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Doc Rivers

newtboy says...

What anti gun legislation do you mean? All I know of is closing a few loopholes that allow people legally banned from gun ownership to obtain them anyway without background checks. I disagree that that is anti gun legislation, and across the board background checks are something a vast majority think is proper.

There's plenty of misinformation on this topic floating about. Is there other actual legislation in the works, or just rumors of other legislation the left will enact....and only according to the right?

Mordhaus said:

I'll be voting Republican for all except Trump. I'd vote Libertarian but that is a wasted vote. I would vote Democrat, but they are hard set on anti gun legislation and I don't agree with some of their fiscal policies. I support abortions and a lot of the rest of the things they are for, but they lose me on gun laws and fiscal policy.

My views really match those of they guy on The Newsroom, the one Jeff Daniels played.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He clearly suggested something totally illegal, you call it playing the media.
Again, subverting democracy doesn't cross your line if it triggers some liberals. Unbelievably unpatriotic, antidemocratic, and anti American.

It's not a flaw if they catch them all, which is easy since everyone has a personal serial number for mail in or in person, checked before the ballot counts. Trying to vote a second time is a felony, no matter your reason.

He did say vote twice. Mail it in, then go check if they counted it yet, and if not vote again. That's a felony, I think it's a felony to tell people to do it. He's hoping to invalidate the election, or at least set up an excuse in case he loses. Massive fraud. No matter that it's by his direction.

If you're going to in person polls anyway, why would anyone try to mail in too except to try to vote twice....there's no reason besides to attempt fraud, no matter what you say.

It could lead to cheating, but not successfully. Because your mail in vote hasn't been scanned yet doesn't mean it's not delivered. When the massively understaffed polls have time to scan all the ballots, which may take days or more if the post office can't handle the load, as long as they're postmarked before the deadline they count. They'll catch the double voters that tried to cheat the system as he's suggesting. Getting caught doesn't make it a non crime. Don't play stupid.
If I steal your wallet but you catch me and get it back, I still stole it, didn't I. I'm sure you agree if hundreds of my friends and I mob rob a store and get caught, we still stole, right? Saying we were just checking their security isn't an excuse, is it? Looters are just checking the security levels in their areas so it's fine, right?
Same goes for double voting. If two ballots reach the county office for counting votes that one person cast, they're a felon in most states, just an unpatriotic enemy of democracy and a criminal in a few. I'm just checking to see if it's possible to get away with isn't an excuse for crimes.

I only hope that anyone caught R or D not only gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but loses both votes not just one, and their right to vote. That only seems proper, wouldn't you agree? They're criminals, felons trying to subvert democracy. At least Trump is stupid enough to spill the beans on this scheme in time to put extra safeguards in place. I hope that includes tent prisons to house you all.

Testing the security of an election as a private citizen in any way that ends in casting your vote twice is illegal everywhere.

Of course, the FEC is intentionally understaffed so even if this obvious, open ploy to cheat by Trump leads to massive voter fraud as a campaign feature, they're powerless to even determine it's criminal much less charge anyone, it's been that way Trump's entire term, intentionally. He hasn't tried to fill the empty seats. He needs them toothless so he can safely cheat and steal.

bobknight33 said:

He played the media. He got them to show the faults of mail in voting.

Also he did not say vote twice. He said to mail in you vote. Then on election day see if you could vote at the polls, implying that if you vote was pre counted you would be on the rolls.

Media clearly pointed that out hence showed at least 1 flaw which could lead to cheating.

Hydroxychloroquine, evidence of efficacy

newtboy says...

Every double blind study done has proven zero positive effects and many negative side effects.
Every study indicating benefits have been combination drug treatments or non scientific studies of anecdotal data. Not double blind studies of hydroxy alone.
Every double blind study of hydroxychloroquine by itself has shown no effect on covid and many bad outcomes unrelated to Covid....there are multiple properly designed studies that confirm this.

More junk science from idiots who can't understand science but insist Trump knows more than doctors.

Tldw so no downvote, but I'm sure it deserves one.

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

newtboy says...

Likely not.

You're saying there's video of him being chased from his gun toting friends by one guy with a pistol? For blocks? And none of his friends helped him at all? That might change my mind completely....but only if they essentially dragged him away, not if he followed along arguing, and if they physically forced him away from his friends, why didn't his friends try to help?

Again, I'll need some evidence of the pepper spray to believe it, because the videos of him running he wasn't acting like a person who had been pepper sprayed, not that it would excuse killing someone else, and I'm assuming the spray came after the first homicide.

(Edit: if the pepper spraying happened, and happened before he shot, then he has zero excuses for any of them. He couldn't see, so had no idea what was happening around him, who threw what, what was thrown, or who he was shooting. You can't see after being pepper sprayed. That makes every shot fired attempted murder of any random person in the area, not self defense. To be self defense, you must know who and what you're defending yourself from. If he was sprayed, he couldn't possibly know, nor could he properly aim.)

A plastic bag mistaken for a Molotov? Not by any American kid, all boys over 7 know what a Molotov looks like from movies and video games, they don't resemble empty plastic bags.

I think you're being biased. I may be too. I'm not excusing any threatening acts by protesters before he killed one, but do excuse any acts committed trying to apprehend him afterwards. (Edit: anything they did at that point would be real self defense, not just in their own minds.)

I can't find any way to excuse him, from going armed looking for trouble to leaving his group where he felt safe to mistaking a harmless object for a deadly one and killing someone out of fear to running away armed to shooting at his pursuers to not reporting it, every act indicates intentional murder and an attempt to escape. He might have had a reason, he may have even feared for his life, but he had no real reason, put himself in the situation that scared him, and opened fire for no GOOD reason.
Children often do things for bad reasons, that's one reason they shouldn't be let loose with firearms unaccompanied, especially not in high stress events like this.
It's not that he had no reason, it's that his reasoning was flawed on all points. He had no legitimate reason, and no legitimate excuse.

Btw, in case you don't recall, I'm not anti gun at all. I am anti armed groups traveling the country intent on killing unarmed people they disagree with, even if those people are being mean and scary, even if they're stealing. If they're committing arson, well maybe, that can be mass murder.

If you find a still live version of him being chased by armed protesters away from his friends, or threatened, I would be interested in seeing them. I find it impossible to envision. It's not that I'm not open to new info, it's only that I've seen none that excuse his killings.

(Edit: I'm looking at it like this....If a 17 year old kid wants to do extreme mountain climbing with little to no training, gets on the mountain and gets panicked and, thinking it will make him safer to have two ropes disconnects his partner's harness and they die, he had a reason, but not a legitimate reason, and not an excuse. This kid wanted to do extreme policing totally untrained, he panicked, people died because of his panicked actions. It's really that simple to me.)

Mordhaus said:

We aren't going to agree on this.

Like I said, I can't find all the videos because people are taking them down as fast as they go up, but it wasn't just some random person who fired, it was someone in the crowd that came after him for defending the store. These were not peaceful protesters, they were violent and had already attacked him before he fired, first with pepper spray and then charging and throwing an unidentified object at him that many thought was a molotov cocktail until it was later found to be something else.

If you think I am being deluded, so be it. But I did the best I could to show you as much evidence that I could find that he isn't just a gun vigilante that opened fire for no reason. You can't seem to move from your viewpoint that he is. Sorry.

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

newtboy says...

Sorry,but someone who's identity is supporting gun carriers isn't likely to give an unbiased report, but I'll read the Newsweek.

It makes zero sense that he's somehow blocks away from the parking lot he went to protect when he shot the man that threw a plastic bag in the head. How on earth did he get chased from his well armed group? I read reports that he was loudly arguing with the man he shot first, among others.

Shot fired in the he didn't know who shot, from where, at what. Nothing. Might have been his fellow militia trying to chase away the crowd, right?

I've seen the video of him running, pointing his gun randomly, falling, shooting, and people risking their lives trying to take an active shooters weapon. Stomping someone running and gunning from a murder is acceptable imo. Shooting him with a handgun is ok if he doesn't submit to citizens arrest.

I have to agree with Bosuie. You do not have a right to murder people who are trying to stop you from fleeing a murder you just committed.

If he hadn't continued to try to flee, armed and aiming randomly, they wouldn't have had the need to use physical force to detain him. He did, they were all being good citizens trying to stop a murderer, imo. Restrained and totally within their legal rights.

So, the illegal firearm was on militia boys side, and militia boy used his.

Militia kid went looking for trouble, found it, panicked, murdered a few people and tried to kill a third, and fled the state without telling the police. He was not trying to do the right thing running towards police, he was trying to escape the crowd he had just shot at.

I don't think I said the mass looting and rioting were all fake antifa, I'm saying many of those starting it are. The ones who wander into peaceful protests and start smashing glass or starting fires, swinging at protesters that try to stop them, and running. The ones doing drive bys on police and crowds of protesters. The multiple cases of groups caught with bombs planning to blame blm for bombing police or schools or government buildings. Those are fake antifa boogaloo boys, right wing terrorists. They are nation wide, and they are trying hard to instigate rioting and looting, usually successfully.

In Kenosha, the violent killers were right wing. The looters, not so much. In that instance, no boogaloos needed to spark rioting, just more unarmed black men shot 7 times in the back feet from their children served nicely, the unarmed black man murdered by police near there 10 years ago didn't even get investigated, just ignored.

Again, chasing an active shooter and trying to disarm him is bravery and honorable. Shooting a baggie tosser isn't

The glok, not sure why you think it being loaded gets you excited, they don't work unloaded, wasn't used, and obviously should have been in self defense.

He was defending himself, against being caught. He wasn't defending himself when he left his defensive position to go blocks away and shoot an unarmed man with a plastic bag.
He put himself in a dangerous position, made it far more dangerous by murdering someone because he got scared over a baggie, then murdered his way out. I say he was 100% wrong from the moment he left home looking for trouble he could solve with his rifle, and made every bad decision he could from there, resulting in two dead men and a third injured.

Yes, I never expect you to make things up, but you took a position that seems deluded, based on facts I have not heard mentioned one bit, and that were mostly irrelevant, just throwing dirt at the victims. I see that some of what you said is corroborated by reports, but not that any of it excuses one bit of his behavior or makes the protesters in the wrong one whit. Thanks for the links.

If he was looking for help from police, why didn't he ask for any when he reached them? Why didn't he report the shooting? No, he went home and hid, hoping no one could identify him.

Again, doing whatever is necessary to apprehend a violent felon by citizens arrest is legal and proper, which is why I say emptying the glok would have been the right move until he was disarmed and subdued. Hitting him with a skateboard, 100% proper and legal.

Fibre. It’s how we internet now.

newtboy says...

I went in the late 80's. Nicest people I've ever met, with Iceland a very close second.
Both made me feel depressed about how Americans act. By comparison, we are a group of uncivil toddlers.

Edit: my favorite story that exemplifies this was from a hot spring we visited with a dozen concrete pools on a hillside, one emptying into the next. Two groups of kids were playfully throwing pebbles at each other from one pool to the next when one, about 12, stood up and in the most calm voice and proper enunciated English said "Excuse me, but I would appreciate it if you would stop throwing stones.", and they all stopped. We just couldn't imagine that working with American kids, they would all target the complainer. It was quite a lesson on how civilized they are, and how far behind American manners have fallen.

Khufu said:

I have family there, and lived in Sydney, Aus for a while and worked with lots of Kiwis, they were great.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You are wrong

yet another example of voters not getting their voting mail

Least you forget that mail in ballot, the democrats want so badly is not the same as absentee ballot. There is a proper proecess for absentee and none for mass mailing vote by mail.

where the check and balance of the mass mailing?

Also Trump not giving $ for this Democrat push is not election rigging or anything else.

newtboy said:

1) you never said I was wrong, as usual, when your nonsense was challenged, you just went silent, later trying to move on to different topics but never addressing your claim about known cases of Democrats cheating, committing vote fraud...and still not producing a single one.

2) it's never up to me to corroborate your lies and misconceptions, I take zero responsibility for that. If I choose to contradict them, with as much evidence as I see fit, that's my choice. Remember when Republicans were about personal choices? I member.

3) again, so now I know it's intentional, when asked for evidence of Democrats committing vote fraud you come up with another article about Trump intentionally defunding the USPSand his cronies dismantling the systems they've used for years so vote by mail can't work because, as he said, if everyone voted, there would never be another Republican elected, in the process destroying the mail system so checks, medicines, important documents, etc can no longer use the USPS for anything that can't be delayed 6 weeks. That is not proof of Democratic voter fraud, since you seem confused, it's proof of Republican fraud.

Try again, you're failing miserably, actually making my case stronger in your efforts.

BTW, Trump has until today to prove the non existent vote by mail frauds or his case to stop Pennsylvania from going vote by mail is tossed, which is why they hit Pennsylvania hard with USPS degradation, removing 650+ sorting machines nationwide that sorted >21 million pieces of mail per hour, 10% of their capacity when they need to be expanding, now being done by hand at much greater cost and far cut costs how?

Emoji Shortcodes Now Available (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Okay all post descriptions should now be properly emojified.


lucky760 said:

Just realized this is enabled in comments, but not in post descriptions. 😮

I'll get that resolved straight away. 😊

Warden/Executioner interview-Charlie Jones

BRUTAL TRUTH About Democrat-Run Cities

00Scud00 says...

Actually many Democrats are like this too, you know who delivered the finishing blow to many welfare programs? Bill Clinton, these days both establishment Repubs and Dems try to keep the focus on social issues, things rich people don't care about but are a great distraction for the masses.

You wan to know how fucked we are as a species? Tell someone it's cheaper to give homeless people homes rather than put them in jail and watch them flip their shit when someone else gets something for free that they don't. They'll happily put them in jail and pay for it because at least that way they get punished for being poor.

We are well and proper fucked.

moonsammy said:

Crime stems from poverty and deprivation (and greed, but those aren't the sorts of criminals Rand McRandface is talking about).

Poverty and deprivation can be addressed through social services.

Republicans typically gut social services.

I know in my state we'd be much better off with more useful social services and better-funded schools, but every damn time republicans get control of the Governor's office or the legislature, they cut social services statewide. So the areas that most need those services suffer regardless of who they may have elected to local leadership. When dems manage to get back into control they reform things a bit to provide extra funding to social services, and things improve for a bit. Then republicans get back in, etc yadda wash rinse repeat.

So yeah, democrats tend to be elected in population centers, because for the most part they seem to actually want to help people. The current Republican philosophy seems to be "lol shutup poor people are stupid figure it out fuckers." I'm perfectly happy to examine any evidence to the contrary (by which I mean policy positions advanced by republicans that actually help improve the lives of most people).

Karen, Please Just Wear A Mask

Phooz says...

I suspect the gal that doesn't wear a mask or underwear because "things gotta breath" does so because she doesn't like the smell of her own shit breathe and her "you know what" probably smells like..... wellllllll you get what I'm saying.

Also did I use breathe and breath properly???

How it Starts

newtboy says...

Had he said anti fascist, he would have gotten 1/5.
To be honest, 1.5/5 because I do support some level of socialism, but I know he's talking the failed Venezuela style of absolutist dictatorial socialism where a totally corrupt government simply nationalized industry then mismanaged the nation into bankruptcy, not the kind we already enjoy in America that creates and funds our infrastructure, social services, military, and in fact our government that rarely converts private holdings to government property (stealing people's land for Trump's fence notwithstanding), that coincidentally is also leading the nation into bankruptcy due to criminal mismanagement.

Antifa is not really the same thing, it's barely a thing, and exactly what it is or isn't isn't a game I'm getting sucked into, it's a trap.

People can claim it's anything and pretend it's your (or my) responsibility to prove them wrong, but antifa as a movement (there is no organization by that name) is so open, disparate, unfocused, and undefined (imo all by design) that saying you stand with or against them only opens yourself to accusations of supporting anything under the sun (including the multiple acts of terrorism perpetrated by right wing extremists masquerading as antifa) with no clear defense. I'm not playing that game.

I am definitely anti fascist. I reserve my opinion on antifa until it's properly defined, which is likely never.

ForgedReality said:

EVERYONE should be anti-fascist, but Trump supporters LOVE fascism. So there's that...

(Antifa just means anti-fascist, idiot.)

LA Coroner Defies Sheriff, Releases Andres Guardado Autopsy

vil says...

Its not about the apples.

The institution itself has to be set up so that it drops bad apples and keeps and rewards good ones.

Also there seem to be too many similar institutions, none of them caring for their apples properly. Even if an apple does drop it can climb right back into another tree. Unless it has a reputation of being a troublesome apple. Like one that snitches on other apples.

Skunk Family Using Crosswalks in Niagara Falls

The Walk.

newtboy says...

No, it's not.

Part 1: It's exactly the same gradient in both videos...probably the same exact ramp.
This is not a wheelchair ramp, which is what your ada numbers represent. If you're going to mock the video, you should at least get your ramp type right.

Part2: Where's the comparison video of Trump slowly struggling to climb this ever so steep ramp? A 3' rise in nearly 40' is not steep unless you are severely disabled. (BTW, that's about a 4.3 degree ramp, a 7.3% slope....those stripes are about 1.5' wide, and the stage floor is only two stripes up from ground level. Again, if you're going to mock the video, at least get your numbers close if not right.).

Apples to apples then, 15:20- 15:30.
Joe jogs, Trump barely thinks he can.

Or feel free to compare Trump's "run" at the end (the only "running" we've ever seen from him) with this then ...

Part3: Yes, Trump already described this event, and his description/explanation was nearly identical to yours....just like @bcglorf said. I'd say his 100% is close, Trump may have used a different arrangement of words but he said exactly the same thing.

Your implications are apparently that you think Trump is healthy, as healthy as Biden, and the media is making his poor health up. That is demonstrably false by any metric. Biden is old as fuck and my second to last choice from the Democratic field (Clinton is my last choice), but hands down Biden beats Trump in vigor, cognition, stability....just about any measure of health, mental or physical, that I've ever heard of except possibly the ability to deceive.

BTW, sarcasm could totally be interpreted from your comment. You deride the numbers given then offer your own random numbers that are exponentially farther off, and give a nonsensical excuse that this isn't a proper wheelchair ramp, how could an able bodied man possibly walk up and down it!? Many people assume nonsense like that will be taken as a joke, so refuse to use the sarcasm button.
Again, if you want to deride other people's facts, you should get yours's about a 4.3 degree ramp, not 11.

harlequinn said:

It's an 11 degree ramp, not 3, which is over 2 times the gradient allowed (as per the ADA). And the ADA requires ramps of this sort to have handrails.

Where's the comparison video? I.e., Biden coming down the ramp.

Part 1: the video portrays mocking. If they're going to mock someone, they should at least get their numbers right, otherwise they're no better than Trump and his continual exaggerations (e.g. it's like them saying "and it was the least steepest ramp in the world, and I've walked all the ramps of the world, more than anyone else").

Part 2: if they're trying to be funny by comparing two things then you have to, you know, compare the two things. So where is the video of Biden coming down the ramp? I want to see Biden cartwheel down the ramp like a champ.
Part 3: "I can 100% expect Trump, if he ever sees the clip, to respond exactly as your comment did", except for the fact that Trump already described this event (walking down the ramp) in this video. So you better check your 100%

BTW, there is no dilemma - no sarcasm was implied or could be interpreted from my comment, and there is a little sarcasm check box that remained unchecked (just to be sure). On the other hand, I fully expected someone to try to diminish my comment, because facts always get in the way of a good story.

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