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Father and Daughter Watch The Conjuring

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

VoodooV says...

and this is what happens when you promote people who really are no better than you and I up to celebrity status. Im sure Ellen and Oprah are really nice people, but I will never understand the adulation bestowed upon them that allows them to make shitty decisions like promoting con artists and the like.

and before some of the trolls of the sift are tempted to turn what I said into something misogynistic. I feel the same way about actors/actresses, sports celebrities, or anyone who's opinion is automatically uprated merely because they're on TV or movies or have a lot of money. Luck, more than skill probably got them where they are today.

To J.K. Rowling, from Cho Chang

blahpook says...

I think some of the comments are missing Rostad's point, which is that Cho Chang symbolizes the systemic invisibility of Asian characters--especially females--in popular culture. If the only popular images of certain bodies--like Asian women, in her example--are stereotypes, then many will never understand other people as being anything other than what someone like J.K. Rowling depicts in her fiction.

David Mitchell on Atheism

CreamK says...

Firm agnostic here too. The most sane ideology to have today. Tomorrow it might be something else but i feel agnostics are the only ones to use diplomacy between godders and no-godders. Both groups can never understand each other, agnostics understand them both.

To anyone saying that agnosticism is simply just indecisiveness, and that is both sides: it is not. We simply don't think it's an issue you need to be on one side or the other. That's what you do. We accept both views and navigate between them trying to find what is real and what is not, since both sides try to manipulate true facts all the time according to your needs. We don't do that. If something, agnosticism is the true scientific approach; trying to find out what is true without any predisposition or beliefs...

It's ONLY that both sides are now so far apart that anything that contradicts them, is totally blasphemous/unscientific. There is no such thing as true agnosticism. There are people who are closer to believing in god and further away and no one cares how you think. People who belong to either of the marginal camps seems like idiots to me who are never going to be coaxed in either way; the more evidence you put on the table for one argument, you will oppose it even more. Its a futile discussion. We got much bigger problems to solve than if there's a god.

At the moment, there are more evidence pointing that there is no god. Nothing has been proven as a fact in either way. There would be same amount of violence with or without religion, the reasons would change superficially but nothing would change or will change if you abolish or religion. It takes about 10 years that new batch of believers arrive even if you eradicated all religion and all history: if you wipe people minds now, tomorrow someone believes in angels or goblins.. Or dragons.. It's inbuilt survival mechanism: you don't get it all, there must be a bigger plan etc.. it's human nature, not a part of our society. The feeling the presence of God is scientifically proven to be just a short circuit in our brain.. That alone makes it certain that belief in supernatural will go on.

Titanfall Gameplay video @ 1440p

VoodooV says...

That thing is running 4 Titans and 64GB of RAM?


Of course that's the other absurd end of the spectrum. As much as I love the PC platform for how it's so upgradable.

I will never understand the need to show off the capabilities of a rig that extreme if it's not even close to what what your typical person will experience.

The typical person will never have a titan...much less 4 of them. The typical person doesn't max out the memory capability of their motherboard unless it's really old.

and what's a setup like that cost? at least 5 grand?

I can't say too much though, I think I'm going to build an obscene rig for when Star Citizen comes out...but it still won't even touch this.

Goran Ivanisevic, Everybody

jmd says...

Seems like this was not the week to take sports seriously. Also reminds me.. they need freaking subtitles for the refs, I can NEVER understand a word they say with all that echo and mumbling.

Highly Biased Child Protective Services Interview

enoch says...

thats not a fair assertion.

@Yogi is opinionated and passionate,as am i.
so if i took your comment at face value,i would have to include myself.

and i dont think i am unreasonable.
i can be passionately opinionated.
my comments can be aggressive,confrontational and bombastic but i tend to not direct them at specific people..unless they direct a personal attack on me.

i have had many discussions with yogi and all of them have been reasonable.
i find him/her to be extremely intelligent,witty and funny.

do i agree with yogi all the time?
oh hell no but if you are going to argue or debate with yogi you better bring your A-game or he/she will make you pay for not doing your homework.

and isnt that how it should be?
i will never understand or subscribe to the notion that somehow if we dont challenge a persons assertions,arguments or opinions that somehow we are disrespecting that person..personally.

i mean,think about it.
if i put forth an opinion or argument that is using flawed or incomplete information,why would you allow that opinion to stand?
to not hurt my feelings?
would you let me walk through the food court with my wanker hanging out?
or let me flirt with a girl with a huge booger hanging out?

i may get embarrassed.
may feel a tad foolish..but in the end i am better for it.way better.

to shy away from causing someone embarrassment has more dire consequences than calling them out and exposing the flaw in their argument.

you do that person a disservice and it reduces the conversation to vapid platitudes.nobody wins..everybody loses.

and really.yogi is a blast to argue with.
just sayin....

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - DMT

shagen454 says...

I took the heralded "third toke" and let me tell you from first hand experience smoking as much of 40mg as quickly and stoically as my Ego would allow: HOLY SHIT!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!! That was what I was screaming in my head as I closed my eyes and I started flying through what seemed like outerspace, for real, at the speed of light. The "carrier wave" came in and tore my entire soul apart (something I did not even believe in). It was the loudest thing I could ever have imagined, it sounded like an electronic torpedo of frequency starting low bending to the highest frequency possible that it just blew everything I was apart. I swore I either died, or I was coming out of this completely fucked up. Retarded. Seeing fractals and unable to speak.

To this day, as someone who is much more on the side of science and discovery, that seemed absolutely real, just on a level that humanity will not understand for a long while.

And last but not least, DMT is AMAZING taken in smaller more manageable doses. I've smoked out many people and everyone has been astonished by what happens. Taking just 10-15mg is brilliant, even that will be the most amazing, orgasmic, alien experience and will come back amazed at the Universe, your own life and feel just very happy to be apart of it all. Even though, what you just witnessed - is some sort of parallel dimension, alien, Gnostic, Kabbalah reality that exists in some 9th dimension. Even if it were your mind, if you have taken it you will wonder, why and how is this possible? It obliterates all status quo conceptions that have occurred for the last 1,000 years+ as it is completely unlanguagable/uneglishable.

Only take that 3rd hit if you want to see how far your brain can propel you into some sort of wormhole into some other dimension of reality that humans may never understand. It changed my life for the better but I thought it was quite terrifying and I have had many DMT sub-breakthroughs... nothing can prepare anyone mere flesh being for a breakthrough; because, at least to me and many other intrepid folks, it proves we are not JUST flesh beings and that the nature of existence is far more mysterious than most of us Westerners and cultures influenced by ages of oppression, could ever have supposed.

Thanks for posting this, the world has a right to know that this exists and to have a "first hand" experience with "it".

Don't park like a jerk

VoodooV says...

I know a guy who is super obsessive about his truck, but he doesn't do shit like take up two lanes, he just becomes obsessive about parking away from everyone else even if he has to walk farther,

Quite honestly, I get it..but I don't. I understand the desire to protect your car from dings and other shit. But not to that degree. just by virtue of taking it out of your garage and driving and parking on public streets, the vehicle is going to get dinged up eventually.

I guess I just will never understand the desire to buy a super expensive luxury car if you're just going to be super paranoid about dings...why drive it then. Be Cameron's dad in Ferris Bueller's day off and just stare at it and wipe it with a diaper all day.

cars get with it you're not special.

Thing is though, that guy isn't THAT fat, so it shouldn't have been that difficult for him to climb over. and once he committed to it, it didn't take him that long. It took him so long because he was choking on his own rage and basking in his over-inflated sense of specialness.

public shaming of douchebags like this need to happen more often.

Chinese chemist turned political comedian is hilarious

BicycleRepairMan says...

Funny stuff, but I'm wondering what he's doing there.. I mean if he's a chemist , why no chemistry (or pharmacy, I can never understand the english chemist/pharmacist naming thing..)? Is he hired as a stand-up comedian? If so, I guess props to the white house for finding the talent..

"Annie" Got Her Guns

robbersdog49 says...

How do they know if she's from out of state if they don't see her ID?

I wish all you Americans could see this from our point of view in the UK. I'm not looking for a fight here, I'm just explaining why all this seems so fucked up to me/ most other people from the UK.

In the UK we don't have guns. Or at least very, very few people do. They aren't an everyday item. Our police don't carry guns as a matter of course. Going to an airport is strange because the police there do carry guns. In the UK a gun in public will belong to a criminal. Simple as that. They're something that is to be feared in public.

Most Americans imagine that a person with a gun in the UK could walk around like a god, the boss of everyone. But this doesn't happen, because we have armed response police units and they deal with the situation. But as a rule criminals don't carry guns. Obviously if you try hard enough it's possible to get hold of one, but it's not easy or cheap, and you don't need them. You're not going to immediately go up against people with guns here, so no need to carry one yourself.

I can't imagine living somewhere where guns are commonplace. It straight up scares the shit out of me. I understand that carrying a gun could make you feel safer, but I'd be far happier without a gun in a place where no-one else has a gun. I don't know why so many Americans are so happy having guns everywhere. I'll never understand it and I never will.

Can't you see that guns are killing your people?

drdysonsphere said:

You cannot do this in all states. CA, NY, NJ, CN, etc requires ID and waiting period.
The majority of states require ID and cannot sell to out of state people. Lots of CA residents have tried (and failed) to go to NV to get guns and come back, doesn't work.

Best phone conversation in a feature film

Fletch says...

I could never understand why, in the movies, they rattle the clicker when they get disconnected. Is it supposed to help? Seems to me you are just hanging up over and over.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

enoch says...

i think it unfair to say that people dont have a right to an opinion concerning these matters.
they have every right to an opinion.

just as you have a right to point out that maybe..just possibly..that opinion may be lacking due to never having participated.

but that does not exclude them from participating in the discussion.
it just means their opinion will be biased because it is based on their own subjective experience..or lack of experience.

i mean think about it.
how do you explain,in any substantive way,a 12 hour sweat lodge with a cherokee medicine man on two hits of acid?
how the smoke became people who called themselves guides?
how they revealed the book of life and showed you the pages pertaining to you?
or how in that book you were confronted with your ego?
and you found your ego to be in charge and it was a petulant and selfish child?
and every petty,vindictive and jealous act you ever perpetrated was laid bare and all you could feel was shame?

you cant.
its like a woman trying to explain giving birth to a man.
he will never understand fully because he does not own a uterus.

how do you convey the feelings of connectedness?
not just with your fellow human but with everything else...literally?
how you were able to leave all that baggage on the dirt floor in that sweat lodge and walk away clean,new and reinvented.
how do you describe that to someone who has never,and possibly may never,experienced that?

when you tell someone you a free human being,do they understand what you are actually saying?
or are they fitting that phrase into the context of their own understandings?

so dont will just lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
maybe one day they will experience what we have...
maybe they never will..
and thats ok.
it is after all..their experience.

the question of consciousness and perceived reality are one of my favorite topics.
excellent talk.

Now, That's performance art (read description).

poolcleaner says...

This is beautiful and if you're tripping over the spectacle of it, just forget about that for a few minutes and try and feel what they're feeling. Be human for a second, you know that emotional being that existed before the all knowing fact checking internets ruled our way of life?

Just because you don't understand their reality doesn't discredit the authenticity of their love. You will NEVER understand what it is like to be them but their love is meaningful and the ability to show this type of unashamed honesty in front of the world is a TALENT. And it is freeing. Are you free? Really? Hahahahaha

People try so hard to dismantle the beauty of emotional reality for their constantly refined objective truth -- BUT I'd rather be in love and feel what that means in my heart than know a single fact about the mechanics of our universe.

It really is as simple as that for me. Love will always move me and I will die happy for knowing that. Not even the greatest feat of mankind could dwarf the concept of sharing love with another intellect. My obsessions and ambitions are firmly rooted and actualized, but love shakes me to the core as to make all else meaningless. It makes me forget my purpose.

If this is what Christians talk about when they aren't being socio/political judges, and God is love, then I am down with that.

Raise your fist and resist, but don't resist love. It's the only thing that matters.

Young man shot after GPS error

snudog says...

Shouldn't the real discussion here be about what the guy was so scared in the first place?

Why do so many people always assume the worst in others. I will never understand how people can be so frightened of others that they basically barricade themselves into a fantasy land of us vs. them.

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