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bioshock infinite - beast of america trailer

probie says...

System Shock 2 is my #2 game of all time (only beaten by the original Half-Life) so when Bioshock came out, I was really psyched that I'd get to return to that FPS/RPG style of gameplay. I thought they did a lot of things great in Bioshock (the art style, the graphics, the story, the physics and mechanics of the gameplay), it's always the things that didn't make sense to me that stick in my mind first whenever anyone brings it up. Vending machines that sell ammunition? (That never made much sense to me in SS2 either.) Psychic abilities that summon......bees? They're little things, but it's always stuff like this that breaks the immersion for me. Anyone else like that?

Pretty Hula Hoop Part Deux

chingalera says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^chingalera:
Dubstep has the capacity to set up some fundamentally deleterious vibrations in a human body at high volumes. Been to quite a few venues in my city, varied settings, and most have one thing in common: Poor sound engineering and too much Db for the space....
The evolution of Dj's styles goes hand in hand with the kind of durgs available and popular nowdays-Less pot and hallucinogens and more pharmaceuticals and bathtub amphetamines has created an evolutionary path for the sound. The music was more creative and ethereal, beneficial to the psyche when the majority of the crowd were high on natural drugs.
The genres' turning to complete shit IMO, sort of like rap and hip-hop did (although in a much shorter amount of time) and this time I blame the drugs first, and the idiots who abuse them next-
Dubstep it seems bees morphing into an un-listenable schizm whose fans are as hollow and vapid as the creativity it takes to rub two cuts together and drop an angular, hypnotic beat in the "release all bowels" range of hearing

You could just say, "I don't like it." No need to get all hipsterish on us.

Gad. I had no idea my opinions could be considered hipsterish!!.....i feel like I need to wash now

Pretty Hula Hoop Part Deux

Stormsinger says...

>> ^chingalera:

Dubstep has the capacity to set up some fundamentally deleterious vibrations in a human body at high volumes. Been to quite a few venues in my city, varied settings, and most have one thing in common: Poor sound engineering and too much Db for the space....
The evolution of Dj's styles goes hand in hand with the kind of durgs available and popular nowdays-Less pot and hallucinogens and more pharmaceuticals and bathtub amphetamines has created an evolutionary path for the sound. The music was more creative and ethereal, beneficial to the psyche when the majority of the crowd were high on natural drugs.
The genres' turning to complete shit IMO, sort of like rap and hip-hop did (although in a much shorter amount of time) and this time I blame the drugs first, and the idiots who abuse them next-
Dubstep it seems bees morphing into an un-listenable schizm whose fans are as hollow and vapid as the creativity it takes to rub two cuts together and drop an angular, hypnotic beat in the "release all bowels" range of hearing

You could just say, "I don't like it." No need to get all hipsterish on us.

Pretty Hula Hoop Part Deux

chingalera says...

Dubstep has the capacity to set up some fundamentally deleterious vibrations in a human body at high volumes. Been to quite a few venues in my city, varied settings, and most have one thing in common: Poor sound engineering and too much Db for the space....

The evolution of Dj's styles goes hand in hand with the kind of durgs available and popular nowdays-Less pot and hallucinogens and more pharmaceuticals and bathtub amphetamines has created an evolutionary path for the sound. The music was more creative and ethereal, beneficial to the psyche when the majority of the crowd were high on natural drugs.
The genres' turning to complete shit IMO, sort of like rap and hip-hop did (although in a much shorter amount of time) and this time I blame the drugs first, and the idiots who abuse them next-

Dubstep it seems bees morphing into an un-listenable schizm whose fans are as hollow and vapid as the creativity it takes to rub two cuts together and drop an angular, hypnotic beat in the "release all bowels" range of hearing

Death Penalty For Rebellious Children? -- TYT

criticalthud says...

>> ^Lendl:

Again, I must ask (again and again and again)...

most residents of the USA are infected with the "SPECIALNESS"

the idea that we are each unique little snowflakes, made in the image of God and of whom God is with at all times, and citizens of the City on the Hill: the shining beacon of light and good amid the darkness of the world and all of those evil things that dwell there. And that we are so authentic, original, and entitled.

I think we could also call it the Puritan Ethos, but it is not specific to england and the US. so in general, I think "the specialness" may suffice.

and it is a fundamental flaw in the psyche of species, mirrored around the world in different cultures in different degrees and by different names. and it is the root cause of almost all stupidity and suffering.

DIY spider projection. Giant spiders crawling all over.

chingalera says...

Yeah, this is about the sickest shit I have seen this year in the realm of projection DIY. Brilliant and bizarre. This simple project will wreak more terror into passing motorists with certain phobias....OMG, talk about yer damaged psyches for miles!!!

TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

criticalthud says...

i grew up with a pretty gnarly scoliosis. Body language that wasn't strained or uncomfortable was nearly impossible.
Most of us have distortion in our spines that effects who we are, how we move, and how we present. Perhaps you do not, but ignoring the physical realities of the species to pretend that how we are perceived is mostly a conscious choice, is understating the matter.

>> ^draak13:

Dude...this is what happens when physicists think they're neurologists.
You should write up a proposal on that fiend of gravity idea and send it in to NIH. You could propose an experiment to replace the actual science, real observations, and real experimental work that she went through. You could describe how the solitons traveling down the neural pathway are intercepted by the higgs field, causing the altered hormone levels and improvements in interview scores that she observed. You could then go on to say how all of that was not an idea worth spreading, because surely nobody would benefit from performing better in interviews and presentations.
Come off it, man. This was the best TED I've ever heard, and everyone who listened to it, except for you, is a better person for it.
>> ^criticalthud:
Our neurology dictates our tendencies, which includes our structure and our posture.
Amy -a good try from a psych/freudian perspective but this is probably not an idea worth spreading.
a better idea worth spreading is that your neurological system is a pressure based, fluid system that is still trying hard to adapt to being upright, and in the process must deal with a myriad of pressure distortions within that occur as the body, over time and trauma, distorts in the field of gravity.

TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

draak13 says...

Dude...this is what happens when physicists think they're neurologists.

You should write up a proposal on that fiend of gravity idea and send it in to NIH. You could propose an experiment to replace the actual science, real observations, and real experimental work that she went through. You could describe how the solitons traveling down the neural pathway are intercepted by the higgs field, causing the altered hormone levels and improvements in interview scores that she observed. You could then go on to say how all of that was not an idea worth spreading, because surely nobody would benefit from performing better in interviews and presentations.

Come off it, man. This was the best TED I've ever heard, and everyone who listened to it, except for you, is a better person for it.

>> ^criticalthud:

Our neurology dictates our tendencies, which includes our structure and our posture.
Amy -a good try from a psych/freudian perspective but this is probably not an idea worth spreading.
a better idea worth spreading is that your neurological system is a pressure based, fluid system that is still trying hard to adapt to being upright, and in the process must deal with a myriad of pressure distortions within that occur as the body, over time and trauma, distorts in the field of gravity.

TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

criticalthud says...

Our neurology dictates our tendencies, which includes our structure and our posture.

Amy -a good try from a psych/freudian perspective but this is probably not an idea worth spreading.

a better idea worth spreading is that your neurological system is a pressure based, fluid system that is still trying hard to adapt to being upright, and in the process must deal with a myriad of pressure distortions within that occur as the body, over time and trauma, distorts in the field of gravity.

Grad School Scam

Mitt Romney turns his back on a medical marijuana patient.

kceaton1 says...

And NOW, with the current situation in play and we now know how Mitt feels for a vast swath of America. He most likely ALSO hated this person in a wheelchair for being disabled too.

Really there isn't a way to defend him unless you have truly given up your intelligence and given fully into opinion and ignorance, because it makes your stomach more "fuzzy".

Too many people now in America need to wake up to the reality of what this world REALLY IS! There isn't a unicorn. There isn't a mystical force stopping rape pregnancies. There isn't a magical non-person free-market that just regulates itself into pure equality and use for all. There is no Gods, which leaves you with a SERIOUS question NO MATTER WHAT FAITH you belong to, is there a God at all? The two-party setup is a mere cultural and sociological play of what is essentially a difference in people's fundamental psychology. Though we like to pretend conservative or liberal values are MORE than they really are, they are illusions created by our minds--as fake as any religion other than YOURS... That last word, really, really should mean something to somebody that doesn't quite get psychology and the absolute BLANKET and hallucinatory world it can proceed to give to our brains that is just as real as reality--so if you understand psychology is a POTENT little thing that runs our lives...

Mitt is just as lost as everyone else. Not only does he do what his idiotic psychology tells him to do, completely being an ass. But, he is fully unaware that he is FULLY inside the grip of ignorance and his own self-created ego trip. That is why it is so utterly hard to reach any of these people and talk to them about a TRUE compromise or negotiation. They just say the words and nod their heads, but you never truly got through to a person that understands themselves OR more importantly reality, even to the smallest extent.

This is why education is so vitally important, because we MUST give our kids the tools necessary to be able to make the final leap in self-consciousness that for some reason so many seem to never get there and get sidelined in the various vices of life--or more precisely the mind and your psyche.

Some people are just a record, playing in a loop. The rest are playlists, with thousands, or perhaps hundreds of songs. BUT, the people that UNDERSTAND are the people that can design the program that makes the playlists and moreover they make the music that those with the playlists or the record listen to. THAT is the difference.

They are the ones beckoning to you to LEARN, not to CHANGE, but to LEARN! Change will come when you see like they do...

Mitt had no reason to be like that. Something tells me if Mitt truly ever talked a mental health professional he would be diagnosed with something... Just my guess (like narcissistic personality disorder--but, I'd have to see even more of Mitt to be certain).

Video Challenge: Nostalgia (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...


Hey I'll up the ante on this here cun-tess: The winner shall receive a never been worn nor washed, Videosift T-Shirt (XL) from the wayback machine, the one that choggie won when he won the viddy contest of his own design.....
Collectors's item, you say?? A bit of sift-history you say?? I think SO!

My gift back to the community of carpetbaggers and scallywags who sound the depths of their own psyche to cause me undo pain and duress during my trudge here on the ball....xxoxvercas௺xx has to sign off on this though, my offers' legit.

*Only thing is, you have to trust me to mail your item discreetly and maybe divulge your physical locale (personal references available upon request)....Otherwise I could mail it to a third party you trust and they could get it to yas....(for those too paranoid to piss outside).

-May the best Sifter's shit stack slips!

*Don't worry: I've been trusted to mail drugs (outside the country) to other users here with no complaints

"YIKES.......Back In A Bit, Forgot To Turn Off The Oven!!"

Why Pixar Movies are Secretly about the Apocalypse

brycewi19 says...

>> ^chingalera:

Hey folks, I don't feel entitled and I fucking hate adverts over videos and guess why??
Because the techniques that advertisers use to hawk their wares insults and disgusts me considering the quality of all but the simplest of the crap available to human beings. Advertising is an insidious and continual affront to your consciousness and a waste of resources both human and monetary. i COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON like this for hours as to the "cons" of the vile trade-As to of you those who defend the institution and practice of bombarding the collective psyche with the shit???...Well, the tone your only defense seeeems to include some piety regarding some "necessity" for such a continual assault, simply because of the old adage, "You don't get something, for nothing." In this case, we get pretty much nothing in the form of entertainment(four dweebs sitting around talking geekster shit about nothing very interesting), and for the guy here who got the ad???....Some fucking commercial for mouthwash or a car.
When the internet is off, I'll find something else to do.

Or you could get adblock and/or not watch the video in the first place. There's ways to avoid the evil advertising.

Why Pixar Movies are Secretly about the Apocalypse

chingalera says...

Hey folks, I don't feel entitled and I fucking hate adverts over videos and guess why??

Because the techniques that advertisers use to hawk their wares insults and disgusts me considering the quality of all but the simplest of the crap available to human beings. Advertising is an insidious and continual affront to your consciousness and a waste of resources both human and monetary. i COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON like this for hours as to the "cons" of the vile trade-As to of you those who defend the institution and practice of bombarding the collective psyche with the shit???...Well, the tone your only defense seeeems to include some piety regarding some "necessity" for such a continual assault, simply because of the old adage, "You don't get something, for nothing." In this case, we get pretty much nothing in the form of entertainment(four dweebs sitting around talking geekster shit about nothing very interesting), and for the guy here who got the ad???....Some fucking commercial for mouthwash or a car.

When the internet is off, I'll find something else to do.

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