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Draw Mohammed Day Protests

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^blankfist:

It should be a 1st Amendment right to say anything. Even "fire!" in a theater. There, I said it.

Of course you have the right to shout "fire!" in a movie theater. Even "bomb!" on a plane! Just be prepared to reap the consequences of causing fear/panic/etc.

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

xxovercastxx says...

Depictions of Mohammed are not forbidden by the Qur'an, but in certain hadith. As such, certain sects have problems with them and others do not.

The term for forbidding depictions of holy people or the divine is Aniconism. It's not unique to Islam and has been a feature of most major religions at one time or another.

Aniconism is to prevent idolatry, so expecting people of other religions to adhere is beyond ridiculous.

What I would really like to see come out of this protest is really well done, respectful depictions of Mohammed. I think that would better serve a freedom of speech protest than the stick-figure drawings of Mohammed having gay sex and blowing things up that I am anticipating.

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

braindonut says...

>> ^NinjaInHeat:

You can always count on TYT to make an argument like a couple of retards. I find it ironic that these so called "ultra-liberals" are never able to actually look at a situation and analyze it like adults, they're just the left-wing version of their right-wing extremist equivalents (though that is definitely the preferable version).
At the very least be intelligent and honest enough to admit that the Muslims in question are honestly offended and rightly so, the whole point was to offend them. Am I saying they have any right to send death threats to anybody? or even go around campus erasing drawings? no. But when someone tries to make fun of someone else's beliefs you don't have to be a genius to expect someone will be offended. The fact they can't handle their being offended like adults is another problem and whether or not this whole draw Mohammad day is an admirable move or just some cheap shot at Muslims is again, unrelated. Bravo TYT, you are morons.

Are you being ironic? Cause Ana more or less said what you just said.

Draw Muhammad Day (First Annual!)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cartoon, muhammed, Thunderf00t, South Park, religion, islam, free speech' to 'cartoon, muhammed, mohammed, Thunderf00t, South Park, religion, islam, free speech' - edited by calvados

Muhammed cartoonist Lars Vilks attacked by muslims in Sweden

Dawkins to Imam: What is the penalty for leaving Islam?

ponceleon says...

Sure it is fair to dismiss ALL religion. Just because you are a little crazy in that you believe in magical forces controlling the universe doesn't make it ANY more legitimate.

Of course there are non-violent religious people. Of course there are religious people that don't piss me off as much as the tools I'm mostly talking about, that doesn't mean that they don't suspend reason for something with is just illogical.

I can definitely understand that there are "good teachings" in many religions and I have no problem with that, but it is the fact that those are indistinguishable from the other parts OF THE SAME RELIGIOUS TEXTS which call for violence, war, and intolerance which lead me to my ultimate statement: religion needs to go.

Want to teach about tolerance, love and understanding? Go right ahead, you don't need mana from heaven, Jesus walking on water, crucifixions or Abraham almost killing his son, Mohammed in a bear suit whatever to get there. Secularize the teachings, remove the mumbo-jumbo and the magic rings of power and I'll listen. The problem with mixing good teachings with this suspension of rational thought is that then you are subject to the whims of clergymen who invent their own bullshit (like priests not being able to marry so the church can inherit their property) in order to advance themselves. Teach people to be good and to think, don't teach them superstition, fear and ultimately hate. Yeah yeah, some of these stories in the bible are innocent enough, but by painting this magical harrypotteresque world they open in the doors to people believing in things that WILL have a bad effect on them.

Again I remember a funny debate I had with a Jesus freak: I was discussing abortion and at some point the Jesus freak didn't like the logic I used and tried to convince me that his logic was superior by spouting the following example:

"Unlike you, I believe everyone deserves to live... even someone like YOU. And that is because my god teaches me this."

Think about that for a moment, he was essentially telling me that because of my ideas about abortion and woman's rights, he fundamentally felt that I deserved to die, but only because his god told him not to think that way he was willing to concede me my life.

I do good things because it is better for all of us to be good to each other, not because some magical being threatens me if I don't do what he says. Who is a better person, the one who does good deeds because he wants to do good deeds, or the one who does them because he's afraid of the consequences if he doesn't?

Religion needs to go.

>> ^Myrmidian:

>> ^ponceleon:
I keep saying this in all these clips and I'll keep doing so:
Religion needs to go.

I don't think it's fair to dismiss all religions on the basis of the actions of a few unintelligent or uninformed people.

siftbot (Member Profile)

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Mohammed in Southpark

Mohammed in Southpark

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Bruti79:

I can't find the embed code for the Daily Show last night, but Jon Stewart nailed it again:

Ahhh can't see that link here in america, however, we can see this one.

Man John, that is pretty brave, much respect.

TDS: South Park Death Threats

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jon stewart, the daily show, south park, mohammed, muslim' to 'jon stewart, the daily show, south park, mohammed, muslim, lovely theatre district' - edited by ponceleon

Mohammed in Southpark

Gabe_b says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

So this is getting some media spot light....

Exactly. I can't help but feel that Mr. PBUH would be pretty embarrassed by these wads. Oh well, thems the breaks when you go starting a religion. Or rehashing one as the case may be.

Trey Parker & Matt Stone on the 200th episode of South Park

Mohammed in Southpark

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