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Comments to 8147

8147 says...

I watched the first 5-6 minutes of this and here is my take:

1) I don't think that's a cop that pulled him over. Can the poster verify?

Peace Officers DO have to provide evidence of intent. Peace Officers CAN write tickets for whatever they want. The security cameras ARE admissible in court.
I am curious WHAT STATE or country this occurred in.

When a police officer engages you in chatter about something you did, or something they make think you have done it's ALWAYS best, in this modern day, to say "No Comment" - then if a ticket is served, go to court.

It is NOT a peace officer's place to EXPLAIN or SHOW laws to citizens in the United States. In fact, a judge would have BIG problems with those things being said.

For all of these reasons I cannot believe this tape is real, although the whole world knows that most police officers are #uckers.

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