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Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero

A mosque at ground zero? (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

enoch says...

for the past few days i have had to field questions about this very subject.
i was taken aback at how many people bought into this non-issue.
because thats what it is...a non-issue that has been re-packaged to promote a political talking point.
so lets review those points:
1.what is being proposed is not a mosque but a community center.
2.the proposal is not at ground zero but 5 blocks away in an old burlington coat factory.
those two points alone should be sufficient to allow this non-story to be ignored as the political fodder it is,but that wont happen because:
people are too lazy or ignorant to look at the facts and ignore the hype and/or are too frightened of people named habib and mohamed.
a media created hysteria over a non-issue and it is working brilliantly to stir up those unwilling to think for themselves.
freedom of religion NOT freedom from any religion other than christianity.
i live in a country of dumb-asses.

ponceleon (Member Profile)

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Pprt says...

>> ^Samaelsmith:

>> ^Pprt:
Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

I won't question the translation but I would like a clarification of what you think shahada means. All I can find is that it is a religious declaration saying basically "There is no god but God, and Mohammed is his messenger."

Correct. The Shahada is a declaration of Islamic faith. If you repeat it three times you're considered a Muslim.

Its meaning has been twisted to represent being the act of "martyrdom" (read suicide bombing) by hardline Islamists. I used the quotes because a martyr is someone who would lay down his/her life for a cause. A martyr doesn't intend to take someone else's life.

Someone who has done the Shahada in the latter sense is called a Shahid,

Good on you for looking into it, Samaelsmith!

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^Pprt:

Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

I won't question the translation but I would like a clarification of what you think shahada means. All I can find is that it is a religious declaration saying basically "There is no god but God, and Mohammed is his messenger."

Indonesian 2 year old smokes 40 cigarettes a day

Xax says...

"But in spite of this, his fishmonger father Mohammed, 30, said: 'He looks pretty healthy to me. I don't see the problem.'"

Words cannot describe.

Drama hamad

ponceleon says...

I loved the one statement: "I'm free to change my mind if it seems that I should."

That really encapsulates the difference between science and religion. Religious freaks keep saying that atheist "deify" science and have "faith" in it and I really think the statement above serves to show what the major difference is: Religion takes holy texts (or the words of people who have declared that they somehow channel god through their words) as being unwavering truth. Science works towards truths, but is ALWAYS willing to reexamine its conclusions should new evidence appear.

Earlier in the month, someone on VS tried to call me on believing in Dark Matter (which some speculate is unmeasurable) but not believing in the possibility that Jesus is running around controlling the universe (which is also unmeasurable).

The difference is that dark matter is predicted by measurement. It doesn't clinch that it exists and my mind is entirely open to another explanation about why the rotation of the outer parts of galaxies seems to move contrary to what one would expect given the amount of mass one would predict at the edge of a disk. That said, there is absolutely nothing in nature that predicts Jesus, or Buddha, or Mohamed, or the flying spaghetti monster.

Thunderf00t: BURN MUHAMMAD BURN!!!!

BicycleRepairMan says...

Aisha was 7 when Mohammed "married" her, and 9 when he first raped her. I'm sure it was , like slavery, deemed more acceptable at the time it was done, so in this respect I should probably allow for the fact that Mohammed was like everyone in his own time a victim of the prevailing ignorance at the time.

The important point about Mohammed, however, isnt that he married children. After all, he's long dead, and the child is long dead. too late for apologies or restitution or penalties. The point about it is that Mohammed is presented as a role model for todays society and forever into the future. His words are read as if they were Gods word, and his actions are deemed worthy of gods.

This is why just about anything Mohammed ever did (like marrying 7-year olds) is common practice to this day, which is why blasphemy is such a blessed thing. its all about dragging these over-glorified, patriarchal, totalitarian assholes down to our level and telling it like it is: they dont know shit better than any of us, and following their examples will hold the world back. We need to strive to become better, to evolve our society and our morality anddo the very best we can to improve the world. You wouldnt send your broken iPhone back to the 7th century for repairs, so don't do it with your morality either.

Thunderf00t: BURN MUHAMMAD BURN!!!!

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^joedirt:

You banned choggie because some faggot got all butt hurt over taking some "come down out of trees" joke as meaning gays are like monkeys....
But then you allow this bullshit nonsense spurred on by ignorant Thunderf00t spreading racism and hate based on painting a billion people with one brush.

"Fuck islam. Fuck their pedoprophet."
No, fuck queers, fuck jesus lovers, fuck creationists.
How about fuck black people? How about fuck towelheads? Fuck tribal africans.
Fuck jews. We should burn them.

You same assholes would be offended if there was a video about how jews should all burn. This isn't much different.

Again with the defending of Islam by classifying it as a race. Its not a fucking race, its a fucking religion. And yeah, fuck it. And fuck Christianity and fuck judaism too. these are medieval, patriarcal, racist, sexist, inhumane and inhuman ideologies with "values" that belongs NOWHERE in the 21st century.

And yeah, the Prophet Mohammed was a kiddyfiddler. fuck kiddyfiddlers. Religion, or the number of people following it, is no excuse to leave the subject alone, infact it makes it even more important to point out how wrong childrape is, because apparently, when the rapists are devout, people seem to have trouble seeing whats wrong with it.

As Tim Minchin put it: if you protect a single kiddy fucker, then pope or prince or plumber, you're a fucking motherfucker.

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

chilaxe says...

>> ^thinker247:

Also, to any other member of the human race who tells me what I can and cannot do, without rational evidence as to why I must obey...fuck you.

I am highly offended by your comment. Dance on unicorns to the magical valley as penitence or you will be on the receiving end of vengeful lightning bolts!!

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

Mi1ler says...

This reminds me of a question I once heard.

If I buy a teddy bear for $10.
Name the bear Mohammed.
Then sell the bear for $15.

Have I made a profit?

Thats about what I feel on this whole arguement.

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

lampishthing says...

She looks very well

Ancient leaders did have posthumous problems with that sort of thing alright, just look at Buddha who explicitly stated he wasn't a god and that he shouldn't be worshipped.>> ^entr0py:

That is a very nice dress.
Also, I thought that Mohamed commanded his followers not to depict him so that they wouldn't end up worshiping him as a god. Which is pretty wise in light of what happened with Jesus. If so they missed the point spectacularly.

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

entr0py says...

That is a very nice dress.

Also, I thought that Mohamed commanded his followers not to depict him so that they wouldn't end up worshiping him as a god. Which is pretty wise in light of what happened with Jesus. If so they missed the point spectacularly.

Skeeve (Member Profile)

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

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