jealousy** : Wish I had that type of communion at my wedding or any type of gathering of friends : pure and raw expression of individual and shared emotions... which brings me to :

**Shame** : In a way I fell this shouldn't be shared with anyone else that wasn't there that day.

Sagemind said:

I'm going be honest here.
I'm getting tired of seeing Haka all over social media.
But maybe not in the way you think.

It's a deeply emotional and personal dedication of feelings and respect. It's amazing and a great show of power which presents and reinforces the dedication a group has to another.

It's deeply spiritual and steeped in tradition.

But the way it's plastered all over Social Media, it's become a spectacle. It's become something to gawk at, and it trivializes what's really going on. It's so deeply personal. This exchange is more of an experience in it's presentation.

Of course this is just my opinion. My opinion is irrelevant in this matter, and I would never try to force my opinion on others. I'm not advocating some kind of Social Justice enforcement or cultural appropreation, or what ever the internet trend is.

FOR ME, I just feel the deep importance is stripped away as we look in. It would be fine if I saw one or two, and I experienced the power to understand it. But it seems like every time I turn on my computer, someone else has posted another one. (This one isn't new to me, I've seen it in at lease 20 other places on the web on other SM platforms. It's becoming a meme which does it some discredit.

Thanks for letting me voice my thoughts.

Prosecutors Say Donald Trump Committed a Crime

nanrod says...

You're absolutely right and given the number of assignments I marked as a TA I am currently hanging my head in shame and embarrassment. At least I didn't say mode.

newtboy said:

Nice try, but that demonstrates Twain had a lack of mathematical knowledge, not intelligence.

Also...I believe you mean 50% falls below the median....mean and average are synonyms. For some reason the phrase "people who live in glass houses" keeps running through my head now....I can't explain why. ;-)

Michael Rapaport Reacts Cat Video Taken Down By Instagram

KFC | Dance Is The Hidden Language Of The Stomach | Chicken

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

I have no passion for any hyper biased sources, which is only one reason I won't watch Fox, the other being every time I do it seems it takes less than one minute for them to stray from the truth and go off on some hypothetical pathway based on nonsense, and I just won't intentionally give professional liars and Trump cheerleaders any of my attention or views.
Fool me once, shame on..shame on you....Fool can't get fooled again.

Also, I'm not looking for a debate about CNN's lawsuit over security clearances/press credentials being used as political cudgels by immature "leaders" with unstroked egos, I'm not a lawyer and even they likely don't have much more than opinion on this subject, it's so unique....but I do think it sets a dangerous precedent, one that would have sent the right into violent fits had Obama banned Fox hosts after directly calling them the enemy of America for years, and one that may come back to haunt them in 2 years. Please recall how Fox treated Obama who still gave them one on one interviews where they were even ruder to the delight of the right, before casting aspersions at a political rival's character. Those in glass houses....

Briguy1960 said:

Try to subdue your passion for Lefty news sites only and try to pay attention.
Also I will give CNN credit for their telling of the tale which is is pretty accurate as to what happened.
Note this is Bob Woodward.
Not some far right nutbar.

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