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    Videos (49)     Sift Talk (2)     Blogs (1)     Comments (145)   

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

volumptuous says...

>> ^spoco2:

So.. yeah... That's why I don't like the iPad. For what it's MARKETED as, it's shit.
For all the other things you could use it for over and above that... it's nice tech

Ahhh, so the truth comes out then. It's what it has been marketed for that bugs you and a lot of other people.

My only question about that is, Why Do You Give One Shit?

I mean, marketing is the very last thing I ever pay attention to in anything that I purchase. Hell, the entire hacker manifesto is based on using things the way you want, to achieve something other than its intended purpose. Marketing is the darkest form of evil, in my book. (Cue Bill Hicks rant about marketers). But then again, I don't have cable television, so I never see any advertisements anyway, and even when they're online, I just don't watch them.

I'll quickly debate your points:

1- Emailing/Typing - Yes, it's a bit awkward at first, but then again I learned the weird graffiti language for PalmOS back in the day, and we all learned T9. Putting this thing on my lap at an airport isn't the best experience ever, but it beats the hell out of using my phone, or having to lug a laptop around everywhere.

2- Movies - Again, it's not as awesome as my 52" 1080p at home. But it's not supposed to be. It's a smaller screen, and maybe not your ideal aspect ratio, but again, in bed or on the train it's a hell of a lot better than a laptop.

3- Photos - Yep. It's awesome, and I'm an avid photographer. Thing looks stunning.

4- Books - Again with the traveling thing. Being able to carry 100 books on a plane is fantastic. Doesn't beat an actual printed book, but it's a fanastic in-between.

5- Web - You and I can argue about Flash all day (I used to use Flash to build websites too, even worked on one of the very first Flash cartoons ever, through Macromedia/Spumco) Sometimes it's a bummer you can't watch a video, but I just change my browsing habits. I don't really miss Flash at all. Again, this is while traveling, or sitting in my garden, where I just read some blogs and visit videosift, respond to some emails, etc.

But, these are all complaints you have with the way Jobs likes to run his marketing. Me, I just don't pay any attention, and figure out how these bloody things can be integrated into my life. Again, I don't care one shit if the thing has an Apple logo, a Dell logo, or a freakin' McDonald's logo. Just give me the technology and I'll use it the way I want.

btw: This is all coming from a jailbroken T-Mobile iPhone PineApple user.

How To Stop A Runaway Toyota Prius - The NSFW Way


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'This is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno, pineapple' to 'nothing to see hear, move along' - edited by thinker247


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'This is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno' to 'This is Pornographic, lesbians, nightmarish, orgasm, energy, porn, porno, pineapple' - edited by choggie

Grenade Detonates In Slow Motion

rottenseed says...

>> ^zor:
It could be a plastic flash bang 'grenade' for all we know. Or a grenade that uses loose shrapnel and a soft body. I guess the grenade we all think of as the basic grenade is the pineapple shape cast from iron or steel. It will crack like ice and will not appear to expand without breaking even in the very slowest motion because it is a very very hard metal.

Right. The whole premise of those is to break at the seems sending hard metal square shrapnel in all directions.

Miss Platinum - Give me the food

Grenade Detonates In Slow Motion

zor says...

It could be a plastic flash bang 'grenade' for all we know. Or a grenade that uses loose shrapnel and a soft body. I guess the grenade we all think of as the basic grenade is the pineapple shape cast from iron or steel. It will crack like ice and will not appear to expand without breaking even in the very slowest motion because it is a very very hard metal.

iPad - MadTV (2006)

choggie says...

I heard cootch......I always hear that word...yer right though, but pineapple is a more apropo euphemism, wouldn't you agree?

Never heard a vajayjay referred to as a peach before.

50 Movie Trailers In 4 Minutes

Sagemind says...

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Babylon A.D.
Sherlock Holmes
Death Race
The Uninvited
Max Payne
Fast & Furious
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
Midnight Meat Train
Ninja Assassin
Twilight Saga: New Moon
The Final Destination
Race to Witch Mounta
Inglourious Basterds
The Box
Friday the 13th
Star Trek
Terminator Salvation
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The Spirit
Bangkok Dangerous
District 9
The Book of Eli
The Happening
(some Russian title)
Sorority Row
The Road
Angels & Demons
Jennifer's Body
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Pineapple Express
The Last House on the Left
The Haunting in Connecticut
Shutter Island


AudioMachine - Akkadian Empire
Groove Addicts - Zero Hour
Audio Network - Mars
AudioMachine - Lachrimae (VadoskiN DNB mix)
Wild Rumpus Music - Blame It on the Falling Sky 2.0
John Murphy - The Last House On The Left SCORE

Why Star Trek: Enterprise failed (Blog Entry by jwray)

Deano says...

I would start by saying that all Star Trek is rubbish.

It's got this built-in level of crapness that you have to tolerate if you end up as a fan. I actually view Voyager as a great guilty pleasure and the others can go hang apart from the TOS which at least was good old campy fun.

TNG was utter drivel for it's first three seasons and that's a long time these days. Even after that it was dull and only intermittently exciting. No way a show would last that long now. I just thank the folks who made BSG and proving that intelligent, entertaining SF can be made and broadcast.

Enterprise was the lowest of the low - it couldn't maintain it's low-tech premise (weren't they resorting to transporters even in the first episode!?) and it looked like they had no idea what they wanted to do with it apart from recycle the standard Trek premise. And the characters were uniformly forgettable. Even pineapple head in Voyager trumped them.

Seth Rogen on Letterman - Why you should NOT hug cops

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'late show, seth rogan, interview, knocked up, superbad, pineapple express' to 'late show, seth rogen, interview, knocked up, superbad, pineapple express' - edited by Ornthoron

The most awkward deposition question ever

Best Website Ever

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

I'm still feeling the effects of my fatigue so I went back to this blog post and started to read your dietary analysis. I started to get excited until a certain point I realized that the diet you've planned for me is typical to what I eat now. Other than I enjoy sandwiches, so I like to use bread at lunch and I enjoy eggs at breakfast. I'm going to try this a little more closely. Maybe cut out anything I have with "a nutrition label". We'll see how that goes.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
>> ^blankfist
Second, you need to eat less carbs. A low carb diet will slow you down for the first week or so as your body goes through keitosis.

I find it quite interesting that we have not only the same (correct ) views on political systems, economic systems, and human rights...but we have the same view on nutritional science. If I had to guess, I would say it must be the personality trait of "intellectual curiosity."

I digress...

rottenseed - take it from me, your friendly libertarian free-market economist nutritional scientist,

You are tired because you are
1. Not sleeping well
2. Not eating well
3. Overexerting yourself
4. Chemically/Biologically flawed

I'm going to take a guess and say 3 and 4 aren't the case, so heres my advice:

To improve sleep:
- Double check the sleep apnea (do you breath through your nose or mouth when sleeping?)
- Do you wake up throughout the night? Even if you are in bed for 8 hours, if you keep waking up you aren't getting good sleep. Try sleeping in a pitch black room - it will help you sleep soundly throughout the night.

To improve nutrition:
- I'm guessing you are on the typical American diet, 70/20/10 Carbs/Protein/Fat aka the fast track to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. While the long term side effect of this diet are quite fatal, the short term side effects aren't so great either: lethargy and lack of energy.
- Food is the most powerful drug known to man. The advice I'm about to give you will not only extent your life, it will increase your energy and happiness while you are alive. Heed this advice for even a single week and you will literally feel better than you ever have in your life:

1. Try not to buy anything with a nutritional label - so avoid flour, sugar, bread, rice, cereal, baked goods any thing which has a "Daily recommended value" listed on it.
2. Shop only on the outside walls of the supermarket. This means fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, beef, poultry, pork, and seafood.
3. Eat these foods 3-4 times a day in approximately the following ratios:

Meat: One serving the size and thickness of your palm
Vegetables/Fruits: One serving equal to what you can hold on both hands
Nuts/Fat: One serving equal to the size of your thumb

These are helpful guidelines, what you are aiming for is increase your dietary intake of protein to induce ketosis with sources such as fresh meat and poultry, increase your intake of monounsaturated fats with sources like olive oil, avocados, and nuts, and replace the glucose-spiking refined carbohydrates prevalent in an American diet with high-vitamin, low GI carbohydrates such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Try this for even 3 days, and you'll see a massive difference.

Fresh cantaloupe and watermelon
Smoked Almonds

Black Forest Ham
Mixed fruit (blueberries, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, grapes)
Feta cheese

16 oz grilled rib-eye steak
Green beans
Brazil nuts

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

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