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ardentious (Member Profile)

Philadelphia Remodeling

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'remodel contractors, floor replacement, tile floor, basement remodel, floor, basem' to 'banned, redacted, in west philadelphia born and raised' - edited by rasch187

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Edeot says...

Why do I feel I've been vindicated with this post?

>> ^imstellar28:
Think liberty.
Statue of Liberty:
Liberty Tree:
Liberty Flag:
Liberty Coin:

Liberty Bell:
>> ^Edeot:
But when you think libertarianism, you have nothing to mentally fall back on.

<> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

LooiXIV (Member Profile)

NicoleBee says...

Wow, thats so bizzare and really quite insulting. Copyright laws are getting insane. (as if they weren't before, but I didn't think they could get worse.) It seems absolutely ridiculous to me that they wouldn't allow you to bring a Sketchbook to an Art Gallery

In reply to this comment by LooiXIV:
>> ^Fade:
I can walk into any art gallery this very minute, take a picture of any of the many works of art walk out and print out pretty reasonable copies of the work. I'm clearly not committing theft since the original stays where it is.

nothing against your argument but I just want to say that there are a lot art galleries who do not allow people to take any sort of picture. Including hand draw copies. I was in the Philadelphia museum of art and they wouldn't let me carry in a sketch book to this one exhibit because of potential "copyright infringement", stupidest thing ever I couldn't sketch my own interpretation of art. haha I really don't know what to make of such a situation...

Animator Nina Paley Sings 'The Copyright Song'

LooiXIV says...

>> ^Fade:
I can walk into any art gallery this very minute, take a picture of any of the many works of art walk out and print out pretty reasonable copies of the work. I'm clearly not committing theft since the original stays where it is.

nothing against your argument but I just want to say that there are a lot art galleries who do not allow people to take any sort of picture. Including hand draw copies. I was in the Philadelphia museum of art and they wouldn't let me carry in a sketch book to this one exhibit because of potential "copyright infringement", stupidest thing ever I couldn't sketch my own interpretation of art. haha I really don't know what to make of such a situation...

Speechless: A Moronic Christian Propaganda Series

HadouKen24 says...

Just watched the full video.

Eh... a hint of Christian propaganda, Smooman? The video is mostly fuzzy "Think of the children" crap (the main argument? Being exposed to homosexuality might make kids uncomfortable or even "perplexed.")combined with "homosexual agenda" conspiracy theory fear-mongering.

The trump card they brought out was the story of what they called the "Philadelphia Eleven." (Apparently trying to steal the thunder of the original Eleven) What the video fails to mention is that the courts found that they had committed no hate crimes. In their civil suit against Outfest, however, the courts dropped the case, finding that the police had been right in arresting them and removing them from the scene, as a result of their refusal to follow police instruction, their attempting to obstruct a legal gathering, and their deliberately antagonizing the participants of Outfest.

Other than that, what is there? Mayor Naugle faced criticism from gay men who apparently didn't like being stereotyped as regular participators in anonymous gay sex in public restrooms. (The video doesn't mention that the police spokesman came out saying that this wasn't a problem in the area.)

Some high school students apparently objected to being shown a video that portrayed homosexuality in a sympathetic light. There might be some Constitutional issues involved, depending on what the contents of the video are (though I'm inclined to doubt it), but I don't see how we could be reasonably called on to make a judgment.

The video mentions the Employee Non-Discrimination Act. This bill passed the House, but didn't make it through the Senate. For such a bill to pass, there will have to be an exemption for religious businesses. Except for that qualification, I can't think of any justifiable reason to oppose it. You don't get to kick gays out of your community by denying them the opportunity at a fair wage.

3 Cops Subdue 42 Year Old Woman on a Bicycle

Ryjkyj says...

A video released as part of a lawsuit against police in Millville, Philadelphia, shows an officer forcefully punching a woman in the face four times after he bungled an attempt to arrest her for riding a bike on the sidewalk.

As reported by NBC news, Sheila Stevenson, 42, has filed a civil suit (PDF), alleging police used excessive force, after then-Millville Police Officer Carlo Drogo stopped her one year ago on February 3 2008.

The newly released video shows Drogo attempting to use pepper spray on Stevenson while she is still on the bike, but instead spraying himself in the face.

As Stevenson struggles, a reeling Drogo knocks her off the bike and onto the ground.

Two more cops then arrive and haul Stevenson to the curb, one of them seemingly applying the full force of his upper arm onto her neck and head.

The same cop then thrusts his knee into her back twice, with full force, whilst attempting to handcuff her.

"I am not doing nothing," Stevenson screams.

"Put your hands behind your back," one of the other officers orders.

"Can you not do this? I'm not doing nothing! I'm not doing nothing," she wails.

Drogo, clearly in great discomfort from using his own pepper spray on himself, then approaches Stevenson after the other officers have restrained her and aggressively punches her in the face and head four times.

"Why are you hitting me? You're hitting me! Why are you hitting me?" Stevenson cries out. "Why did you hit me and I'm handcuffed?"

Stevenson was later convicted of resisting arrest. As noted by NBC10, Drogo resigned from the police department in October for undisclosed reasons. He has previously issued a statement defending his actions and maintaining that Stevenson's allegations represent a distortion of the facts.

Colbert Report: Nailed 'Em - Amtrak Photographer

Enzoblue says...

Funny this happened to me at the 30th st station in Philly, I was taking video though. The Amtrak security guy made me show him all the videos I took that day around Philadelphia, then he laughed and let me go.

Police shoot unarmed man, laying face down, in the back

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^sirex:
winston, find below required evidence of why your argument is crap.
PER 100,000
(1) Washington, D.C., USA 69.3
(2) Philadelphia, USA 27.4
(3) Dallas, USA 24.8
(4) Los Angeles, USA 22.8
(5) Chicago, USA 20.5
(6) Phoenix, USA 19.1
(7) Moscow, Russia 18.1
(8) Houston, USA 18.0
(9) New York City, USA 16.8
(10) Helsinki, Finland 12.5
(11) Lisbon, Portugal 9.7
(12) San Diego, USA 8.0
(13) Amsterdam, Netherlands 7.7
(14) Belfast, N.Ireland, UK 4.4
(15) Geneva, Switzerland 4.2
(16) Copenhagen, Denmark 4.0
(17) Berlin, Germany 3.8
(18) Paris, France 3.3
(19) Stockholm, Sweden 3.0
(20) Prague, Czechoslovakia 2.9
i've had this discussion with people on videosift before and cant be bothered getting into a flame fest about it again, but feel free to private message me and i'll link you up with a bunch more data.

You quoted some statistics, and this makes his argument invalid? Then you say, "Ive had this argument before". Appealing to past arguments as though they make you right, appealing to false authority.

Link to sources, bibliography. Until then your argument is unsustainable.

Your argument, is a very gentle Non Sequitur. It has no context, other than you had this discussion with another member. Also, linking to research does nothing unless you have good thoughts to go along with your quotes. Hence the confusion I have here.

Before you attack an argument make sure that you have your sources posted. Here is what I have from a Lt. Col. Dave Grossman Army Ret. Quoted from his book, titled On killing. "Lt. Col. Grossman a former army ranger and paratrooper taught psychology at west point is currently professor of Military Science at Arkansas State University."

The statistics are in here, and found by Interpol.

EDIT: I do realize that your comment is flame bait.

By the way, this was really a long drawn out appeal to authority. And also a plug for the book because I think it is good!

Police shoot unarmed man, laying face down, in the back

sirex says...

winston, find below required evidence of why your argument is crap.

PER 100,000
(1) Washington, D.C., USA 69.3
(2) Philadelphia, USA 27.4
(3) Dallas, USA 24.8
(4) Los Angeles, USA 22.8
(5) Chicago, USA 20.5
(6) Phoenix, USA 19.1
(7) Moscow, Russia 18.1
(8) Houston, USA 18.0
(9) New York City, USA 16.8
(10) Helsinki, Finland 12.5
(11) Lisbon, Portugal 9.7
(12) San Diego, USA 8.0
(13) Amsterdam, Netherlands 7.7
(14) Belfast, N.Ireland, UK 4.4
(15) Geneva, Switzerland 4.2
(16) Copenhagen, Denmark 4.0
(17) Berlin, Germany 3.8
(18) Paris, France 3.3
(19) Stockholm, Sweden 3.0
(20) Prague, Czechoslovakia 2.9

i've had this discussion with people on videosift before and cant be bothered getting into a flame fest about it again, but feel free to private message me and i'll link you up with a bunch more data.

Chair gets stuck in an MRI machine

schmawy says...

There was a kid killed in Philadelphia when someone left an oxygen cylinder in the room when they fired up the MRI. Very sad. They also ask if you work with metals in your job, because if you have a little chip of steel in your skin somewhere, or god forbid your eye it's big trouble.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Remember this woman as you stand in line on Tuesday

Remember this woman as you stand in line on Tuesday

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