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Major Goalie Gaffe!

Yogi says...

While the goal stood in the game and Philadelphia Union (keepers team) went on to win it was still ruled by the USSF to be an illegal play. Morena was distracting the goalkeeper and should've been given a yellow card for his trouble.

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

Dignant_Pink says...

>> ^Psychologic:
If you are upset about this setup then you should:
-Keep your house's windows unlocked... if someone has to break the glass to steal your stuff then they might get hurt.
-Make sure your alarm is turned off... loud noises could damage their hearing.
-Keep your house orderly... an intruder could twist an ankle in the darkness.
-Ignore missing property... pressing charges could result in jail time and hurt feelings.

when an uncle of mine was living in philadelphia, he would intentionally leave his car door unlocked, because he knew someone would just steal something from inside it, and this way they didn't break the glass. although, i think that was more about repairs than the thief's safety.

pigeon (Member Profile)

Geert Wilders brilliant speech

NordlichReiter says...

You know what? Fuck you and your point of view. Relax, I'm going to make a point. By saying something so rude, and stupid. I understand your point more than most.

Right. In the US you can say what you damn well please so long as they are not "fighting words". Directly calling someone out.

Now, here is where it is different: Fuck you and your point of view. That is an expression of my distaste for your position on the matter at hand. Had I said, Fuck You! Then you can construe that as fighting words. That is not, under the law correct free speech. You must put context with the situation.

However, context for saying Fuck You may be given by the situation at hand. If I were being wrongly accused of some wrong doing, and so frustrated that I yelled out "Fuck Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" then given the situation it can be construed as expression of your stressful state, and in Philadelphia is protected free speech.

So what he showed in the video, was by United States standards, freedom of speech and expression.

Just because it offends someone does not make it illegal free speech, and in fact it would be censorship to say so. Iran's leader came here and spoke his mind, but we did not silence him, and he isn't even a US citizen!

>> ^Mysling:
To me, there is a very significant difference between a person making use of his or her freedom of speech, and intentionally inflaming and entire people and hiding behind it. Geert Wilders isn't on trial because of what he said, but because he showed incredibly poor judgement in how he chose to say it.
While what he said may be "true", there are definately ways to say it that are both rational, well thought out and based on valid arguments. But when he instead chooses to make a movie based mainly on disgusting images and emotional porn, you have to wonder whether he truely wanted to tell the "truth", or simply wanted to poke at the bees nest to create publicity. If so, he has made a mockery of the freedom of speech he is touting to his defense.

TDS: Jon Stewart Rips the Hysterical Democrat Wusses

ReverendTed says...


To clarify:
John Stewart pwn'd this segment. Hilarious, concise, and well-dissected. "Hello, I'm ReverendTed. I'm a Republican, and I love John Stewart."

The Republicans pwn'd this election. Of all seats to win at this particular moment - Kennedy's.

The Democrats pwn'd the Republicans. Because the Republicans are celebrating the fact that they're no longer being absolutely dominated.

I'll say this: a Supermajority with an Executive of the same party is dangerous and damaging regardless of who is in power. The two party system is fundamentally flawed, yes, but when the parties know cooperation is necessary then things get watered down until they're palatable (or at least not patently offensive) to the majority of Americans - people who have nuanced and personal opinions about issues rather than the right-wing\left-wing party lines. The Democrats have crafted this health bill knowing that Republicans have been powerless to oppose it, and then accused the Republicans of partisan politics and refusal to compromise. "I live in New York, and you live in L.A., so let's compromise and meet in Philadelphia. What? You can't accept that? Well you just don't believe in compromise!"

Heh. Did I seriously just suggest that Americans have "nuanced and personal opinions" about issues?

The great PQ whoring-out (Sift Talk Post)

"I eat stickers all the time, dude!" (IASIP)

"I eat stickers all the time, dude!" (IASIP)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'always, sunny, philadelphia, charlie, mac, pear, stem, core, stickers' to 'always, sunny, philadelphia, charlie, mac, pear, stem, core, stickers, bozo' - edited by ponceleon

Arvo Part - Magnificat

How cooking shaped our evolution

handmethekeysyou says...

obscenesimian, I was genuinely surprised to hear Penn come to such a forward thinking conclusion. I've watched the majority of the Bullshit series, and he doesn't always come across as such.

Memory is something that is prime for offloading as far as our thinking goes. We have always been taking steps to do this. Storytelling is at the heart of humanity because it gives us a way to pass lessons on to younger generations. We developed written language to get stories out of our memories and onto something more permanent. In the modern day, we rely on written records scores of times every day.

To tie this into Penn's phone reference, how many phone numbers do you remember? The only two phone numbers I know that I've learned in the past 10 years are my current cell number and my office number. Beyond that, I remember my home number growing up, my aunt's number, and my best friend from high school's number. This is hugely beneficial. The effort I would need to exert remembering phone numbers is now available for other, more important tasks.

In college, we had only open book tests in my computer science program. The reason? At any time, if I need to know what the fastest sorting algorithm is, I can look it up and have the answer in 5 minutes. But if I need to figure out whether or not using a sorting algorithm is appropriate, more analytical and diagnostic skills are needed. Which is more important? I don't think it's debatable that knowing when it's appropriate to use something is more important than knowing exactly what that thing is. This is because it's easy to write down what the thing is, but in what situations it will be useful is a harder if not impossible job to write de facto laws on.

Someone with a poor education will attempt to win arguments by accessing facts online, but education doesn't teach you facts, which I think you're aware of from that statement. Education teaches you how to think. And you can't just pull out a fact and all of a sudden be right. Regurgitation of facts will never be a replacement for logic, experience, and education. I need to look facts up all the time. Yesterday I looked up statistics on shootings in Philadelphia. Do you think I could ever memorize how many there were in 2007, how many of those were of African Americans, and how many of those were of African American males? I could, but would there be any point to it? Probably not. However, the internet made those statistics available to me, and they were very useful for making a point in the discussion I was a part of at the time.

Thinking outside the human body is a wonderful gift. As interaction with this information becomes more seemless, we'll be able to offload more of the legwork to allow our brains to do what simple memory banks can't. Embrace it. It's one of the main devices that allows our silly little species to advance at the rate that we do.

Crazy Crackhead thinks BIG

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'crackhead, skateboard, music, naked, wtf' to 'crackhead, skateboard, music, naked, wtf, philadelphia' - edited by schmawy

Louis Theroux - Law And Disorder in Philadelphia

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'louis, theroux, philadelphia, law, disorder, BBC' to 'louis theroux, philadelphia, law, disorder, BBC' - edited by xxovercastxx

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Philadelphia (1993) - Movie Trailer

Philadelphia - Beckett Explains His Case

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