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A Summary Of Steam's Stupidest Move Yet!

GenjiKilpatrick says...


First world fuckin'.. PROOOBLEMs.

That's my new song. I made it to remind everyone that.

OMFG complaining about the inaccuracy of a parody is pedantic as fuuuck.

But I mean.. that's what the Sift is all about, it seems.

@NaMeCaF I enjoyed the vid. Even tho I already knew about the situation from @EMPIRE's Factual Gamer vid.

But you probably have a problem with all the facts in that vid too. Not factual, enough.

"The performance from the Valve & Bethesda guys IN REAL TIME was WAAAY more factual" right?

Bill Maher and Fareed Zakaria on Islam and Tsarnaev

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'real, time, april, 2015, Tsarnaev, Bill, Maher, Fareed, Zakaria' to 'real time, april, 2015, Tsarnaev, Bill Maher, Fareed Zakaria, islam, terrorism' - edited by xxovercastxx

Tel Aviv - Incredible Amateur Audio/Video Mashup

ChaosEngine says...

You are completely entitled to your opinion on this track.. not that fond of it myself, tbh.... but pretty much everything else you've said is simply untrue.

First up, digital instruments are still instruments. Some of them require great skill to play in real time (see Beardyman for example).

Some are authoring tools that aren't used for performance. So what? In the past, we called those kinds of tools sheet music, where a composer could write some music and have others perform it.

Second, it's not a zero-sum game. Just because some people use a sampler doesn't take away from people playing guitar.

Finally, there are literally millions of musicians still playing instruments (by which I'm assuming you mean traditional instruments like strings, percussion, wind, etc). With the web as a distribution and learning tool, it has never been easier to learn, write and record music. So if you want to listen to rock or classical or blues or jazz or soul or funk or metal or folk or any combination thereof, it's out there. Go look for it.

Sagemind said:

Sure..., it's got a beat, but no soul.
This sort of thing, although creative - which is great, that is killing music today. Musicians no longer play instruments, or even know how. It's too perfect as it strips out any human element to lets us relate to it. Sad for the future of music, if this is what we have to look forward to...
--I know this is just my opinion, but it's mine.

UNREAL PARIS - Virtual Tour - Unreal Engine 4

RFlagg says...

Yes, semi impressive, but static scenes are in the end static. These are useful for architectural groups and the like to show off stuff. Virtual builds for a client to walk through.

For gaming, one needs to see the scene in a game like state with action going on, and high polygon models moving in and around the high polygon scenery. There is where we get our real test.

Still pretty, and we are getting closer and closer to near realistic stuff rendering out in real time.

Jon Stewart Picks Apart Palin & GOP Incoherent Speeches

Neil deGrasse Tyson explains meaning of life to 6 year old

shinyblurry says...

Hey kceaton1,

I'm sorry to hear about the narcolepsy and sleep paralysis. I remember watching a video someone put out recently ( that sort of explained what it is like and it didn't seem like very much fun. I can't really imagine what you're going through. I have a friend who has narcolepsy but it must be a mild version because it seems like she kind of winds up to it and comes out of it pretty easy.

In regards to your question, I appreciate you not writing off my response as one thing or another. In regards to supernatural experiences, I can see why you have a lot of skepticism as well. You have experienced things on the order of what you've heard other people call supernatural experiences, but you have a natural explanation for them.

Having a supernatural experience can be hard to quantify, and usually when God is revealing something to you, it goes beyond sense impressions. You could perhaps write some of them off as one thing or another but three experiences in particular stand out to me as being undeniable. They aren't necessary what led me to Christ but they really defy any kind of naturalistic explanation.

The first was from before I was a Christian, when I was into the new age. At the time I was exploring a lot of eastern spiritual practices. There is one in particular, which I wont go into detail about, that for a few minutes allowed me to see with my eyes closed. When I was in the shower one day I closed my eyes to rinse my hair and when I did I was utterly shocked and amazed to be looking right at my feet and the water falling down upon them. It was real time and the only difference from normal vision was it had kind of an energetic haze over everything, kind of matrix looking. It was otherworldly but still completely in sync with my normal vision when I opened my eyes.

I wasn't hallucinating because I was able to test it in real time by opening and closing my eyes and looking at various things. It was all completely consistent and completely real. I could see what was going on to minute detail with my eyes closed and when I opened them everything matched perfectly, and vice versa. I wasn't dreaming because I immediately got out of the shower and told my then significant other who would vouch for that happening. It didn't last long but I did experience it and there isn't a naturalistic explanation.

The second thing that happened to me is that is undeniable is that I was physically healed by a Christian praying over me. My left leg used to be shorter than my right leg by a quarter inch. I know this because I measured it a few times and it caused me to walk somewhat unevenly. The man prayed for someone else who had the same problem except worse, and I saw their leg grow out and even up with the other. When I saw that I asked to be prayed for and the same thing happened to me. I know it did because I measured my legs and they are exactly the same length. I also had to learn how to walk correctly after this happened. Again, no naturalistic explanation.

The third thing happened at my baptism. I knew I needed to get baptized, although at the time I didn't really understand what it was all about. When I got baptized, it completely changed me. The easiest way to described it is, when I went into the water I was one person, and when I came back up I was a different person. Different in this sense, that I was cleansed on the inside. Emotionally and spiritually, it was like a thick black sludge had been removed from the walls of my heart. An emotional weight had been lifted, depression and anger and sadness disappeared; it was replaced with an incredible lightness, with true peace and joy. This wasn't superficial; I was utterly changed. I was a different and better (healed)person, and on top of that I could sense the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit, from that moment on until now.

People have given me different explanations; hallucinations, psychotic break, etc. I've have a lot of experience with people who have mental illness; the things that happen to them aren't positive, they're negative. When they think they have entered Nirvana, their behavior is completely off and often self-destructive. Delusional psychosis doesn't heal, it hurts. One way or another, the whole thing is going to unravel because it isn't real. What has happened to me is very real and I experience Gods love, care and guidance every day of my life. The Lord is good, and He is faithful; He cares even about the little things of my life.

I am a Christian not simply because I have seen miracles, it is because I believe the gospel. I know I am a sinner and that I need a Savior. I know that Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for my sins and was raised to life on the third day. The Lord has made that clear to me and I don't have any trouble agreeing with Him. He gave it all for me; why should I do any less? Before I knew the Lord I was resigned to a meaningless death. Today, I have a living hope. But I didn't come to be a Christian because I am afraid of death. I came to be a Christian because God revealed Himself to me, that He created me for a reason, and that my true fulfillment and purpose can only be found in Him. Since I have given my life to Jesus Christ, I have found that to be completely true, in ways I could never have imagined. My life affirms the truth of this scripture:

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
Ephesians 3:21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, forever. Amen.

kceaton1 said:

/off-topic & longish

Fibonacci Zoetrope 3D Printed Sculptures


newtboy says...

Please, if you will read my original comment, it's about tracking the dancers in real time and conforming the effects to their actual movement, also in real time. Somehow that was lost in the replies. I get that the image is being rendered in real time but that's not what I was commenting on. (even though it's pre-rendered video background, the effects and 'camera' and lighting are changed on the fly, but not by the dancers positions/movements)
Your term 'real time interactions' describe what I mean better than I did.

jmd said:

Why would it have to track the dancers to be considered realtime? All my games are real time 3d, they certainly don't track me dancing, or doing much of anything really.

I think the term we want to use is pre-calculated. The particle movements were chosen before hand much like a motion capture, but the rendering is still realtime and thus thing like camera angles can be changed.

I was disappointed because I noticed the lack of true interaction, and when somethings the performers did would effect the particle effects while others wouldn't. That annoyed me even. We have years of tech to monitor actors in real time space, it may have taken a bit more work but this could all have been done with realtime interactions.


jmd says...

Why would it have to track the dancers to be considered realtime? All my games are real time 3d, they certainly don't track me dancing, or doing much of anything really.

I think the term we want to use is pre-calculated. The particle movements were chosen before hand much like a motion capture, but the rendering is still realtime and thus thing like camera angles can be changed.

I was disappointed because I noticed the lack of true interaction, and when somethings the performers did would effect the particle effects while others wouldn't. That annoyed me even. We have years of tech to monitor actors in real time space, it may have taken a bit more work but this could all have been done with realtime interactions.


newtboy says...

No sir.
It is pre-rendered video (or really series of pre-rendered videos) some of them slightly 'tweaked' in semi-real time, most of them not, but not ever by tracking the dancers in real time, which was the whole point of my original post and the follow ups.
Synching the pre-rendered videos with the pre-recorded music is not 'real time rendering' any effects.
An image you 'tweak' on an ipad with your finger(s) to (poorly) SIMULATE real time effects BASED ON MOTION TRACKING is not at all the same thing as real time rendered projections ON DANCERS BASED ON MOTION TRACKING THE DANCERS AND MORPHING THE IMAGE TO THEIR POSITIONS. (apologies for the 'shouting', but you keep missing the point) I'm sorry that's hard for you to understand or admit.

EDIT: For it to be "real time renderings" it would HAVE to track the dancers...which you admit it does I don't get how/why you want to argue a point you already conceded.

billpayer said:

@ChaosEngine the realitime comment was for @newtboy

@newtboy I never said they were tracking dancers. Only that it is a r-e-a-l-t-i-m-e animation not a pre-rendered video, which is 100% confirmed by the f-a-c-t that they are tweaking cameras, friction, gravity and viscosity in r-e-a-l-t-i-m-e


newtboy says...

Then why is it SO far off in time and space? if they tracked the dancers, it would effect the projection, but it obviously does not. Maybe they are triggered by sound, as in by the music...sound is not the dancer.

EDIT: OK, I read the link, and it's not rendered in real time at all. It's pre-rendered effects/movies triggered by sound (cued by music) or by "eMotion" which is NOT motion tracking, but is apparently only motion SENSING (it only notices there IS motion, not what and where that motion is) and more often by people using Ipads to 'draw' in 'real time'. That is NOT at all what I was talking about, which is tracking the dancers and rendering based on that tracking, in real time and in 3D. That did not happen here.

billpayer said:

they are triggering events live and altering camera angles, frictions, gravity, viscosity. that is r e a l t i m e

Real-Time Face Tracking & Projection Mapping

Face Hack / Real-Time Face Tracking & 3D Projection Mapping

Face Hack / Real-Time Face Tracking & 3D Projection Mapping


billpayer says...

It clearly states in the link that @ChaosEngine provided that they are triggering events live, altering camera angles, frictions, gravity, viscosity, some triggered by sound. ie. Real-time not pre-rendered.

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