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Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song

detheter says...

Yeah, probably the band that had the most to do with me becoming a big fan of metal music, particularly of the power and folk varieties in the case of blind guardian. They have a big impact on my Celtic folk rock band as well, in terms of my vocal at least. There are few humans that can belt it out as well as Hansi can.

Satan Since 2003

Two brits explore WalMart

shagen454 says...

I think it's both hilarious and insane that you think Wal-mart simply re-arranges a local economy. A lot of Mom & Pop stores are niche market but make a lot of their profit off your everyday Joe & Jane buying garbage. That is probably the majority of consumer product in America - garbage. I remember I was really good friends with the owner of a record store in a small town but he made most of his money from larger "indie" rock bands on Atlantic records or some shitty metal band. 98% of everything else was underground punk, pop-punk, grindcore, power-violence, thrash, straight-edge hardcore, emotive hardcore, gravity style, D-beat, black metal etc etc. But, he made most of his profits from garbage. Don't think about anything folks, just work your shitty job and hope your wife doesn't cheat on you. Remember to pay your taxes. BLEH!

The other problem in my eyes is that a lot of middle-class & lower-class people inevitably shop at Wal-mart because of cheaper prices. I remember reading an article about how Wal-mart lost revenue last year but luxury stores (Neiman Marcus, etc) finances skyrocketed. The rich are now uber rich and they burned up the middle-class as well as their jobs so we could get them to new heights of wealth. Wal-mart and a lot of shitty huge corporate stores are VERY much apart of this topic & apart of the problem America faces. As long as there are huge big-box stores stamping out local business and selling product cheaper because they are such a gigantic virus-like company - local economies across the entire country will never get "well". Make these stores into Co-ops and maybe we'll get somewhere, we have to snuff out at least some of these greedy fucks.

It's still stunning to me that people are able to stick up for such a piece of shit company.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Wal-mart... crazy rant about how it kills your neighbors...
I've never quite understood this argument. Wal-Mart doesn't kill local businesses. It rearranges them and then creates more jobs. Every Wal-Mart that goes up has about 10 restaurants, 2 car dealerships, 1 Gamestop, a couple book stores, and a bunch of other ancillary businesses sprout up literally overnight right next to it once it opens. These places employ - that's right - your neighbors. It has been demonstrably proven over and over again that Wal-Marts increase employment and revenue in the communities they enter. Do they shake up the environment and force local shops to change it up? Of course. But for every guy that curses Wal-Mart because he had to close his Mom & Pop, there are 20 other guys who are cheering Wal-Mart as they take showers in new business money.

prog|film : a prog rock documentary

Have a musician infestation? Who you gonna call?

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

Feline Rock Band.... has no rhythm. Maybe they are Jazz?

Rock Band Flip Out

Rock Band Flip Out

Ann Coulter at CPAC: Calls for more jailed journalists

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

>> ^bobknight33:
Its a Joke, just a joke. That was funny.

I guess the left can't take a laugh unless they make the joke.

If it was a joke, why wasn't it fucking funny? If you're going to trivialize the barbarism to which journalists are commonly exposed in their pursuit of information, you can at least make the joke a good one. That's not the biggest issue for me, though. It's that I know she was only half-joking.
I'm starting to think "the right" are mentally deficient by default, and I'm not even on the same fucking continent as you people.
Here's a thought; you won't be able to find a right-wing, mainstream party anywhere in western Europe that's more conservative than the Democrats. Your political system is a trainwreck of sodomy. You are doing something wrong. And on the right, little concepts like reality don't seem to factor into it.

Only in a few red-states (like mine, Utah) think that classical conservatism via the Republican party with Abraham Lincoln being the first elected, still think it's the same and alive and beating. They also believe that Nixon and especially Reagan fit into it's precepts. These people get A's in academia for thinking this. I won't even begin to explain as to why academia in th U.S. is full of shit as well as "Republican" followers or fellow "revolutionaries" or "jackoffs" like The Tea Party (the unfortunate rock band with that name needs to change it, or be tied with it and them--unfairly). The idiots calling it "The Tea Party" or "Neo-Con:The Second Shot Party" for us, couldn't even begin to tell you what the Boston Tea Party was for or about; they're clueless to history and if you tell them so, they believe they're only--more correct...

The party called "Republicans", died with Teddy Roosevelt.

/Every politician since the U.S. started in 1776 are turning in their graves... Except for some since prohibition--the Others™, that failed, and lead us to a near coup (Mafia wise). The U.S. state picked, history books don't bother to tell you how close it was. All it tells you is how AWESOME your state and country are--fuck everyone else except Britain when we get to the chapter called "People and Countries that make great lapdogs.".

I hope our secondary drug war doesn't turn out the same; but, ironically, it's starting to have a great potential for it. Brought to you by the people that don't read about history. Neo-Conolgy...


Rock Band Flip Out

Tour of abandoned new orleans six flags

chicchorea (Member Profile)

ctrlaltbleach says...

Piano and Guitar, I play drums on rock band! I still play cant say Im great at it but I can fake it pretty well when I want to show off a little.
In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Really?! Quite cool!

Do you still play? What do/did you play, ie., instrument(s) and genre(s)?
In reply to this comment by ctrlaltbleach:
Yeah actually I just read about that on wiki. I use to use a penny because I like the metal tinge or twang it made.

Walmart - Very Sad Clothing Label fail

Woman with a Door Fetish

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