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Racing for $100

luxintenebris jokingly says...

dig your vigor 'tho still believe 33 isn't a person words have much meaning. some folks have to live it to learn it. bk has to be one of those. to believe there's no white privilege shows a lack of exposure, comprehension, and/or willingness to accept an obvious truth. doubt he's even heard about 'black like me' let alone be inclined to risk D. L. Hughley.

let the 'what's the answer' slide. wager it's rhetorical.
[think he's looked at single-parent household numbers?]

reading the 'no joe' parts, kept hearing 'broken men' from this video...

and this is a better subject related video

newtboy said:

Where you start greatly impacts where you end up.

One party wants to offer 4 more years of public education, and your party is dead set against it.

Yes, there are plenty of poor white people, but far more poor blacks per capita by race.

The fix is multi fold with many unknowns, but an equal justice system where black defendants aren't 10 times more likely to go to prison based on the same evidence and circumstances would be a great start. Many fathers are MIA because they're in prison for minor drug offences while white defendants of similar charges usually get probation.

Pay better attention, the issue now is people don't want those low paying jobs and companies can't fill them, not a lack of them.

Lack of roads and bridges and electricity and an educated work force kill jobs and GDP. There are more than enough infrastructure jobs to do to jot only keep the entire construction industry busy for decades, there are constantly more as infrastructure ages. They may be part time projects, they are full time permanent jobs.

Look at GDP last year, fool. Under those tax cuts we had the largest drop in GDP ever. Holy fuck!

Your dad didn't go to prison for fitting the description.

Just like not all those white kids had all those head starts, not all black kids have none. They needed to work harder and overcome more in almost all cases to be successful, and had to defend their right to success repeatedly, just ask one. Sports superstars are under what, 2000 people, not all of which make millions. Exceptions often prove the rule.....Remember his question about going to school on a non athletic scholarship? Relegating people to one or two professions they are allowed to be successful in based on race is definitely racist.

The people working minimum wage hated it enough that they aren't going back and businesses can't find low wage

Wow, we agree on your last point. Your party, and definitely Trump absolutely disagree 100%. Their agenda is to ensure that is never the case but instead (successfully) argue that affluenza should excuse even murder and should definitely shield them from any lesser charge.

Racing for $100

bobknight33 says...

Its not where you start in life its where you end up.

White privilege is a false statement. Its really middle class privilege. Its about education not skin color. There are plenty of poor whites as much as there are poor blacks.

Those in the back mostly without fathers.
All knowing Newt, What is the fix?

Economic hardship of those kids would be lesson if both parents were present.

Finally JOBS or lack of them are mostly due to government policies ( Fair trade / Free Trade) have decimated job opportunities for All Americans, especially low wage and entry jobs.

Make policies that bring jobs back to America. Passing bills that take tax dollars and make roads or such only create short term jobs.

Trump was right Lower business tax rates to compete on world stage stimulated economy and America started to flourish.

Sadly Biden/ Democrats want to move tax rate up which will slow down growth, if passed.

My dad started working at 14, His dad never got passed 8th grade.
My dad went bankrupt, had a chronically ill wife ( died in early 40s due to it) and 4 kids.

He never left. He worked his ass off.

Also he broke his back in 3 places and crushed his right hand. He left the hospital to sign a house mortgage, knowing he might never work again.
With a healing back and crippled hand he drove 50 miles each way in a stick shift car for 3 years like this just to keep a roof over our heads.

I paid my own way through college, Same for my sister.

My dad says If you want it bad enough you will find a way.

So don't tell be about white privilege bull shit.

What about Black lawyers, Drs, and ball players?
They make way more coin than most white people. Do they have white privilege?

The person making minimum wage likes it enough to stay, else he will find a better paying job.

Should fines, penalties be smaller for poor people , yes.

newtboy said:

@bobknight33 , you need to watch and learn.

Racing for $100

newtboy says...

Dude, did you not see them blasting past everyone in the back like they weren't moving and catching up with the front? The only way they lost that race was almost every white guy had a MASSIVE head start, not due to anything they did or earned, but because of their parentage and the head starts their parents, and their parents, and their parents, and their parents had over people of color, putting them WAY ahead before any racing started.
It would have been smart to prove it with a second, fair race....but we don't do those in America, especially not for money.

Incredibly sad you refuse to understand.

Duh, he's saying the reason they so often lose most "races" isn't what Bob and his ilk claim, pure laziness and lack of effort, it's lack of head starts equating to over half the race distance.

greatgooglymoogly said:

"If everyone was back on that line, I guarantee some of these black dudes would smoke all of you."

LOL, nothing like a little prejudice while trying to make a point about race.

AKA, "black people, the only way you could possibly lose this race is because a white guy has a head start."


luxintenebris jokingly says...

"The radicalization of the Republican Party is a danger to us all. We must reject it."

welcome to the wagon. kinda hard to hear over the band sometimes, but nice to have ya'.

not a fan of the right-wing media. for a long, long - too long of a time. don't jive, daddy-o, w/putting out messages that fellow Americans are evil and an existential threat to anyone w/o a GOP membership. it's all f'n'ing stupid lies. also detrimental to the church socials. flinging potato salad at some 'antifa'¹ punk because he joked the orange jello resembled the former president is kinda over-the-stop. can you dig it?

like the bus driver, who smiles and greets their passengers, is looking forward to driving them all to HELL? on the face, doesn't that seem farfetched?

sure, the 'blue' ka-ka carries odor too. all those snide, snarky, condescending comments are hurtful - although it all is a bit less terrifying than storming the capitol - it could be better on that side of the pasture.²

how the name of baby jesus³ can a fellow citizen be so {{E V I L }} if they want healthcare, better wages, a stronger voice, equality, and a smarter populace for all Americans? makes no sense. seems they want more for the red than the red wants to work for?

the whole Ayn Rand puke didn't work for Louis XVI: it's past its fresh-by-date, and the right is already losing their heads over Mr. Potato Head.

anyway...Fox News is load w/criminals and is regularly sued for being f'n'liars. they are the people you're parents said they didn't want you around.

keep them out the house so they don't keep you out of your mind.

1: Adolph, 'AntiFa' means anti-fascist. my uncle, WWII vet, is one. respect.
2: Although, voting for a creamsicle does deserve SOME derision.
3: 'jeez-us and not 'hey-sooz' AKA your kid's next boss

BTW: found your mom delightful. not bored at all. or at least for the time i paid for. (not nice. sorry. didn't want to be left out of guy time)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

owow, i get to actually argue because i don't have to simply correct facts??!? WHAT?!?

Oh you!

You DO care.

I wish you included sources for these quotes? best i can tell is it's from my link?

Whatever, look, give this man a badge. He posted something with ONLY factual data and then even separated his opinion from that. Right on dude.


Now, about the arguments themselves and your opinion, idk man. Look. You can't cherry pick this data like that. THAT is dishonest. Have you ever considered that most of this data come from a period in time where MOST schools were not physically in session? A time period where parents were being more cautious?

And yes, kids are of course less likely to die from this? DURRRRRR they are less likely to die from everything compared to a septuagenarian.

That's not the point you fucking dumbass

Kids get it, kids spread it. Schools being closed stopped more spread than you can imagine.

But let me say that again.



You know any dumb-asses that don't want to get vaccinated because BLAH BALH BLAH BULLSHIT BLAH BLAH BLAH fucking duckspeak. ie no good reason? Those people are at risk and more importantly,


bobknight33 said:

Facts checked.

"Seventeen states and DC reported more than
500 cases per 100,000 children.."

"Mortality (44 states and NYC reported)*•Children were 0%-0.8% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 20 states reported zero child deaths"

{{ ie 100 to 99.2% of child covid cased lived}}}

"In states reporting, 0%-0.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death.."

{{ ie 100 to 99.7% of child covid cased lived}}}

Facts checked.
KIDS are ok to go to school = also all people under 70 ( unless u have some condition) should go about your business.

Were are at about 5 trillion in payouts to keep kids / people home for 0/03% death rate.

Fake news scared tooooo many people.

ant (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I forgot, you fully support lying, even under oath. Sorry, my bad. Funny you seem incredibly bothered if Biden misstates anything.

Least affected is a far cry from what you and they claimed, and a far cry from safe from it's effects, short and long....but a few tens of thousands of dead children and hundreds of thousands with permanent disabilities, maybe your kids among them, doesn't bother you either as long as you get back free daycare? Great parenting.

bobknight33 said:

Does not matter what letter they fudged. Facts are FACTS
Kids are the lest affected and should be in school.

Congressman Matt Gaetz Snubbed by Trump Amid Growing Scandal

BSR says...

In my 65 years I've only voted twice. Freshman year in HS I registered republican mainly because that's what my parents were.

The second time I voted as a democrat. I was inspired by Trump. He is a very inspiring man.

luxintenebris said:

this is not your dad's gop.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

scheherazade says...

"What on earth are you talking about?"

The rules for property and income when one or both parties decide they no longer want to be in the relationship.

"not having a marriage means you almost certainly will pay for them for 18+ years but won't have many rights to be in their lives"

Incorrect. If you are on birth certificate, you have the same rights and obligations.
The only pitfalls are that :
- Child support is calculated from the income of the parent with less custody (rather than from the true cost of raising a child).
- Women almost always get custody if the choice is between two parents (like when they live far apart and child can only be at one or the other).

"and may lose your rights to any assets if she grabs first"

Negative. Co-parenting does not conflate property.

Shared assets when not married are divided either by percentage of purchase price contribution, or by percentage stated in a contract.

"My brother paid well over a hundred thousand dollars for his divorce in Texas"

"My brother won."

Won by your own definition. Hence I congratulate.

"You assume women take off time to raise the kids"

No assumptions. Although afaik they still do it more often.

"You start from a false position that men work both harder and better, but you have no data to back that up. "

Top result from a zero effort google of "men working hours vs women working hours"

" since you admit many women outearn men and the trend reinforces that"

I admit that women [as a group] under 35 out earn men under 35 because of preferential admittance (such as to higher education) and preferential hiring (such as to managerial positions).

I did not say that women earn more in the same position for the same hours worked. Young men are simply getting shut out of opportunities, so their incomes are lower. As by design.

It does however highlight how affirmative action is being poorly controlled.
The target statistic is based on overall population at all ages.
The adjustment is skewed to younger ages (school admission is typically for younger people).
So the system is trying to balance out incomes of older men by trimming up incomes of younger women, with no accounting for the effects on younger men or consequences of older men retiring.
The situation is doomed to overshoot with time.

A natural result is the popularity of people like Jordan Peterson, with messages like : "Young men, nobody will help you, stop waiting for someone to help you, stop lamenting your situation, you gotta pull yourself up by your boot straps. Start by cleaning your room, then go make something of yourself".

"Bullshit. You said you would immediately dismiss any woman who has...
"Long dating history? Too much risk[etc]" -scheherazade "

Straw man argument.

You know I stated that those marriageability criteria exist specifically due to risk of consequences of divorce.

I never stated that I have personal issues with those attributes.
I have dated women on that list. I didn't /marry/ them.

My only criteria for a relationship that I am happy being in is :
- We are mutually attracted
- We like each other
- We are nice to each other
I don't care what your religion is, your politics, your family status, whatever. It's all just noise to me.

" And again, prenuptial. Do you not know what they are?"

Prenups can be negated by these simple words :

"I did not understand what I was signing"
"My lawyer was not present".

Poof. Prenup thrown out.

"their husbands are more likely to break their vows first"

A woman to cheat needs a willing man (easy)
A man to cheat needs a willing woman (hard)

Times have changed. Online dating made chatting someone up in person and make an impression uncommon, and even considered creepy/unusual. Now people are picked on their online profile based on looks/height/social-media-game.

Dating apps and sites publish their statistics. Nowadays, around 20% of men match with around 80% of women.
Most men aren't having sex. Most men can't find a match to cheat with if they wanted to.

The tall cute photogenic guys are cleaning up.
The 20% of men that match the bulk of women are going through women like a mill. They will smash whatever bored housewife crosses their path.

A 2 second google result :

"Women don't like men that believe wholeheartedly that all women are just lessers, leeches"


Fortunately, I never say that about women.

" you can't grasp that a codified, delineated, agreed to partnership is almost always better, more fulfilling, and has many benefits cohabitation lacks"

False equivalence.

Cohabitation and Partnership are mutually independent.
Meaning both can exist at the same time.


newtboy said:

What on earth are you talking about?
Do you believe the government dictates your vows? What "rules"? You just cannot grasp the concept of no fault divorce or prenuptial, can you?

I guess you never planned on kids or shared assets. If you do, not having a marriage means you almost certainly will pay for them for 18+ years but won't have many rights to be in their lives, and may lose your rights to any assets if she grabs first. Uncle Sam is in your relationship, married or not....without a marriage contract, he makes ALL the rules and you have no say.

My brother paid well over a hundred thousand dollars for his divorce in Texas that in my state would have cost under $10K and you congratulate him? You are one strange person.

Again, your perception, not based in fact since the 60's. You assume women take off time to raise the kids and take care of parents and assume fathers don't take paternity leave or have obligations outside work. How 50's. You start from a false position that men work both harder and better, but you have no data to back that up. It certainly hasn't been my experience, I've seen women in the workplace working harder and longer for less pay, sacrificing just like their male counterparts if not more, putting off having families until it's too late while men can have kids long after normal retirement age, putting themselves in dangerous situations where those with power over them have opportunities to abuse that power and abuse those women in ways that rarely happen to men. These aren't exceptions, they're the norm. since you admit many women outearn men and the trend reinforces that, meaning soon women in most catagories will out earn men and have more to lose, you admit you're wrong in your position now, right? Of course not, I expect you will still start from a point that hasn't been correct since the era and sexual revolution, early 70's at latest.

No, many of the studies I've seen compared people in the same exact positions in the same industries, even same companies, and women consistently get paid less for the exact same job and hours, and women rarely work less today, and just as often out work their male counterparts knowing they are often token hires not valued by the bosses so have less job security. If I recall correctly, 80% of job losses due to Covid were women, and the men are getting rehired faster. I think you are thinking of some studies from the 80's that made those assumptions and accusations. Comparing apples to apples, women still get shortchanged and as often as not overworked.

Bullshit. You said you would immediately dismiss any woman who has...
"Long dating history? Too much risk
Tends to have short relationships? Too much risk
Likes attention? Too much risk
Single mother (non-widow)? Too much risk
Any mental issues (depression, bipolar, narcissist, anxiety, etc)? Too much risk
Older (why you still single...)? Too much risk
Likes to party? Too much risk
Drinks? Too much risk"

And again, prenuptial. Do you not know what they are? Specify what you expect and agree, and you walk with exactly what you agreed to, no government rules or split involved. Geez. You speak as if you had never heard of them.

Most divorces may be initiated by the woman (if that's true, I expect it's just another assumption) because their husbands are more likely to break their vows first, but are not willing to pay to end the marriage, including penalties for breaking the marriage contract, and we're too dumb to get a prenuptial (or got one that spells out harsh penalties for cheating). Yes, I am assuming men cheat on their spouses more often than the reverse, because men are wired that way.

You are not more likely than not to face a divorce, because it's unlikely any woman meeting your criteria would give you a second thought, and you need to get married to get divorced.

I bet if you show your significant other this thread your 20 year relationship will be in big trouble, or at best enter a long dry dark spell. Women don't like men that believe wholeheartedly that all women are just lessers, leeches that take more than they deserve or even could give back and destroy you whenever they think it serves them. It's probably a good thing you aren't married.

Laws and family court aren't as you describe. Maybe when you enter the 21st century you'll recognize that. The rules of your marriage can be whatever you agree to, including the specifics of the split if it ends.

It's a sad thing you can't grasp that a codified, delineated, agreed to partnership is almost always better, more fulfilling, and has many benefits cohabitation lacks.....almost always unless one or both of you are total douchebags.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

What on earth are you talking about?
Do you believe the government dictates your vows? What "rules"? You just cannot grasp the concept of no fault divorce or prenuptial, can you?

I guess you never planned on kids or shared assets. If you do, not having a marriage means you almost certainly will pay for them for 18+ years but won't have many rights to be in their lives, and may lose your rights to any assets if she grabs first. Uncle Sam is in your relationship, married or not....without a marriage contract, he makes ALL the rules and you have no say.

My brother paid well over a hundred thousand dollars for his divorce in Texas that in my state would have cost under $10K and you congratulate him? You are one strange person.

Again, your perception, not based in fact since the 60's. You assume women take off time to raise the kids and take care of parents and assume fathers don't take paternity leave or have obligations outside work. How 50's. You start from a false position that men work both harder and better, but you have no data to back that up. It certainly hasn't been my experience, I've seen women in the workplace working harder and longer for less pay, sacrificing just like their male counterparts if not more, putting off having families until it's too late while men can have kids long after normal retirement age, putting themselves in dangerous situations where those with power over them have opportunities to abuse that power and abuse those women in ways that rarely happen to men. These aren't exceptions, they're the norm. since you admit many women outearn men and the trend reinforces that, meaning soon women in most catagories will out earn men and have more to lose, you admit you're wrong in your position now, right? Of course not, I expect you will still start from a point that hasn't been correct since the era and sexual revolution, early 70's at latest.

No, many of the studies I've seen compared people in the same exact positions in the same industries, even same companies, and women consistently get paid less for the exact same job and hours, and women rarely work less today, and just as often out work their male counterparts knowing they are often token hires not valued by the bosses so have less job security. If I recall correctly, 80% of job losses due to Covid were women, and the men are getting rehired faster. I think you are thinking of some studies from the 80's that made those assumptions and accusations. Comparing apples to apples, women still get shortchanged and as often as not overworked.

Bullshit. You said you would immediately dismiss any woman who has...
"Long dating history? Too much risk
Tends to have short relationships? Too much risk
Likes attention? Too much risk
Single mother (non-widow)? Too much risk
Any mental issues (depression, bipolar, narcissist, anxiety, etc)? Too much risk
Older (why you still single...)? Too much risk
Likes to party? Too much risk
Drinks? Too much risk"

And again, prenuptial. Do you not know what they are? Specify what you expect and agree, and you walk with exactly what you agreed to, no government rules or split involved. Geez. You speak as if you had never heard of them.

Most divorces may be initiated by the woman (if that's true, I expect it's just another assumption) because their husbands are more likely to break their vows first, but are not willing to pay to end the marriage, including penalties for breaking the marriage contract, and we're too dumb to get a prenuptial (or got one that spells out harsh penalties for cheating). Yes, I am assuming men cheat on their spouses more often than the reverse, because men are wired that way.

You are not more likely than not to face a divorce, because it's unlikely any woman meeting your criteria would give you a second thought, and you need to get married to get divorced.

I bet if you show your significant other this thread your 20 year relationship will be in big trouble, or at best enter a long dry dark spell. Women don't like men that believe wholeheartedly that all women are just lessers, leeches that take more than they deserve or even could give back and destroy you whenever they think it serves them. It's probably a good thing you aren't married.

Laws and family court aren't as you describe. Maybe when you enter the 21st century you'll recognize that. The rules of your marriage can be whatever you agree to, including the specifics of the split if it ends.

It's a sad thing you can't grasp that a codified, delineated, agreed to partnership is almost always better, more fulfilling, and has many benefits cohabitation lacks.....almost always unless one or both of you are total douchebags.

scheherazade said:

You are projecting.

Marriage takes the honesty away from a relationship.
It's no longer me and you.
It's me and you and uncle sam.
I want *consensual* relations where me and my partner set our rules, not some 3rd party, and not when the rules are stacked against me.


Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

So weird seeing people disagree with you and offering various examples of marriages that contradict your blanket statements and then you go off spouting shit about subjective pitfalls some minority still experience after being married as if those outcomes are the only possible outcomes or even the norm.
What you two mean to say is DIVORCE is win win for the woman and lose lose for the man, still dead wrong but at least it's the point you two are trying to make.

Objectively, by the numbers, in terms of who benefits if the marriage ends, it's neither in no fault states.

It's asinine of you two to assume the man always has more assets, and more earning power. It's maybe true on average but it's trending away from that, and it's absolutely not in every instance.

My brother won. He got full custody and child support. No alimony for either. In Texas, a non no fault state where the woman is assumed to be the primary child raising parent.

Really, you still think most women don't work? Are you still living in the 1960's? My wife works, has since before we met in 92. I retired in early 2000's. If we divorced, I would get alimony.

I've known plenty of women who lost in marriage, not sure where you come up with that, and for over 1/2 the population, divorce is 50/50 split of marital assets, no winner.

It's only men in fault states who caused the dissolution of the marriage or don't fight for custody that get screwed as you describe. Most of us tossed out the system you describe decades ago. Most of us understand that while women still get paid less for the same work, that's no guarantee she makes less than her husband. As for "marrying up".... plenty of men do that too. Even if your significant other is a homemaker, they contribute enormously to the marriage, at one point they determined the jobs a homemaker does would cost over $80 K per year if you hired people.

With your opinion about women and marriage, I doubt you need to worry about the kind of woman who would marry you. The ones who accept the outdated misogynistic patriarchal mindset you show aren't the ones with much to offer, the desperate and insecure who will take whoever accepts them. They might resemble the women in your descriptions. Treat women better and you'll attract better women.

What makes you think you are some prize that only a near perfect woman would be acceptable to? It sure sounds like you're alone now. How is making the perfect the enemy of the great working for you?

Again, many states have changed the law to no fault, 50/50 splits with no prenup. Hard to be more fair. You complain about issues most Americans evolved out of.

scheherazade said:

So weird seeing people disagree with you, and then go off spouting shit about subjective benefits while married.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

Were the house and dog yours before the wedding? Were there any marital assets?

Most people in the U.S. live in no fault divorce states, meaning marital assets are split 50/50 no matter what without a prenup. Your experience is not the norm.

Even my parents, who remained best friends for a decade after divorcing, spent a mint on their amicable divorce in Texas.

TangledThorns said:

I divorced my cheating wife without paying for a lawyer. She paid for one and I got to keep house and the dog, she got to keep her car and got $6, 000. I think she didn't want to push it as I had recording of her cheating, lol. Yeah, I think I came out on top.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...

Sure, his stated policy was "come in the legal way"....but he constantly added more restrictions and insurmountable hurdles to who could even apply, when, and where, trying to stop all legal immigration a few times and succeeding at slowing the legal process to a trickle by not funding more immigration courts, even cutting some funding to the few we had. He also drastically cut the number of legal immigrants accepted, and the number of refugees was cut to near zero.
At the same time, he cut anti narco terrorism funding, making it a choice for many of stay home and die or try to get in the he made those masses escaping serious death threats from cartels ineligible for asylum.

Yes, Obama created the temporary holding facilities, but his administration had a 72 hour limit on how long kids stayed there, not Trump, and Obama only used them for unaccompanied minors, Trump used them to separate children from their families and expelled the parents, often to Guatemala or farther away, in many cases not ever even trying to reunite families they separated, and holding the kids for months before putting them in the foster system.

There's some *specific* policies for ya.

bobknight33 said:

I can understand that false policy of F off and die. That was what fake news and late nigh pushed.

Trump policy was come in the correct legal way. Period
Trump was slammed for putting kids in Obama made caged. But fake news didn't tell you that part.

Biden created this problem and it is biting him in the butt.
I"m sure more video is out there that is equal or worse that this Biden mess.

*specific* policies or actions did the Trump administration take or promote............... He told them to come the legal process way and started wall , and enforced current laws to keep this mess from occurring.

Damn I messed up we gotta go bald

Mordhaus jokingly says...

If it wasn't for parents ruining their children's psyche, what would all the psychiatrists do for work?

newtboy said:

Dad should check his shampoo for nair for the foreseeable future.

I'll never understand parents who think it's fun and funny to bully their kids and erode their impressionable children's trust in adults. I have no sympathy for them when their children drive them to the $100000 a year assisted living condos only to not stop there and instead dump their parents at the state run old folks home.

Damn I messed up we gotta go bald

newtboy says...

Dad should check his shampoo for nair for the foreseeable future.

I'll never understand parents who think it's fun and funny to bully their kids and erode their impressionable children's trust in adults. I have no sympathy for them when their children drive them to the $100000 a year assisted living condos only to not stop there and instead dump their parents at the state run old folks home.

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