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Moby Takes a Shit Over All Time Classic

TheFreak says...

You haven't seen someone take a shit on this song till you've witnessed me try to sing it in Rock Band. Some lyrics should never be sung by anyone but the original vocalist.

That said, I didn't think it was all that bad. I'm not a fan of Moby and he seems to nose dive a few times but it's his enterpretation of the song. I'm sure if you're a Moby fan it must have been great.

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

westy says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:

>> ^westy:
>> ^Mcboinkens:
<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^Seric</a>:<br />I wonder how good he would be if he'd spent that time learning real drums <IMG class=smiley src=""><BR></em>
Yeah, you kind of shot yourself in the foot. He's using a real drum set, not to mention he is using very advanced drumming techniques. He probably learned to played the drums as a kid and then just found this game as a fun way to learn to play new, complex songs.
Furthermore, you should keep up with the new Rock Band coming out. The goal is shifting from just a fun way to chill with friends to actual tutorials on the instruments. The guitar is actually getting 6 strings with fingersensing technology, and it WILL teach those that want to learn to play, with enough effort of course. On the drums, the ride, crash, and high-hat will have different locations charted than the snare and toms, further enhancing gameplay.
Also, Westy, the analogy you made to racing virtually and for real is extremely off. The two focus on completely different things, one is mastering the course and memorizing lines, the other is having a solid team to tune your car, quick thinking out on the course, knowing the course AND dealing with the G's.

You do reolise that G forces are only relivent in F1 and indy car maby some of the other high speed single seaters and evan then you could easily train for that over a year ? other than the phisical strain Gforces actual make driving a car ALLOT ESEAR as you can feal what the car is doing where as in a game you have to go of the stearing collom alone.
you allso reolise that the teams in f1 pritty much compelaty set the car up for the driver ?
You do know that Driving simulators are not just used for learning the layout of the track right? and that in f1 since testing time is so limited drivers themselfs spend a huge amount of time in the simulator testing the teems setups and car modificatoins that the mechanics have done for them ?
Have you ever played a sim racing game ? top sim racers have to do far more tweeking and car set up than a real driver would ever be exspecvted to do , allso sim drivers Drive FAR FAR tighter than a real world driver ever would litraly 100% on the limit to the millimeter.
sim racing is allso far closer and requires more race craft than the vast majorty of other pro forms of racing , due to the fact you can see far less and people are driving closer to the limmit , i dont know if u ever watch f1 but 90% of the grid hardly push the limit interms of race craft.
The largest fundimental factor that stops incredably tallented sim racers compeating in the real world is CASH pure and simple , you have to be a ritch basterd to race and thats without getting anny money back.
Things are slowly changing though , seems that more and more scoller ships are opaning up offering top level sim racers the chance to race in the real world

I won't waste too much time responding, but you are basically spouting bullshit. NASCAR drivers take 2-3 Gs on turns, and that's about as low as it gets in racing. Your point on teams setting up the cars actually furthers my point. Virtual drivers that set up their own cars are not mechanics, they just get numbers off of the internet and in-game time trials. The true mechanics don't do it that way.
Furthermore, you are incorrect when you assume that driving simulators they use are video games. They cost thousands of dollars and are inside of model cars that can represent true G force feelings.
On to the next point, virtual drivers can get exact drive-lines down because they are not exposed to real racing conditions. Sitting on a couch moving a thumbstick is not the same as turning a steering column in the middle of a track. Less pressure too. Screw up on XBOXLive? Just quit. Screw up in real life and you lose what could be your career, car, or just money in general.
Granted, there may be 1 or 2 sim drivers that could actually compete(and do well ), but like I said, your anology comes nowhere close to Rock Band drums vs. real drumsets. Anyway..

Im sorry but your the one talking out your arse , The point was regardless of how many G you exsperance anything below GP2,and most drivers would be fine with it given a month to get used to it. allso annything below GP2 and the G's make driving easer than sim racing not harder , as it allows you to feel what the car is doing.

Lets focus on road racing as I don't know or care that much about nascar.

to specificity answer your points

1) Red bull use Rfactor pro which is likely to be fairly simular (going by what the people that make Rfactor have said) to normal r factor it just outputs more data and gives the team far better data as to what effect there modifications have made.

Lets bare in mind that all the top sim racers pretty much use Rfactor as there default simulator

Allso there is enough steering collom feed back in Iracing ,Rfactor , Netcar pro to alow a driver to become a significantly better driver by training on it so long as they are using annything above a g25 for input. ITS NOT SIMPLY A CASE OF LEARNING RACING LINES , simulators like Rfactor , Iracing give enoughf feel for you to drive reactively , They allso simulate close racing and sim racers will get to exsperance more racing with other people and as a rsult develop more race craft faster . Remember when all the poker players came from online and totaly dominated real world poker players , this was simply due to the fact that they played thousends more hands than evan vintage poker players , this is what will and has happend with top end sim racers. the onyl difference is you have to be a ritch basterd to get into motor sport in the first place this is why sim racers dont often trasnfer its a totaly riged sport controled by the ritch of the world , but this is slowly chainging.

2) The sole resoin that sim racers drive to the limit is that it dosent cost them annything to crash the car repatedly to find the limit , once they have found it they can pritty much stick to it.


3) There are a good number of top sim racers that would rape the vast majorty of real world drivers , they are far more or equaly skiled than real world drivers they just have never had the money to drive in real life. If you consider there are probably only what 1000 top level competative road drivers , the top 20 sim racers would be able to compete with 80% of the gird in F1 and they represent the best of the best.

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

IAmTheBlurr says...

I'm pretty sure that guy is a real drummer. Just the way he plays shows that he'd know what he's doing without rock band. Most people just can't play like that, even if they are exceptionally skilled at rock band.

And the whole racing simulator vs. real life comparison is crap. Anyone who has gone from playing racing simulators to doing it in real life (including myself) will tell you that the whole experience is entirely different. The only thing you can learn with a simulator are track layouts and how to apex corners properly. I don't care how good someone is at racing simulators, strap them into a real car on a real course (auto-x or road course) and they'll fail miserably. The physical world is a million times better than any video game.

And yes, the ending sounded like sex haha

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

dannym3141 says...

Yeah, i'm pretty good at rock band - never ever played a real drum set, never had a lesson, never learned, but i can do all the default songs on expert except run for the hills now (my wrists/arms just get tired - mostly because my technique is abysmal).

I'd all-but guarantee this guy is very very good on a real drum set, and the video was just incredible.

Not only has playing rock band probably given me a very good step up on the way to learning to play drums - if i chose to - but it gave me a real interest in perhaps taking it up. Even if just for the sake of being able to play run to the hills i want to learn technique so that i'm not using muscles i don't need to use resulting in tiredness.

Is that not good for music in general?

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

westy says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^Seric</a>:<br />I wonder how good he would be if he'd spent that time learning real drums <IMG class=smiley src=""><BR></em>
Yeah, you kind of shot yourself in the foot. He's using a real drum set, not to mention he is using very advanced drumming techniques. He probably learned to played the drums as a kid and then just found this game as a fun way to learn to play new, complex songs.
Furthermore, you should keep up with the new Rock Band coming out. The goal is shifting from just a fun way to chill with friends to actual tutorials on the instruments. The guitar is actually getting 6 strings with fingersensing technology, and it WILL teach those that want to learn to play, with enough effort of course. On the drums, the ride, crash, and high-hat will have different locations charted than the snare and toms, further enhancing gameplay.

Also, Westy, the analogy you made to racing virtually and for real is extremely off. The two focus on completely different things, one is mastering the course and memorizing lines, the other is having a solid team to tune your car, quick thinking out on the course, knowing the course AND dealing with the G's.

You do reolise that G forces are only relivent in F1 and indy car maby some of the other high speed single seaters and evan then you could easily train for that over a year ? other than the phisical strain Gforces actual make driving a car ALLOT ESEAR as you can feal what the car is doing where as in a game you have to go of the stearing collom alone.

you allso reolise that the teams in f1 pritty much compelaty set the car up for the driver ?

You do know that Driving simulators are not just used for learning the layout of the track right? and that in f1 since testing time is so limited drivers themselfs spend a huge amount of time in the simulator testing the teems setups and car modificatoins that the mechanics have done for them ?

Have you ever played a sim racing game ? top sim racers have to do far more tweeking and car set up than a real driver would ever be exspecvted to do , allso sim drivers Drive FAR FAR tighter than a real world driver ever would litraly 100% on the limit to the millimeter.

sim racing is allso far closer and requires more race craft than the vast majorty of other pro forms of racing , due to the fact you can see far less and people are driving closer to the limmit , i dont know if u ever watch f1 but 90% of the grid hardly push the limit interms of race craft.

The largest fundimental factor that stops incredably tallented sim racers compeating in the real world is CASH pure and simple , you have to be a ritch basterd to race and thats without getting anny money back.

Things are slowly changing though , seems that more and more scoller ships are opaning up offering top level sim racers the chance to race in the real world

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

westy says...

>> ^Seric:

I wonder how good he would be if he'd spent that time learning real drums

Its simular how to how the top sim racers could probably beat allot of the profesoinal drivers out there.

its gr8 to have a game thats relitavly cheep and fun and delivers a simular exsperance to its real world equivelent.

playing on rock band will teach you far far faster than if u were to play real drums reeding sheet music and boring tutoreals , when you engage the competative parts of the brain or make something enjoyable the brain will learn things far faster than if its a choir or the lerning process is bady structured.

as for the technkees that you dont use when playing a game like rock band im pritty sure you could pick them up and develop your own stile in a short amount of time on a real drum kit if that was something you wanted to persue.

Who is this guy, and what lab was he built in?!?!

Seric says...

>> ^kasinator:

>> ^Seric:
I wonder how good he would be if he'd spent that time learning real drums

he's using a roland, They are real drums

So he is.

I'll eat my words in this case then.

It just didn't occur to me that anyone who could play an instrument (as I presume this fellow can) would bother with rock band.

Future Rock Band

Future Rock Band

Future Rock Band

Future Rock Band: 2055

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