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The McVeigh Tapes

rougy says...

I'm skeptical.

Never once was McVeigh allowed to speak for himself. I never once heard his voice or saw him speaking the entire time he was being held and tried. Not once.

So why do we get the tapes now?

The more I look at it, the more McVeigh looks like a patsy of the Oswald variety.

On September 28, 2009, Jesse Trentadue, a Salt Lake City attorney, released security tapes that he obtained from the FBI through the Freedom of Information Act that show the Murrah building before and after the blast from four security cameras. The tapes are blank at points before 9:02 am, the time of detonation. Trentadue said that the government's explanation for the missing footage is that the tape was being replaced at the time.


School Sued For Spying On Student At Home

Croccydile says...

I've been following this one closely since we loan out laptops here as well... sans this spyware crap.

Some key points to mention
- Why the fuck is the school policing what the kids are doing at home? Seriously, if you "caught" a kid on a camera at home doing something bad, how does this equate to school disciplinary action?
- There are companies that handle tracking stolen laptops from within the systems BIOS/firmware so regardless of if you wipe the hard drive, it can still be recovered. This comes as an option on Dell laptops as well as others I can imagine. Using the webcam or tracking software from the OS is a moot point and silly. (Again, we don't even bother enabling this on the ones we loan out)
- Both of the sides in this case are pulling a he-said she-said pointing fingers at each other, either way I think neither side has been completely truthful about what has been going on.

The way we have dealt with it is they sign a form that says your grade will be withheld (as its assumed you are using it to help with coursework) if the laptop does not return. So far this has worked well for us, and in the case of say a high school like this with that many laptops perhaps they consider insurance to cover a few lost laptops rather than this.

Personally this really irritates me given that the schools using doublespeak claiming they have not been using the technology outside of stolen equipment, when a few articles I've read several students would say the light for the webcam would often come on randomly.

We have security cameras here for keeping track of equipment growing wings or incidents but that's exactly that. Nobody sits there watching everything all day waiting for something to happen. We have more important things to worry about.

Curious Chimp Checks Out Camera

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

Haiti Earthquake: View From The Ground

ReverendTed says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
I can't bring myself to watch this video, but I would be very interested if anybody caught the actual quake on camera. Anybody seen something like that?
I anticipate more will be forthcoming as power and Internet access are restored to the country, but this one is the only one I've seen so far.

Chinese Man Throws Bicycle at Thieves

Krupo says...

Gotta love the ridiculous # of security cameras in China. Also funny - the guy running away after. There's *fail going on here (either on the thievery part, or the initial fight as MilkmanDan succinctly analyzes), just not sure on whose part...

Hollywood's favourite meme: Zoom & Enhance

Croccydile says...

Goddamnit Blade Runner, its all your fault for starting this crap!

Although seriously, if I'm watching a movie or TV show these days and they do this crap its an instant WTF GTFO moment for me. Real security cameras are VGA at best (has anyone come across an actual product that uses HDTV grade stuff?) and the definition is laughable to even recognize a face if the person is standing right there in front of it.

The "zoomed out" pictures they show in the clips there are about 4x better definiton than the real thing... I would love it if the stuff here even provided that.

Stingray (Member Profile)

Subway Stops Inches Before Woman on Tracks

Seth Green Freaking out on Set

An Incredible Phenomenon: The Whale Fall

More CSI bullshit: Digital Zoom

[defunct] Drax says...

Now all he has to do is point the spoon in the direction of the suspect's house, and use a camera to magnify and x-ray the reflection on the spoon till they find him.

Cheap security camera should do it (resolution might not be too good though).

Anchorwoman Gone Wild

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'news, woman, reporter, story, assault, security camera, heckler' to 'news, woman, reporter, story, assault, security camera, heckler, crime' - edited by jonny

Guy Peeing As He Walks Down the Street - Caught On Camera

biminim says...

Wait a fukken minute! The poster asks, "Is there no decency left?"?? You're the one who posted it, moron! It wasn't here until you posted it. You think this is the first instance of someone peeing while walking, and that it represents a decline in decency??? No. This is the first time someone has posted a video of someone peeing while walking. So YOU are the one who lacks decency. That having been said, I laughed. What skill! What control! What derring do! I guess the homeowner who installed the security camera kept going out to get his newspaper everyday and smelled wino urine on his sidewalk? "Hmmmm, wino urine. Must find out which wino is doing this. Then I will--um, lemme see . . . Ah! Yes! I will electrify the sidewalk, so that when he does it again, he will get the shock of his wino life! Bwahahahaha!"

Meteor in Sweden

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