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Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

hpqp says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Considering how many Muslims lost their shit when a bunch of kids named a teddy bear "Mohammed", I wonder if this isn't just lots of Brits doing their own part to piss off more Muslims.

That would be simultaneously hilarious and cruel (to the kids).

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

cybrbeast says...


>> ^kymbos:

Every now and then Maher says something really uninformed. Remember when he went on about immunisation causing disease, or something like that? I was gobsmacked at the time. If I remember correctly, he was genuinely telling people not to immunise their children. Madness.
This one is right up there. Lots of kids are named Mohommad, therefore England will be a Muslim state soon enough? Wow.

I was amazed by that too. For someone who says he is rational, he sure adheres to some very retarded and unscientific views. His clips on vaccines:

An Open Letter by Michael Shermer to Bill Maher on Vaccinations

Bill Maher's response, which is much more nuanced than how his views looked on the show.

Bloocut (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Your use of pseudo-intellect reminds me of an old not-friend who liked to say the same thing. And this comment came out of nowhere, didn't it?

And how generous of you to give the 10th vote on choggie's last six videos that were published:

I know you weren't trying that hard this time, choggie. Chic's working out pretty well for you, so why not stick with that.


And as usual, if anyone has a problem with this, take it up with @dag or @lucky760.

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

cybrbeast says...

>> ^Jinx:

Man, that Sharia Law bullshit keeps getting referenced without people really knowing the facts. Research it please, and that means going further than the Daily Mail I'm afraid.
Ok, lets get some actual stats up in this.
Christian - 41,000,000 - 71%
Muslim - 1,600,000 - 3%
No Religion - 8,500,000 - 15%
Why is Mohammed the most popular name? Probably because it accounts for a very large percentage of those 1.6 million. The rest of us Brits make names up, steal names from other cultures and generally aren't naming our kids as traditionally. Consequently no one name trumps Mohammed. So is Maher racist for his remarks? No, just horrible misinformed. I expected better.
Oh, and of those 71% Christians I expect the vast majority are basically agnostic or deist. As for seperation of Church and State...well it might be in your constitution but I think we do it more justice. Some irony huh.

I'm amazed that someone as informed as Maher would make such a stupid mistake in logic and such ridiculous remarks. There is no threat of a Muslim majority rising up in any EU nation. Yes their birthrates are higher than the national average but it has been decreasing as more Muslims get assimilated into society.

Sadly a lot of Europeans share the same ridiculous ideas as Maher and this has led to an alarming rise in fear and bad sentiment towards Muslims.

Newsweek: Why Fears Of A Muslim Takeover Are All Wrong
"There is no Europewide data available, but one study says fertility rates among Turkish-born women in the Netherlands fell from 3.2 in 1990 to 1.9 in 2005, barely above the figure for native-born Dutch."

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

Bloocut says...

>> ^hpqp:

Islam is not a race. How many times does that have to be repeated before it sinks in?

Obviously several hundred times for those who are quick to label, judge, and otherwise turn their brains off when faced with any form of confrontation. Call me a racist and be prepared for some confrontation in the form of discourse. Sadly, most who use play the accusatory race card are usually pretentious, confused psuedo-intellects who fancy themselves superior or otherwise more socially evolved than the herd when in fact, they are simply more jaded and full of themselves.

Hopefully with these recent comments however, we will see less of Maher in the future, as his shtick has become increasingly more mundane with his abuse of more and more cocaine and his ratings plunge like a passenger jet in a barrel-roll.

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

PoweredBySoy says...

Seriously. Can I move over there please? Our midterms have squashed any glimmer of hope I had left.

>> ^Jinx:

Oh, and of those 71% Christians I expect the vast majority are basically agnostic or deist. As for seperation of Church and State...well it might be in your constitution but I think we do it more justice. Some irony huh.

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

Jinx says...

Man, that Sharia Law bullshit keeps getting referenced without people really knowing the facts. Research it please, and that means going further than the Daily Mail I'm afraid.

Ok, lets get some actual stats up in this.
Christian - 41,000,000 - 71%
Muslim - 1,600,000 - 3%
No Religion - 8,500,000 - 15%

Why is Mohammed the most popular name? Probably because it accounts for a very large percentage of those 1.6 million. The rest of us Brits make names up, steal names from other cultures and generally aren't naming our kids as traditionally. Consequently no one name trumps Mohammed. So is Maher racist for his remarks? No, just horrible misinformed. I expected better.

Oh, and of those 71% Christians I expect the vast majority are basically agnostic or deist. As for seperation of Church and State...well it might be in your constitution but I think we do it more justice. Some irony huh.

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

Ornthoron says...

No Bill, you are not racist, as Islam is not a race, but you ARE prejudiced. While there is every reason to defend and uphold the democratic principles you list against the reactionary and patriarchal elements of all religions including islam, there is no reason to believe that small arbitration courts in parts of London is a threat to the well established and well founded liberal legal systems of the Western world.

And to say that Mohammed is the most popular name for babies is at best bending the truth. In that count is also included Mohamad, Muhammed, Mohammad, Muhammad and similar variations of the name. To be fair you would also have to count names like Jake, Jack and Jacob in the same bin. Five minutes of googling would also have told you that there is a tradition for muslim parents of all denominations to name one of their children after the prophet, while no such tradition exists among other brits. This fact alone can explain the name statistics, without saying diddly-squat about the rise of radical islam in Great Britain.

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

Mysling says...

>> ^Kofi:

They seem eager to adopt Sharia law? I thought they only allowed it certain minor cases. Still, they dont have a bill of rights or a constitution. But, Sharia Law to take over? I wonder what their official religion, The Church of England thinks of that.

That is my understanding as well. Additionally, any judgements passed by a sharia court in Britain is not officially recognized by the state. Verdicts only stand as an unofficial agreement between the parties involved. Also, any case tried in a sharia court can also be tried in an official court at any time, if any of the parties desire so.

Sharia courts in Britain are a gesture of good faith toward islamic communities, giving them the opportunity to resolve matters within a judicial system they feel more comforable with. But they carry no weight.

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

3 Clear Things Everyone Should Know About Islam

theali says...

Lol, there is plenty of proof that Mohammed existed! Ask that from the countries he invaded:

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Payback:
>> ^theali:
Mmmm, good point, I should paraphrase, he was the only one that proactively shed blood to spread his religion
>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.

Ummm... I have no problem believing Mohammad killed people with his own hands...

Moses... not so much.

If you're going to believe the "historical" bullshit that one religion claims. Why can't you believe the historical bullshit another claims?
To me theres no proof Mohammed or Moses even existed, so everyone should just shut up.

3 Clear Things Everyone Should Know About Islam

Yogi says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^theali:
Mmmm, good point, I should paraphrase, he was the only one that proactively shed blood to spread his religion
>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^theali:
The video is about 70% facts and 30% propaganda. If they would have stock with only the facts, it would have been a stronger message.
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Moses dropped some water on some bitches.

Ummm... I have no problem believing Mohammad killed people with his own hands...

Moses... not so much.

If you're going to believe the "historical" bullshit that one religion claims. Why can't you believe the historical bullshit another claims?

To me theres no proof Mohammed or Moses even existed, so everyone should just shut up.

3 Clear Things Everyone Should Know About Islam

theali says...

It tells me that it would be impossible for moderate Muslims to argue for peace and co-existence, when their God's direct representative spread his message and will with a sword.

It would be equivalent of Jesus leading the crusades himself and Christians saying "we are a religion of peace".

Power always brings corruption, Jesus wasn't around when his religion took power, so he maintained his ethicality. On the other hand, Mohammed was alive as the influence of his religion took hold. The video is accurate in saying that the beginning chapters of Quo-ran are peaceful, because back then Mohammed didn't have political power, so he preached ethically. But as people converted and he secured a political clout, the verses start to become aggressive and violent, because now he could exert pressure to spread his influence.

>> ^yellowc:

Sorry I must be missing something, what does this single fact tell us exactly?
>> ^theali:
Mohammad is the only mainstream "prophet" who has shed blood, by his own hands, in the name of his own religion. This single fact alone, tell us everything, we need to know.

I was like, "Dude, you have no Quran!"

maximillian says...

>> ^blankfist:

Who cares if some goofy pastor wants to burn a book? Look, you can go online and find countless of examples of Islamic extremists burning flags and bibles and whatever else. It's stupid to burn a book, but it's even stupider and petty to let it bother you.
But if you burned an Amazing Fantasy #15 we'd have to talk about that.

Agreed. Christians shouldn't care if you burn the Bible. The Bible teaches we are not to worship anything man made depicting anything on earth OR in heaven (this is the 2nd commandment). The words of the Bible are sacred. But the physical copy of the Bible is a mere book made by man. It is not a religious icon.

This pastor should be allowed to burn whatever he wants. It is free speech. It bothers me that Obama stepped in the middle of this. The guy seems like a wacko anyways. He can't even spell Quran correctly.

Who cares about burning the Quran... the equally weirdo Muslims that can't tolerate criticisms of their religion. Remember the death threats for the artist depicting the prophet Mohamed in cartoons? Why is it necessary for the US State dept. to issue a travel warning over this incident? If Islam is such a religion of peace then why is it necessary? Why the many death threats against an artist? Oh wait...

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