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IBM RFID TV Advertisment - Start Shopping As a Chipped Human

Krupo says...

*dark video anyway, even if it's positive. >> ^HollywoodBob:

RFID paranoia is completely ridiculous. Propagated by tin foil hat wearing retards. If you use a debit/credit card you're transactions are no more private than an RFID based consumer card. You can't even expect a cash transaction to be private considering the shear number of stores with security cameras recording everything that goes on in their stores.

Sure, but that's not the issue. People can't suck the money out of your wallet with a remote device if it's in physical form.

IBM RFID TV Advertisment - Start Shopping As a Chipped Human

HollywoodBob says...

There's no implication that there was anything implanted in the guy. I'm sure the system only scanned RFIDs on the products he was purchasing, and possibly a credit card. For all we know the store in the commercial allows people choosing to use that rapid checkout system to sign up for a key fob similar to the "speedpass" that some gas station chains issue, that can be read at that particular chain of stores and only by their systems, with all personal information stored securely at the store's headquarters.

RFID paranoia is completely ridiculous. Propagated by tin foil hat wearing retards. If you use a debit/credit card you're transactions are no more private than an RFID based consumer card. You can't even expect a cash transaction to be private considering the shear number of stores with security cameras recording everything that goes on in their stores.

How to steal a motorcycle

RedSky says...

>> ^aaronfr:
>> ^wjolson:
man that makes me angry. I hope they get in a high speed car accident and the bike gets its revenge by making minced meat out of them.

hence the argument that closed circuit security cameras following our every move in the name of "crimefighting" is for our own good is complete bullshit. they did research in england which showed that 99% of the time such video was inconclusive and inadmissible in court

I don't know what the source quality of the videofeed was, but were it detailed enough to a read a licence plate it could have caught have caught the felons could it not?

How to steal a motorcycle

aaronfr says...

>> ^wjolson:
man that makes me angry. I hope they get in a high speed car accident and the bike gets its revenge by making minced meat out of them.

hence the argument that closed circuit security cameras following our every move in the name of "crimefighting" is for our own good is complete bullshit. they did research in england which showed that 99% of the time such video was inconclusive and inadmissible in court

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

Crosswords says...

Unless the dog magicked out of thin air he should have known it was there and not left the safety of his door until he could discern it's demeanor. Failing that he could have used his pepper spray on the thing. Not the nicest thing to do to the dog but a lot better than killing it.

Some supposition on my part: I think the lady knows full and well the dog is aggressive, for one I didn't hear her proclaim the dog was a little angel that wouldn't hurt a fly, owners of aggressive dogs always say that, especially the ones that let their dogs run free. For her not to say that likely means she knows full and well the dog wasn't running up to him to give him kisses. And seeing as she has a security camera I'm guessing she's the paranoid type who let's her aggressive dog run free to keep people away from her property. Which is fine if the dog can't leave the property, and warning signs are posted for you know mailmen, package delivery people, kids etc.

So while I blame the officer for not being cautious and using excessive force, I don't think he's some monster who gets his jollies by shooting people's dogs.

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

SDGundamX says...

>> ^imstellar28:
^the homeowner runs a private security camera 24/7. you don't think he has the borders of his property delineated? the cop is lucky if he gets a trespassing charge, he deserves an animal cruelty charge, and destruction of property charge as well. why mess around with the legal systems? I still think the owner should have shot him.
If you think a person can assume that a running dog is life threatening, how can you not assume a person who starts shooting animals on your property as he walks up to your front door is not life threatening?

People can have home cams without fences or no trespassing signs. I had a cam in my old apartment complex just so I could see who was at the front door before I opened buzzed it open. The grounds to the complex were completely open and there weren't any signs posted about trespassing. Point is, we don't know what she had posted but I certainly don't see any fencing or anything.

Someone shooting your animals is not the same as someone shooting at you or your family. (Yes, I know people consider dogs as one of the family. Still doesn't make the dog a human, though.) Although there are exceptions such as Texas, where you can legally use lethal force against someone destroying your property, in most states such an action will get you arrested on attempted murder charges. The cop isn't aiming his gun at the owner or the house, he's aiming at the charging dog and keeps the gun trained on the dog the whole time, even after firing. Only a true paranoid would mistake such actions as posing an immediate lethal threat to themselves.

By the way, Oklahoma has a "Make My Day" law which allows homeowners to use lethal force in response to a perceived threat within their home. It doesn't apply outside the home however, which is why some people are trying to amend it.

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

imstellar28 says...

^the homeowner runs a private security camera 24/7. you don't think he has the borders of his property delineated? the cop is lucky if he gets a trespassing charge, he deserves an animal cruelty charge, and destruction of property charge as well. why mess around with the legal system? I still think the owner should have shot him.

If you think a person can assume that a running dog is life threatening, how can you not assume a person who starts shooting animals on your property as he walks up to your front door is not life threatening?

Fallout 3: Tenpenny tower

Krupo says...

That was absolutely awesome - a crazy little look at the post-apocalyptic *future, except for the fact that the doorman didn't notice the explosion. Though I guess if there's actually no security camera watching you that makes sense.

Somehow you would think they WOULD have cameras watching there, though, no?

Man, it's gorgeous inside though. Reminds me of Bioshock graphics for some reason though.

Great game trailer (*commercial)

Violent CRAAAA!

Policeman Pepper Spray Teen For Short Change

jwray says...

With a little sleight of hand, swapping a twenty for a ten from her left pant pocket out of view of the security camera, then ringing it up as a ten, then transferring the twenty to some hiding place when she walked out of the room, there's no way they could catch her by auditing the cash register, looking at the security tapes, or strip-searching her. You can't be 100% sure that she wasn't short changing the cop. Penn and Teller could easily pull it off. The cop probably saw it as resisting arrest. Common sense: If you don't wanna get pepper-sprayed by a cop, don't be yelling "fuck da po-lice" and resisting arrest. He used excessive force, but it was totally predictable and avoidable on the part of the cashier.

How not to park on the driveway

Truck tries to overtake the train - emphasis on 'tries'

Tiver says...

>> ^MINK:
yeah 12 seconds wtf, that's retarded. is this video running at triple speed or something? then i could understand.

Seems to be normal speed, the time code is in the video itself and seems like it may be from the security camera.

Things to do in the mall besides shop

Things to do in the mall besides shop

Gamer Idiot Calls Cops, Karma Bites Him In The Ass

bellman says...

Bullwinkle wrote: "The guy was a tool, but technically you have to get permission from everyone in public you film."

Not quite. You have to get permission from everyone you want to display. You get filmed without your permission hundreds of times a day (think "security camera") but if someone wants to put it up on YouTube (or the Sift) that's when a release becomes necessary.

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