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Romney bragging about Bain Capital days and factory in China

swedishfriend says...

Especially unpopular among religious people. It is NOT admirable. It isn't a choice. I just feel that way and so does almost everyone else, they just don't realize it. Most people especially in the USA are taught to hide their emotions, to ignore and to bury so they never learn how to use those feelings intelligently. They get scared for no good reason or when they hurt they attack instead of cry, etc. How much time does the average American spend letting their feelings flow and thinking about what the trigger was or how to react to them vs. the amount of time they spend learning to walk and talk and the cultural stuff while remaining basically emotional infants for their whole lives. No matter how logical and rational you try to be your feelings and emotions will always color the conclusion you come to or the course of action you take so you better get to know yourself better or be at a serious disadvantage and a liability to others.>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^swedishfriend:
I have boundless love for everyone and every thing. I will speak out against unfairness even if the target is a horribly messed up person. I also don't like taking sides since I see the flaws in people and understand why they act like they act no matter how horrible I feel those actions are. At most I will take the side of love, fairness and truth. A side far too seldom championed.

I think that is admirable, swedishfriend. Here you are following Gods second greatest commandment, which is to love thy neighbor as yourself. This is fundamentally, to see every person as worthy of love and respect. This can be a very unpopular position because of the unforgiveness in peoples hearts. However, hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness for people is like poison that you pour for someone else, but you drink it. These are heavy burdens and destructive to the psyche. Time doesn't heal all wounds, in fact often it makes it worse, but forgiveness is a healing balm which brings a measure of peace to a troubled heart. Forgiveness is an essential component to unconditional love. Unconditional love is sacrificial. Jesus said that man had no greater love than this, that he would be willing to lay down his life for his friends. Do you agree?

Romney bragging about Bain Capital days and factory in China

shinyblurry says...

>> ^swedishfriend:

I have boundless love for everyone and every thing. I will speak out against unfairness even if the target is a horribly messed up person. I also don't like taking sides since I see the flaws in people and understand why they act like they act no matter how horrible I feel those actions are. At most I will take the side of love, fairness and truth. A side far too seldom championed.

I think that is admirable, swedishfriend. Here you are following Gods second greatest commandment, which is to love thy neighbor as yourself. This is fundamentally, to see every person as worthy of love and respect. This can be a very unpopular position because of the unforgiveness in peoples hearts. However, hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness for people is like poison that you pour for someone else, but you drink it. These are heavy burdens and destructive to the psyche. Time doesn't heal all wounds, in fact often it makes it worse, but forgiveness is a healing balm which brings a measure of peace to a troubled heart. Forgiveness is an essential component to unconditional love. Unconditional love is sacrificial. Jesus said that man had no greater love than this, that he would be willing to lay down his life for his friends. Do you agree?

USA Gymnast's Parents - Roller Coaster Ride Reaction

chingalera says...

Wound tight: Living vicariously and obsessively through their daughter.....Look like perfectionist wackos filled with more neurosis than a ship's bilge is full of bacteria. I would use this footage to teach a psych 101 class.

Poor girl.

No objective morality without God

VoodooV says...

but why does your brain tell you that murder/rape is bad?

maybe because there have been plenty of death BECAUSE of religion. we've witnessed first hand the horrors of murder and rape. Eventually you develop this thing called empathy. You cease to think about only yourself and start thinking about how your actions affects others and empathize.

Basic survival also tells us not to hurt others. Sure when we were barely above the thinking capacity of animals we saw other humans as competition. Hell, part of our psyche still does. But as we, gasp, evolved, we learned that working with other people instead of competing yields better results and thus, increases odds of survival.

morality without a god. pretty simple when you start asking questions instead of blindly submitting to outdated beliefs.

Guy gets shot by cops during a riot at LA Art-Walk 7/12/2012

holymackerel013 says...

Beanbag rounds are a "less than lethal" option for law enforcement. Most policemen don't like shooting and killing people. There are cases like when a person gets extremely drunk or high and begins running around with a knife. At some point they might lunge at a person or the police, forcing the lawman to shoot. Cases like that are why beanbag rounds were invented. They are NOT meant for crowd control! I am a psych tech and worked with a patient who had been shot by one. He was involved in a standoff with police. He was holding a knife and threatening to kill himself. after negotiations failed, they shot him with the beanbag and he instantly dropped the knife and complied. The round shattered his kneecap & the tissue around his knee was black and purple. Those rounds are no joke!

Buck (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Yes I'm a vegetarian.

I haven't attacked anyone [stabbed my family] yet because I haven't reached that emotional state yet. Hopefully, I'll never be put in that state.

But if I were driven to harm another person, assault with a firearm would be one of the most deadly ways to do so.

My implication is that:
While YOU may be very responsible and level-headed because of your view that state sanctioned gun ownership is a privilege. [I think that's what you think]

All these Nascar loving, mud-truck drivin', shotgun toting patriot gun-nuts in "The America", with respect for the military and authority and bureaucratic laws, believe that gun ownership is a right.

They might go thru the proper channels to obtain a license.
But what does that matter if the majority of owners have no discipline.

They just buy a gun to shoot shit.
Not prepared when they accidentally murder a person while trying to intimidate him or her.
Not prepared when their child gets a hold of it and accidentally kills a sibling or a friend.

Lastly. Are a Homo Sapien? Cause if you are.. you're an ape.
In reply to this comment by Buck:
I'll respond better when I'm home but can you answer these two questions for me?

Are you a vegetarian?

And, what is stopping you from stabbing your family to death?

And while I've been called an ape and a criminal I continue to try and be polite. I do thank you for your dialog, It seems to be an emotionally charged topic for you. I also don't think we'll ever see eye to eye; but isn't it better for opposing thoughts and ideas to be talked about, than have one or both party's in ignorance of the other?

I do agree Arizona's requirements are weak, in Canada we have to have a psych test and have our spouses and ex girlfriends all contacted as well as have no criminal record and we need references as well to be approved for a license.

I'll respond to your recent post tonight or later. But again thanks for the dialog.

Hotel California (?) - Mike Masse and Jeff Hall

Lady Speaks about LGBT protection ordinance

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^jwray:

If she does this regularly, somebody should have helped her get help. Ignoring and playing along with the insanity isn't helping.
>> ^skinnydaddy1:
Usually I end up with a strong dislike of city councils or groups like them in general. The viciousness and petty squabbles that erupt in these groups are often blown far out of proportions to the issues that instigated them.
That being said. I honestly am finding it strange that this city council has earned some respect from me.
They know of this lady's illness but continue to allow her to speak in front of them and do not hinder her in any way.
From the article,
"She usually speaks twice a month during the council's open mic sessions, where citizens can talk for up to five minutes on any topic. The council sits patiently until she is done."
Had she been doing this in Dallas Tx, or any of the surrounding cities I have no doubt that she would of been forcibly removed and banned from returning. More likely causing even more damage to her psyche by adding the idea that she is being prosecuted for her ideas and beliefs.
Hats off for this city councils understanding and patients.

Please read the article.

Now to point out one quote from it.

"He said her family has tried to get her help multiple times, but unless she harms herself or others, there's not much more they can do."

Being Ill does not remove a persons rights. Its easy to say "Get her Help or she needs help" but unless she is willing to receive it there is not much anyone can do. It's no so much as playing along as it is just being respectful.
It also does not hurt anyone just to be polite.

Lady Speaks about LGBT protection ordinance

00Scud00 says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

Usually I end up with a strong dislike of city councils or groups like them in general. The viciousness and petty squabbles that erupt in these groups are often blown far out of proportions to the issues that instigated them.
That being said. I honestly am finding it strange that this city council has earned some respect from me.
They know of this lady's illness but continue to allow her to speak in front of them and do not hinder her in any way.
From the article,
"She usually speaks twice a month during the council's open mic sessions, where citizens can talk for up to five minutes on any topic. The council sits patiently until she is done."
Had she been doing this in Dallas Tx, or any of the surrounding cities I have no doubt that she would of been forcibly removed and banned from returning. More likely causing even more damage to her psyche by adding the idea that she is being prosecuted for her ideas and beliefs.
Hats off for this city councils understanding and patients.

Or, they're all just having a laugh at her expense. I find this all really humorous, and yet I can't help but feel a little bad for laughing.

Lady Speaks about LGBT protection ordinance

jwray says...

If she does this regularly, somebody should have helped her get help. Ignoring and playing along with the insanity isn't helping.

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

Usually I end up with a strong dislike of city councils or groups like them in general. The viciousness and petty squabbles that erupt in these groups are often blown far out of proportions to the issues that instigated them.
That being said. I honestly am finding it strange that this city council has earned some respect from me.
They know of this lady's illness but continue to allow her to speak in front of them and do not hinder her in any way.
From the article,
"She usually speaks twice a month during the council's open mic sessions, where citizens can talk for up to five minutes on any topic. The council sits patiently until she is done."
Had she been doing this in Dallas Tx, or any of the surrounding cities I have no doubt that she would of been forcibly removed and banned from returning. More likely causing even more damage to her psyche by adding the idea that she is being prosecuted for her ideas and beliefs.
Hats off for this city councils understanding and patients.

Lady Speaks about LGBT protection ordinance

skinnydaddy1 says...

Usually I end up with a strong dislike of city councils or groups like them in general. The viciousness and petty squabbles that erupt in these groups are often blown far out of proportions to the issues that instigated them.

That being said. I honestly am finding it strange that this city council has earned some respect from me.
They know of this lady's illness but continue to allow her to speak in front of them and do not hinder her in any way.

From the article,
"She usually speaks twice a month during the council's open mic sessions, where citizens can talk for up to five minutes on any topic. The council sits patiently until she is done."

Had she been doing this in Dallas Tx, or any of the surrounding cities I have no doubt that she would of been forcibly removed and banned from returning. More likely causing even more damage to her psyche by adding the idea that she is being prosecuted for her ideas and beliefs.
Hats off for this city councils understanding and patients.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

berticus says...

Sooner than that.. next beta weekend!

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
IKNOWRIGHT?!?! Game w/ me when it comes out?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,

I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.


@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 22nd, 2009" class="profilelink">enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.



berticus (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

IKNOWRIGHT?!?! Game w/ me when it comes out?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,

I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.


@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 22nd, 2009" class="profilelink">enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.



berticus (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I just read this article this morning...then I read your comment and remembered you're a psych guy, right? You seem to be on the psych kick as of late, are you finishing up a masters or PhD by any chance?
In reply to this comment by berticus:
The sad, cold truth of things is that there are some severely autistic children who engage in the most horrific self-injurious behaviour, and aversive punishment is the ONLY treatment (in conjunction with a broader treatment plan, naturally) that works. And yes, it DOES work.

I'm not talking about kids with minor problems. I mean the ones who will do things like smash their own face into the ground over and over until they lose so much blood they pass out. The ones who will, left to themselves, die.

Positive punishment is horrible. But, it's either that, or let these kids maim or kill themselves (or possibly others) through their behaviour.

(I make no comment regarding this specific incident, I just want you to know the issue is far more complicated than this mind-bite would have you believe.)

Shout out to anyone planning on playing Guild Wars 2 (Videogames Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Is.. is that an option?
>> ^berticus:

hah! actually i'm flagging d3. the beta was fun though, thank you
>> ^gwiz665:
And in 9 days, Diablo 3 will donkey punch you into playing that as well. I hope you've enjoyed your social life so far, because it will end soon.
>> ^berticus:
I caved and bought GW2 and managed to play a few hours in the beta weekend.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I recommend everyone go immerse yourself in as much footage/reviews/commentary/gameplay/whatever of this game that you possibly can. (e.g.,
I am so psyched now. Arenanet just seems to be doing EVERYTHING right. The world is alive, in a very real sense. You can play the game how you want to. The combat is active and skillful, not click+repeat. The events are dynamic. The list of things that make this game incredible just goes on and on and on.
@enoch it's certainly not just pvp focused -- but the pvp is going to be insane. I was worried about it when I first heard about gw2... It seemed like they were getting rid of the incredible pvp from gw1. But no, in fact, they've just made it even better. People are raving about how great WvWvW is, and structured PvP looks to be more 'classical'.

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