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Hayden Says The CIA Is Not Spying On Us Through Our T.Vs

artician says...

Right. Here are some facts.

The CIA isn't spying on most of us through our TVs right now, though they do have the technology to do it and have developed it specifically for that purpose.

So have countless other entities (government and independent. You can download the tech yourself if you care to, or have the technical ability).

Samsung is spying on you through your Samsung TV's

Any consumer products with voice recognition could be considered to be spying on you, such as Google and Amazon "home assistants".

Technically, by now anything with an active microphone has the capability to do this. It should probably be considered worse that it's not the government, but completely unknown third-parties who supply the infrastructure to do this on a massive scale for the purposes of data mining for advertising.

I have personal experience with this technology and the industries that develop and distribute it. This isn't hearsay or conjecture. I will never understand why it's acceptable for unchecked third-party corporations to spy on you, but once the government does it, a slightly larger minority gets upset.

I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church.

newtboy says...

I never understand why people think that when someone finds fault in someone else's mindset/religion/politics it's assumed they are "writing the other person off".
I find fault in nearly every person in some way or other, including myself, no person is perfect. That doesn't mean I automatically write any of them off. I actually find the accusation somewhat insulting. Just because that's how many people operate is no excuse for assuming everyone does. That mindset is antithetical to learning and understanding and only reinforces fanatical 'us VS them' thinking while denying the possibility of 'we'.

Tsu said “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
If you write off your 'enemy' as underserving of being understood, you hurt yourself more than you hurt them.

School's Out

Bathroom Signs Have A Message For Donald Trump

newtboy says...

I'll never understand these bathroom laws. They all seem to insist that people who look like and live like men must use the ladies room and vice versa. How does that make them bathroom safe? How will they be able to tell a post op transsexual man that now must use the ladies room from the pervert natural man hoping to get pictures of little girls peeing? It seems to me they are forcing what they are afraid might happen to happen daily and making it impossible to tell who belongs where. WTF?
Can anyone who supports this insanity explain?

Family Feud In 3 Minutes

Shepppard says...

I will never understand Family Feud.

"Alright. Team A won round 1, 2, AND 3, But Team B won super-amazing-double points round 4, so they're going to fast money!"

seriously, just start with fucking round 4 and call it a day.

Bill Maher - New Rule: Bible Trumpers

Stormsinger says...


I'll never understand the mindset of the dedicated Republican who thinks a Reagan-era Republican like Clinton is somehow liberal.
Talk about identity politics in action...if she only had an (R) after her name.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is no Christian nor conservative. At best a moderate Democrat.

Which makes more conservative than Hillary.

Attorney General Roy Cooper's Bathroom Plan

newtboy says...

I know what will solve that problem, let's make it the law that people who are now men must use the woman's room and vice versa. Surely that won't cause any issues or confusion.

I'll never understand how these idiots think that ridiculous, poorly thought out plan helps anything, it causes the very thing they're so terrified of....a thing that's never been an issue.

5 of the Worst Computer Viruses Ever

MilkmanDan says...

I will never understand why Windows defaults to hiding filename extensions... Not that it would have helped most User = ID10T problems like that, but at least displaying extensions encourages some degree of curiosity and diligence.

Zawash said:

I remember when I had an early day at work, being the first one in my office - and I got an email with an attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs".

I spotted it for the virus it was, and sent out warning notices to the other colleagues. Some of them still opened it, though.

And then I understood the morale of it all: Early bird gets the worm.

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans

Payback says...

Answer #1: I don't know what makes you a douchebag. I don't think "speaking out against" anything makes someone a douchebag. Telling me I'm an addict, a murderer, a RAPIST because I live and eat the way mankind has since before we made pictograms on cave walls? That's douchey. Trying to make your point by quoting people is no more effective than any other religious nut standing on a soap box.

Answer#2: Anyone can make a point by using hyperbole and extreme cases. Would I get pissed off if someone was using human toddlers, locked in black rooms, as a food source? Please. You do realize the issue between my view on food, and your view on food, is a mere distinction between what you and I consider sentience?

I'm against corporate food production. Corporations have a long and rich history of fucking humans over, I can only guess what they do to animals. I am vehemently opposed to unnecessary pain and suffering in any creature. Except pedophiles, rapists, Republicans, and those guys who flip you the bird when THEY have cut YOU off. We can do medical testing on them, no problem.

I guess you just will never understand, I don't particularly disagree with the message, just the messenger.

You can be described as "holier than thou", your arguments come from your feelings of elitism, superiority. Showing us how misguided and base we are. It's the reason why theists will never listen to Dawkins or Hitchens. (Conversely why atheists don't listen to theists either, truth be told.) They talk down to them as if they were idiots. They might BE idiots, but no one ever likes being called one.

You attack us and wonder why we get pissed off. THAT'S why you're a douchebag.

Elie Wiesel was talking about you, not us. We don't go around attacking vegans. We only react to their attacks on us. You are the oppressor here, the tormentor. I was fine before you started the name calling.

ahimsa said:

so speaking out against the completely unnecessary torture and murder of non-human animals makes one a douchebag? i wonder if you would have the same opinion if the victims were human beings?

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." ~Elie Wiesel

The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history

newtboy says...

I can never understand why anyone thought taking Palestine from the Palestinians because Jews were oppressed in Europe made any sense at all. Why was a new country not carved out of Germany? It makes no sense.
I'm disgusted that my government is Zionist. Land thieves should not be supported, especially when they're conquering religious zealots.
I often wonder how people would react if the Zionists had created their country in Texas, expelled the Texans, then expanded into New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Louisiana 'to create a buffer zone' that they then move into, and were supported by the international community?

Happy dance when Bandit the Steer was released from chains

newtboy says...

I can never understand farmers that can do this kind of thing to their animals simply for a little extra convenience in their work. I think those people are evil without exception. One can't work with animals and not see them as living beings with needs and feelings without a concerted, intentional effort to ignore it.
There is not a vertebrate alive who's entire lifespan is meant to be spent in one place and/or in one position.
We decided this kind of thing is torture, why are people still allowed to do it? What benefit could there be beyond keeping the bull from screwing the cows and/or making it easy to feed them, tasks that good fencing does quite well without the torture?

Impressive Outbreak of Lava Waves

Fatty fatty two by four?

sixshot says...

Somethin' wrong with dem eyes, man... Her? big? She looks outstanding to me.

I'll never understand how the model industry could believe that bone-thin is their ideal size...

Closet Possum

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

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