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Why I Don't Like the Police

SDGundamX says...

Please watch this video and tell that guy about how it is just "hyperbole." By the way, the department that cop belonged to is still calling it a justifiable taze.

lantern53 said:

Cameras might be a good idea, but how many people will sit around watching the thousands of normal interactions between POs and civilians?

I agree that busting down doors for marijuana and shooting dogs is a terrible thing and should stop. Meth labs...might be a different story.

I read a book about a cop in the Rampart area of LA...they had runs involving shots fired every week. Under those circumstances you develop a different mindset.

In the book Hell in the Pacific the author talks about how they used to just bayonet the Japanese instead of shooting saved bullets. I for one cannot imagine bayoneting a person, but under those circumstances, otherwise normal people did terrible things.

Anyway, you can't just tase a person because they refuse to provide identification. That is hyperbole.

Buttle (Member Profile)

To Protect & Serve - Best Cop Dashcam This Month

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

chingalera says...

Well I disagree, wouldn't exactly call it 'reasonable'......lantern53 is coming from a position of familiarity with the fraternity though he's quite honest in his motivations for his addictive love for his chosen 'profession', as it provides that calming "rush" of the constant stimulus of adrenal secretions to feed those over-ramped receptors that his habit constantly demands.

He's career, so his attitude ain't gonna change much folks...

He's admitted that he'll 'play-ball' in a courtroom situation to save his job and pension, and plays the frat card again when someone suggests that 'all cops are criminals', which they obviously are (especially in the United States) to any reasonable individual, oh and, when faced with being judged by a reasonable public standard by the people he's allegedly pledged to protect and serve, he'll 'judge' them by a similar, opposite standard, when he sees himself threatened with a realization that they could in fact, be correct in their judgements.

Typical. Programmed, frightened and confused, American, cop.

Yeah man, you night wanna check your shit and decide whether-or-not you're one of the bad ones?? Because you sound like the worst example of so-called 'law-enforcement' to this sinner.

If it squeals like a pig, smells like a pig.....

(Oh, for all you youngsters whose hippie-parents now work for the machine, the term "pig" was used as a derogatory and appropriate euphemism for the police back in the 60s when that dick-less generation failed to shut-down the runaway freight train of human subjugation in the United States.)

bmacs27 said:

@lantern53 Honestly, you are coming across as very reasonable right now, and clearly you come from a position of direct experience. I'd like to know a bit more about your opinion.

What do you think the police could do to strengthen their public image? Clearly, the institution is not as respected as it should be (that is, it is widely maligned), and I agree, good cops too often get ignored. Do you suppose their poor public image has more to do with a few bad individuals, or is there a more systemic problem possibly with the organization of local departments? I suppose it could also have to do with the laws they are asked to enforce, e.g. marijuana prohibition is notoriously unpopular potentially breeding distrust of law enforcement more generally.

As a follow up, how do you feel concerns about a crooked PD should be handled? Do you trust IA to handle these sorts of allegations for the most part, or are concerns about the "blue wall" justified? Can you think of a better mechanism for enforcing good behavior among officers? Should we just tolerate violent criminal activity in law enforcement because it is rare, and we should "take the bad with the good?"

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

@ messenger-The solution lies in a combination of radical reform of policy, and that can only happen if people stop following the programming of the people who pay for elections firstly. Then, you educate the hell out of people at a grass-roots level of just how deep the rabbit hole goes i.e., the insidious cabal of those who would profit from incarcerating more and more people to prop-up their money-making scam of larger and stronger law enforcement infrastructure, the inhumane prison industry which is billions of dollars annually. Profiteers who breed future criminals in prisons, and ghettos. It takes people actually giving a fuck about their society instead of thinking that they are safe ans secure with more police.


Police are made-up of dangerous, self-loathing and damaged individuals who are recruited for the sole purpose of building the infrastructure I described with protecting and serving very, very low on their not-so-hidden agenda.

The power-keepers and their fanatical putsch should be glaringly obvious to anyone with a TV, the internet, and an I.Q. above 100.

"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac.

Heed the words of a brilliant statesman and thinker, and of similar, modern contemporaries.

I don't have much hope for it, I have expatriation written all over my forehead in big red letters. Hardly a place to go anymore, the entire world is jumping on board to the 'occupy everything with police and military' route.

Cops are criminals, plain and simple. Continue to believe to the contrary and watch how fast the shit gets non-linear.

Cop Car Runs Over Skateboarder!!!

Cop Fired for Speaking Out Against Ticket and Arrest Quotas

MilkmanDan says...

I've been friends with a lot of law enforcement types and basically all that I have known personally have their heads on straight like this guy seems to. They take the whole "protect and serve" thing seriously.

But, it seems like the larger a place gets the more opportunity there is to divert things into this profit-based direction. Not to say that small towns would be immune, but the likelihood is lower. I feel sorry for this guy losing his job, but I think if he was willing to move and put out some resumes to small towns, being very upfront about being fired and what he believes caused it, he could land on his feet someplace where his attitude would be appreciated instead of disapproved of. Sometimes it sucks when the answer is "don't like it, move", but I think that might be his best bet.

Is California Becoming A Police State?

chingalera says...

I have serious issues with authority of any kind, especially uniformed thugs employed by cities or counties. The state of law enforcement in America is absurd-I do not believe you can remain a cop with noble ethics or morality; YOU WILL compromise any noble intentions you had to"protect and serve" eventually.
I never give police factual information when I do not absolutely have to. I will of necessity or impulse, reaction or response, engage injustice when I see it, regardless of personal safety or violation of statutes.

I don't know you, don't strike a woman in my presence: I don't care if she hit you first and don't need any "whys", I won't stop pummeling you until you are unconscious.

I have met about 5 fair cops in the hundreds I have ever had to engage.

Sorry porky, you chose a douchbag profession. Sorry Velocity5, I suppose I simply don't have my "life" together enough to appreciate Mr. Badgy. I do however get wood when I consider the noble fireman or EMT. Used to hang out at the firehouse with my son once a week in Durango. You can't "hang out" at a police station....If you did, some dickhead would start asking questions and probably arrest you for loitering. Fuck the PO-Leece.

arekin said:

If that is the context then the person on whom the cops were called could simply let the cops in, verify that no one is in danger, and then request the cops investigate the asshole who is calling the cops on false pretenses. It is after all a criminal offense to make a false call. However, when you refuse entry in what could be an emergency because you want to stand on principle, you are asking the cops to act in a fashion of utmost precaution and kick your door down to make sure that there is not a women locked in your basement that you and your wife are keeping hostage. The cops had probable cause and no judge in the country would argue that seeing this video. The officers where very clear as to why they were demanding entry.

NYPD Claims No Duty To Protect Citizens


Jon Stewart Addresses Russian Dashcam Videos

probie says...

Just remember to take them off when dealing with any law enforcement, if your state already has rules in place regarding videotaping cops. Can't have you recording what's going on then...gotta "protect and serve" them, not you.

entr0py said:

I can't wait until Google Glass is released and people have their face cams running at all times. Gawking at Russian drivers is not enough. I want to gawk everything and everyone.

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

liverpoolfc says...

Agreed, the guy is an arsehole. A condition of having a license should be you are prepared to submit to random drug and alcohol testing while operating a motor vehicle, don't want to do that then very simple, don't drive.

What if this tool was wasted, able to hide it well and kills a car load of people a kilometre down the road. The police would be crucified for it.

This guy is a selfish prick and giving a bad example for potential drunk drivers to follow.

Police are there to protect and serve and this dipshit decides to be uncooperative because he can.

UC DAVIS Occupy Protesters Warned about use of force

enoch says...

the only way and i mean the ONLY way a peaceful protest by way of civil disobedience will EVER get any traction is by clogging the machine ie:blocking business,traffic and everyday functioning of not only government but everyday business.
this is not my opinion but historical fact.
martin luther king.
vietnam protests of UC.
civil rights protests.
the triangle shirtwaist factory and the consequent protests for labor and the fight for unionized labor.
and these are just a few examples off the top of my head.the list is massive and does not only pertain to america but in america we have the RIGHT to assemble and the RIGHT of redress.
these protestors want to be arrested.
they want the state (in the form of police) to overstep,brutalize and abuse their authority in order to get the message out by way of conflict made violent by the people sworn to protect and serve.
every time the police (be they individual or enmasse) perpetrate violence on peaceful protestors that protest swells in numbers in a matter of days.
this was evident in the 1920's and it is evident today.

the problems of understanding arise when people give their power over to the powerful.they acquiesce to the very powers seeking to disempower them.
so we get things like "free speech zones" which are far away from the very thing being protested and most certainly no where near any business or government functions.

this is not a lib/repub issue but an american issue.for decades the government has slowly chipped away at our civil liberties and given more power to itself.this is what governments do,this is what ANY powerful institution does=keep itself relevant and IN power and the ONLY thing power fears is?
the people.
again,not my opinion but historically accurate.

this is about challenging authority.
you say that when a policemen gives a "lawful" order to disperse that should be the end of it.
i say:i question your "lawful order" as it hinders my right to assemble and give my government a redress of my grievances.
that policemen is ordering me to give up my right of redress and that is a right i will not give up.the authority of that policemen has been bestowed "by the people".the very government in which hands down orders to that policemen has been elected "by the people",and they were elected to create laws and govern "for the people" and when that machine no longer "serves the people" it must be resisted in the only way that has been known to work:
shut down the machine,
because "the people" are not multinational corporations with deep pockets who can influence legislators by way of lobbyists.we cant purchase the kind of time that a corporation can to make our case to a senator or congressmen.we cannot influence public opinion by way of tv commercials or entire networks.
but we CAN sit and stop traffic,or slow the flow of business and THAT is when they take notice.
and the response is always the same:
and if that doesnt work?
if that fails?
co-opt in any way possible (see:tea party)
cant co-opt?
oppress,bully and intimidate by authoritarian means.
(guess which stage we are in now?)
and if that fails?

Oakland Solidarity March in NYC W/ Sgt. Shamar Thomas

Phreezdryd says...

One chant I'd like to hear would be "To Protect and Serve!", or anything like the "Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect!" mantra of the police they were yelling back at them as they treated protestors like criminals.

NYPD cop records evidence of quotas--Retaliation

Yogi says...

I think the worst part is they got one of the very few good cops who wouldn't put up with this illegal bullshit to quit. They are there to protect and serve US! If they don't wanna do it they don't have to, I'd be glad to pay more taxes and pay cops more if they were held accountable. Honest Cops!

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