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Party trick: skinning a watermelon

Mao, the cat, eating a banana. "Mao loves bananas !!"

AeroMechanical says...

Cats like the weirdest things. One of my cat loves potato chips. Doesn't matter which kind or what flavor, though Doritos are his favorite. Oh, and Combos. He will attack me to get at my Combos (again, doesn't matter which kind). Gummy Bears too. I'm guessing he ate out of dumpsters a lot before he became my cat. Doesn't like tuna, though.

Arizona Rattlers Football-Dancing Player

MilkmanDan says...


...well... I suppose that if I'm being honest, for me that one thing made the video fun in addition to the sexualized dress and movements of the attractive women, simulating sex acts for me to ogle and lech at.

I was highly offended! (that the video seemed to be recorded with a potato rather than a camera, preventing me from enjoying my leching in higher-quality HD glory)

eric3579 said:

He's not part of the team. That is very disappointing. Thats the one thing that made the video fun.

Real Time - Dr. Michael Mann on Climate Change

Asmo says...

As a person who has solar on their roof, our bills have shown a slight decline (and I live in a tropical location with no obscuring of the panels), but that doesn't offset the cost of production (both in labour and energy input which is mostly supplied by carbon based sources). I run a 6 KW/h array which is slightly overclocked as we are capped at 5 KW/h input to the grid (at 8c KW/h sell, 36c KW/h buy). I'm looking at a ROI in ~11-15 years

There are also many studies (and not just from people who are pro nuke or anti-climate change) showing that solar PV in general, and rooftop solar specifically, is small potatoes in terms of energy returns, even when considering possible future gains in panel efficiency and storage technology.

I am not bashing solar because I don't like it, I spent the money to get an array on the roof because I think we do need to do something, but I'm not kidding myself in to believing that we're saving the planet when the vast majority of solar PV going out these days is manufactured in countries that emit enormous amounts of carbon and pay people peanuts to do the work... When, as you say, solar is heavily subsidised or has rebates offered to drive take up.

Nuke is expensive, but it returns far more energy than is invested to build it. Hydro, similarly (although Cali etc shows why hydro might be a dead end in this changing world climate). We can invest an enormous amount of time in half measures, or we can do it right, at least until we crack large scale fusion power production.

If it worked as well as it's hyped to do, huzzah, happy days. But so far, the boom is mostly hyperbole. At the very least, f#ck off subsidies/rebates etc to households and instead build huge solar PV farms with helio tracking arrays which make a better return on energy invested and basically give far more bang for buck. Or sink it all in to wind and cut back on PV. It's a feel good technology with hidden baked in carbon costs that is lulling us in to a false sense of security.

newtboy said:

As a person who has had a solar system on their home for 9-10 years, let me say you are WAY off.
First, my system paid for itself in savings in under 8 years, and I missed out on a lot of rebates available today. My system should have another 10 years before I need to do major maintenance, by which time there will almost certainly be cheaper, better units to replace mine. In short, my system will save me from paying for around 10-11 years of energy costs, or to put it another way, 1/2 of my energy cost for a 20 year period.
I absolutely hate reading people talk about how bad solar is, and how it's not economically viable, when I know they are 100% wrong on those points from personal experience, not from anecdote and third hand miss-'information'.

Second, on top of the savings, I also saved thousands of dollars on lost groceries because my refrigerator doesn't stop working when the power goes out, which happens here around 1 week per year on average. My lights never go out, unlike my neighbors.

Spongebob bass pants

New Comic Con Deadpool leaked trailer

Porsche 919 Hybrid onboard Le Mans T.Bernhard #17

Lava Steak

Ashenkase says...

Next time they should use long tongs instead of the flipper. Whatever they do don't put potatoes on that... even if they are poked... boom... hot potato salad.

Cord Cutters Unite! (User Poll by dag)

ant says...

I am between (closer to no). Ever since I moved last year, I can't get all the local broadcast channels OTA with all types of antenna. My rural nest is blocked by trees, small mountains, giant hills, etc. Basically, it is on the wrong side to get transmitters' feeds compared to my previous nest. So, my family had to get cable.

As for online Netflix, it doesn't have everything like the new episodes, sports, etc. and I don't watch many (movie/film)s (prefer on demand payments to rent). Hulu bugs me with their repeating commercial breaks (even as Plus members!). I hate ad(vertisement)s hence why I block, skip (record!), etc. ~22 minutes out of 30 minute episodes and ~42 minutes out of an hour episodes! That's a lot. Also as a chair (no couch) potato, I watch a lot of stuff including Internet's like on VS (VS is my tube too) and am in control!

Region blockages suck, but we have Internet. There are ways around them if you know how.

Pedestrian bridge is built for safety

the Millennium Falcons look was a last minute design

Interstellar - Honest Trailers

How to Become Gluten Intolerant

So you want to go fishing like a boss?

So you want to go fishing like a boss?

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