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arvana (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

arvana (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

Security Camera - Guy Walks Into Glass

arvana (Member Profile)

Try the OTHER automatic door

Your car is sick of you reenacting Wayne's World

jmd says...

I could belive that this guy was probably lisetening to some music.. or maybe his ride was broken and he was banging on it. However the music is most likely added in as part of the joke. Security cameras dont come with microphones.

8147 (Member Profile)

8147 says...

I watched the first 5-6 minutes of this and here is my take:

1) I don't think that's a cop that pulled him over. Can the poster verify?

Peace Officers DO have to provide evidence of intent. Peace Officers CAN write tickets for whatever they want. The security cameras ARE admissible in court.
I am curious WHAT STATE or country this occurred in.

When a police officer engages you in chatter about something you did, or something they make think you have done it's ALWAYS best, in this modern day, to say "No Comment" - then if a ticket is served, go to court.

It is NOT a peace officer's place to EXPLAIN or SHOW laws to citizens in the United States. In fact, a judge would have BIG problems with those things being said.

For all of these reasons I cannot believe this tape is real, although the whole world knows that most police officers are #uckers.

9/11/2001 Flight 77 Does Not Hit Pentagon

rougy says...

Why hide the evidence? Why delete frames from the security camera?

It's because they're hiding something. Clearly.

Personally, I think it was one of our own cruise missiles launched from some kind of modified jet plane.

The fun snuf issue (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Sure the video that was tossed was release of public security camera footage, and done for public awareness since the police involved never were investigated for an unjustified shooting, but hey,

"Note: the presence of human fatality is acceptable and not considered "snuff" if presented as a limited portion of a reputable broadcast news report or documentary film."

Doesn't apply when it barely visible for 1/20th of a second on grainy security camera footage. Good thing such issues don't have to be worried about now that we have a ruling precedent.

Wow that's fubared

pipp3355 says...

(07-03) 08:48 PDT LITTLE ROCK, (AP) – A police officer who appeared to choke a skateboarder and put two others in a headlock in a video posted online used appropriate force when making his arrests, an internal police investigation found. The Hot Springs Police Department Internal Affairs Board found the use of force was within the police department’s policy on non-deadly force and recommended “no changes to this policy.” The decision was released Monday. Officer Joey Williams confronted a situation that “would have overwhelmed any single officer” when he stopped those breaking a Hot Springs city ordinance by skateboarding on a downtown sidewalk June 21, the report said. However, Williams was faulted for leaving a handcuffed suspect unattended while chasing another youth in the resort town’s historic Bathhouse Row. Williams has been on administrative leave since the video hit YouTube on June 25. Police said he would return to active duty Thursday in the city’s downtown. “I think it was fair,” City Manager Kent Myers said. Witnesses “consistently supported the actions of the officer and his efforts to control the situation.” Video from a business’ security cameras shows 10 skateboarders rolling down the city sidewalk at a good clip, followed by Williams, who sprints past the last skater. A video taken by skateboarders and later posted on YouTube shows Williams on top of one of the skaters, apparently choking him. The video also showed Williams putting another two skateboarders in a headlock, and the officer can later be heard threatening to use pepper spray on a skateboarder lying on the ground. Police said they arrested Matthew Jon McCormack, 21, and Skylar Nalls, 19, both of Hot Springs, and four juveniles. McCormack faces a misdemeanor battery charge accusing him of pushing or striking a 67-year-old city employee during the melee. Nalls was cited for skateboarding and faces misdemeanor charges of fleeing and obstructing governmental operations. McCormack has previously disputed many of the police allegations, especially his battery charge. He has said he pulled on the city employee’s arm after the man lifted a girl off her feet in a choke-hold. Hot Springs is a resort town about 50 miles west of Little Rock.

Chicago Police Murder Innocent Man

"So I had sex with a piñata"

Bully gets the smackdown from an ex-boxer

southblvd says...

This wasn't filmed by a random person with a camera. It definitely looks like this takes place in the UK and there they have lots of security camera placed around the cities.

Also, it looks like the bully was giving some kids some shit about something and some people came over being all, "WTF, mate?" and he didn't like it so he gave them some shit, too.

Then he got KTFO'ed.

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