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Mohammed in Southpark

HugeJerk says...

If you go to and try to stream episode 201 it pops up a message with the following...

We Apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream Episode 201 at this time.

After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show.

We will bring you a version of 201 as soon as we can.

So I get the impression that at least the bleeped Mohammeds weren't their idea.

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
The second parter to the 200ths episode was really great. There was a segment about 2-3 mins long they COMPLETELY bleeped out because I suspect they said nothing but Muhammad. Unlike part 1, they bleeped every instance of Muhammad.

Is it me, or wasn't that meant to be the "joke"?
Loads of bleeps, loads of censored signs, it wasn't bleeped out or censored, it was written and performed that way as part of the joke.
I didn't actually like the 1st or 2nd part very much, i'd rank it as one of my least favourite since south park became good.

Mohammed in Southpark

dannym3141 says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

The second parter to the 200ths episode was really great. There was a segment about 2-3 mins long they COMPLETELY bleeped out because I suspect they said nothing but Muhammad. Unlike part 1, they bleeped every instance of Muhammad.

Is it me, or wasn't that meant to be the "joke"?

Loads of bleeps, loads of censored signs, it wasn't bleeped out or censored, it was written and performed that way as part of the joke.

I didn't actually like the 1st or 2nd part very much, i'd rank it as one of my least favourite since south park became good.

ponceleon (Member Profile)

Creators Of South Park Receive Death Threats

longde says...

"There is one religion that claims to be above criticism"

To be fair, every religion is like that. And on a global scale, until the Pope took top honors last month, Islam was the most criticized religion on earth.

I don't think people should be killed for showing Mohammed, but I don't feel a bit of sympathy for the South Park creators. If they want to provoke insane people, let them deal with the consequences.

Freedom of speech should only go so far? (Philosophy Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Well, @Crake that wasn't my emotional reaction at all, it was just what you can, sadly, reasonably expect in certain venues. Ideally, you'd be able to speak your mind freely everywhere, but the reality of it is that you cannot do or say certain things certain places and expect that other people obey the law.

I wouldn't go through Jerusalem with a drawing of mohammed, because I would, rightly so, fear for my life - even though, if my person was protected, I totally would do it.

We should not allow people to break the law, because they were offended by someone using their free speech at all, I don't think I was getting at that either. I was just saying that you have to know where to say what and where not to say it.

Mohammed in Southpark

Hitler orders a DMCA takedown

ponceleon says...

I find it ironic that this happens at the same time as the whole Southpark Mohammed censorship thing is going one. As I pointed out over in the clip about the preacher telling his flock to ignore doctors and pray they breast cancer away: religion needs to go.

I read a newspaper article this morning on the DMCA takedown of the clips and it seems there was considerable pressure from the jewish lobby because these clips somehow "trivialize the holocaust."

Fuck em. (I'm a jew by birth so It's okay folks). Fuck em.

Here's my question: is The Producers also a bannable work? I mean, it definitely trivializes Hitler and by proxy the holocaust.

Fuck censorship, fuck religion, fuck em all.

and to quote Cartman, fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck

Mohammed in Southpark

choggie says...

Mohammed can lick a festering camel's nutsack whats been bakin' in the frost, rather,his followers who did nothing but sully his name,misinterpret bullshit,and fuck up the next 100 generations.

Goddamn you Mohammed!!!

Mohammed in Southpark

Creators Of South Park Receive Death Threats

Creators Of South Park Receive Death Threats

Sinead O'Connor shuts-up a crowd booing her anti-popeness

Hot Romanian Girl goes second round with Islam

BreaksTheEarth says...

>> ^joedirt:

she is an idiot.
You can find even worse examples in the Torah or Bible. So this is retarded. Yes, life WAS different hundreds of years ago.

She addresses your criticism in this very video when she says that Muslims hold Mohammed as a timeless example of a moral person.

Even (most) Christians accept that violent Old Testament figures such as Joshua were a product of their times and specifically directed by God.

Your obvious enlightenment does not spread to the millions of people with faith in this world.

therealblankman (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock says...

Doin' pretty damn good. Back in the Good ol' US of A, bought a new (to me) bike that I can't wait to ride, and I'm getting back out of the Marines soon (a few weeks). How have you been?

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Jesus H. Mohammed on a Pogo stick! How you doin', Marine? Great, and I mean really FUCKING GREAT to hear your voice!

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
You know you've crossed the line when even I don't stop and say "we don't know the whole situation."

What a fucking scumbag.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

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