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RFlagg (Member Profile)

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

Unity Adam Demo - real time

MonkeySpank says...

The short answer is "It depends!"

I know it's a crappy answer, but there are way too many parameters at play. There are many games today that have scripted scenes in them that are pretty cinematic. Think of GTA III, from 2001. The cut scenes in that game still outshine the actual gameplay of GTA V today.

If the scene is scripted, then all the animation, and camera movement can be fine tuned and all compute resources are pooled into the viewport of the camera. This allows the artists to focus all of the trickery on the shot itself, but not the rest of the world. From a PVS or scene-graph stand point, you have pretty much reduced the complexity to just what you are seeing.

I do not know how they made this demo and cannot comment on it with any authoritative capital. I've written 3D engines before (not for videogames though) and can comment on the technology I think I'm seeing here. My comments are just an opinion based on what I know. I do not have access to Unity and have never used it before. But here it goes:

For a scene like this, there should be reduced/canned computation in:

The shaders, unless they are geometry (the ripping of the skin/flesh in the Adam scene) could or could not be reduced in scope and complexity. I am not sure if they are scripted or dynamic. By scripted, I mean a geometry shader that reads vertex data from a VBO stream or some memory buffer instead of computing the vertices on the fly. It's still real-time, just not dynamic.

Most of the graphics you see here are standard applications of technology that's been around for a while:

The particle system seems pretty standard as well.

This is a great demo and I am extremely impressed with the art direction, but the engine itself is, after all, Unity with PBR for the characters, and maybe Global Illumation for the indoor scenes, which I believe they licensed from Geomerics.

TheFreak said:

How far behind do the playable game graphics tend to trail behind the demos?

Feels like it's about 2 years.

That's one of the reasons I enjoy demos, because I know that one day soon I'll get to play games with that level of graphics.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

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Unity Adam Demo - real time

MonkeySpank says...

They cannot make a game from this. This has a fixed PVS which allows them to pool all resources in the shot where the camera is facing. It's still real-time, but you can't free roam. There are some neat shaders applied here, but I'm more impressed with the sound than anything else.

Payback said:

If this is a game, I'd buy it.
If this is a movie, I'd rent it.
If this is a tech demo, I'd demand they make a game or a movie from it. This is an interesting universe.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Unity Adam Demo - real time

EMPIRE says...

I would have zero problems with watching that as a movie. Considering that it's rendered in real-time... it's pretty impressive.


my15minutes says...

from the source @ youtube:

The animated film, “#Justino,” features a security guard at a mannequin factory. Since Justino works the graveyard shift, he has very few chances to interact with his coworkers. With a little bit of creativity, Justino devises ways to connect with his colleagues by using the factory’s mannequins to create situations both amusing and moving. His coworkers appreciate his playfulness each morning, and find a way to repay his generous spirit in kind.

One new feature this year is social media activation. The factory, “Fábrica de Maniquíes El Pilar,” has its own Facebook profile reporting on its day-to-day activities. And we can follow Justino’s nights in real time via his Instagram account @justino_vigilante.

On Nov. 16, #Justino, from the animated short, became the No. 1 trending topic in Spain and No. 5 in the world on Twitter. The film exceeded 1 million views on YouTube within a day.

A national tradition since 1812, Spaniards look forward to the annual Christmas lottery even if it means standing in line for hours to purchase the tickets. Nicknamed El Gordo, which means “the fat one,” prizes are valued up to more than €2.2 billion, making it the biggest lottery prize in the world.

It’s common to “share” the lottery by buying “participaciones,” or “shared tickets” at offices, with friends and family, and at bars. The belief is that the Christmas lottery is unique because it’s one that Spaniards participate in together, and if they win, they win together.

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noims says...

That's amazing stuff, but the timeshifting and bobbing camera completely ruined it for me.

I know some of those moves would have been too hard to see in real time, but there are better ways of making them more visible.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

TheFreak (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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