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omg!... omg!... omg!...HOLY SHIT!

sillma says...

Filming with a potato can be tricky though, sometimes you can't be sure of the alignment before you actually check the footage back at home.

Payback said:

I'd run away too if I was being filmed vertically.

What if the World went Vegetarian?

transmorpher says...

Go vegan instead
IT'S EASY! Just take a few weeks to get informed, don't jump into it. Read the books suggested below.

Vegetarian is a nice thing to do, but it should be really be only a stepping stone on your path to fully plant based diet. Plant foods are hearty delicious foods like pizza, burgers, lentil shepherds pies, pastas. You just swap out one or two ingredients that are from an animal origin, add more spices/herbs and you have a filling & healthy meal. You can stuff your face, and lose weight, lose the type 2 diabetes and heart disease as well. It's win win.

What many vegetarians don't know is that the milk and dairy industries are often more cruel, than farms that just use animals for meat, and often they are also intertwined. For example, for a cow to produce milk, it must be pregnant. Where do all of the offspring go? Veal if they are male. Or they become milking cows if they are female - destined to be constantly impregnated for their short 4-5 year lives until they die of exhaustion, or can no longer produce milk from exhaustion, and turned then eventually into meat. There are plenty of videos online where a cow gives birth and the calf is dragged away by it's hind legs. They both cry out to each other for days until they're voices give out.
Also cows milk GIVES people osteoporosis because it siphons out calcium from your bones, since it is so acidic. If you measure the amount of calcium in a glass of milk, let someone drink it, and then measure the calcium in their urine, then the urine contains more calcium than what went in. And it's being leeched from the bones.

It's a similar story for chickens. Male chicks get thrown into a grinder ALIVE. Because they're no use if they can't lay eggs.

The toxic waste produced the by milk and egg industries (animal poo etc) destroys environments.

The antibiotics used to keep all of those animals of course ends up in the environment and it will eventually make a super bug which medicine cannot kill.

The job loss portion seems silly, since anyone farming animals is capable of farming plants like rice, potatoes, wheat and grains etc. Those are some seriously nutrient and energy dense foods, and very efficiently produced, and very healthy. Carbs have just gotten a bad reputation thanks the Atkins people. And well we know that Atkins died of a heart attack, he had a history of heart attacks infact. He died overweight.

It is much easier just to go "cold turkey" for 3 or 4 weeks, and become completely plant based since it means your taste buds will adjust and you'll never crave animal products again. Everyone wins, the planet, your health both physical and mental, and of course the animals.

There are plenty off great books with recipes that are familiar and hearty that can help people get started, it's easier than you think. Books such as:
The Starch Solution, Dr. John McDougall.
Negative Calorie Effect, Dr Neal Barnard.
Power Foods for the Brain, Dr Neal Barnard.
Engine #2 Diet, Rip Esselstyn.

Sausage Party -Red Band Trailer

Shepppard says...

The whiskey is also Indian, The taco is Mexican, the Twinkie is gay, There's an Arab looking falaffel in there, the baby carrots are children, The Bagel had a new york accent, and if there isn't Canadian maple syrup or back bacon in there, i'll be shocked.

But yes, please, lets focus on the Irish potato.

ChaosEngine said:

Hah! that irish potato was fucking hilarious.

You know, the same way it's hilarious when we see jews as moneygrubbers and black people as ignorant fried chicken loving morons!

racism is fun!

Sausage Party -Red Band Trailer

gorillaman says...

Waaah! Everything is offensive!

Waaah! That potato is racist!

ChaosEngine said:

Hah! that irish potato was fucking hilarious.

You know, the same way it's hilarious when we see jews as moneygrubbers and black people as ignorant fried chicken loving morons!

racism is fun!

Sausage Party -Red Band Trailer

French Fry Rap

newtboy says...

Those are really more like French Baked Potatoes. Fries are fried.

Mayo and mustard, mixed, on fries?!? BOOOOO.
If catsup or ketchup aren't your thing, try sour cream. Once you go creamy, potatoes are dreamy.

The Carrot Harvester

bremnet says...

They've sure come a long way... we used to use our old chain driven potato harvester to dig up carrots after a slight modification. With potatoes sitting in a hill and the tops killed with spray before you harvest, it's a little easier as the front blade just cuts through the hill and you sift out the taters with a series of metal belts and a shaker tray, with one or two folks standing on the sideboards tossing out the rocks, dead animals and rotten ones. To do the carrots, we welded a modified ridging plough blade ahead of the scoop to break the land and free up the carrots, and up the conveyor they'd come. Had to move along a bit slower because the tops sometimes got snagged or bunched, but it worked pretty well, and was easier on the back. The potato harvester we had was built in 1928, lots of cast iron parts but held together for at least 46 years.

Adam Ruins Vitamins!

MilkmanDan says...

I think it would be hard to find a control group of modern people who *don't* get the "proper daily amount" of most vitamins; or at least the "proper daily amount" times 7 each week. Ie., maybe there are people who live off of hot pockets and potato chips for a few days at a time, but eventually they are going to go out and eat something that coincidentally contains plenty of the vitamins to cover for the days that they were eating the modern equivalent of hardtack.

Not that it couldn't be done, and not that the results wouldn't be interesting -- maybe getting trace amounts of vitamins daily really would have better long-term health effects than getting larger amounts of vitamins every few days or once a week. But it would be *really* hard to accurately pare down a study to that single variable.

Mordhaus said:

Kind of glossed over some things. Yes, in many cases vitamin supplements are only needed if you have a poor diet or other condition interfering with your required levels. Yes, Vitamin C is not going to cure a cold.

But, there are still studies being done that show it 'might' have a long term effect on cancer if you get your minimum daily requirement. There are also studies being done on other vitamin usage for long term disease factors.

So, while you really don't want or need to overdose yourself with vitamin supplements, it doesn't hurt to make sure you are getting the proper amount daily either by eating healthy or taking a supplement to fill in what you do need.

Then again, it is the tagline that he ruins stuff, so I can see why he would leave it a bit vague for comedy.

Alton Brown reviews kitchen gadgets

gorillaman says...

I looked up potato ricer on wikipedia, because wtf is that, and it said they "resemble a large garlic press", so then I clicked through to garlic press because that's what you do, you click every link, and there's a line that reads "Alton Brown has expressed suspicion about them on account of their having only one function."

Alton Brown reviews kitchen gadgets

Alton Brown reviews kitchen gadgets

gorillaman says...

I increasingly want to be Alton Brown's friend and hang out with him at his food castle.

There are unitaskers that are in wide and successful use in the kitchen. The potato peeler for example. I mean, you can use it on carrots as well but it basically does one specific thing. The garlic press is generally considered to hold merit. I'm certainly never going to do that thing where you press down hard with the flat of an extremely sharp kitchen knife on an irregularly shaped clove of garlic.

Hot Shots! Part Deux: Chicken Arrow

Wheel of Fortune "Self Potato"

Eric Idle from Monty Python: "I like Chinese"

Retroboy says...

I like russians
I like russians
Half the world is what their country spans
They like red and they're hairy and they're not "muricans"

I like russians
I like russians
You never see them having tans
They drink vodka, make caviar, and are hockey fans

I like russian food
As long as the waiter's not nude
It's made from potatoes that they grow all their lives
The girls are quite pretty and make great trophy wives

(and so on)

vil said:

Imagine an analogous song about "russians"

Party trick: skinning a watermelon

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