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xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

luxury_pie (Member Profile)

Spoco's 2011 Melbourne Siftup Footage

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Yep, was fun.

In retrospect, orycteropus would've avoided that problem, and been a bit cooler, but I didn't think of it. The likely alternatives from your region (excluding immediate surrounds) of Erdferkel, oryctérope, maasika, or jordsvin would also have avoided the problem... but I'm as happy to leave them to others.
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Looks like fun!

I cannot read @oritteropo's name as anything other than otterpoo for some reason. My brain it breaks.

Issykitty (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

It was a fun time. Lane's end, the first venue, was a very pleasant place to sit and drink beer and eat nibblies and their food was very good. Unfortunately for me I think I ate too much of it, and then couldn't fit in the Indian food later I'm sure it was excellent too, it looked and smelled really good. It was 9:30 by then though, and I'm not used to eating that late even if I haven't eaten earlier.

Melbourne is a good place for food, we have a good variety of restaurants and cafes here.
In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
What a great looking bunch of Sifters. Looks like it was an eventful and fun time! Indian food??? SO JEALOUS!

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

I didn't think so, I thought it just looked like you were talking. I think I'll keep my day-job and not become the official sift photographer then >> ^dag:

Wow, in that second one - I look like a belligerent drunk. Drunk sure, but belligerent? That's not how I remember it.
>> ^oritteropo:
I was far too slow! My two blurry photos are here, and I'm afraid they add little:

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^kymbos:

It was great fun - thanks for organising, spoco and wonderful meeting everyone in person.
But seriously, people can be so judgemental of a man in stilettos, even in 2011. Sigh.

It wasn't the stilettos I took offence to, it was the combination of flesh coloured stockings and open toed shoes that got to me... That is just a fashion no go sir... no go. Although I'll give you points for the diamantes, they were fabulous.

Meatspace. I mean, really. Meatspace

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

dag says...

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Absolutely, as soon as my application with the IMF to float "The Powerpoint" as a currency on the open exchange gets approved, we'll have lots of money for those kinds of things. Assuming $1 = 1PP. I can make millions of PP. That's how currency works, right? >> ^spoco2:

Thanks @dag for the additions and fixes to the post. It was a great night, and it would be awesome to do it again. I'm sure with Videosift's vast profits you could fly in all top sifters for a yearly sift up... I mean you're rolling in it aren't you? Isn't that what you said?

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

dag says...

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We just flew back from Melbourne and now I've caught my breath. What a great trip and Sift Up it was. Melbourne is a gorgeous city - the trams, old architecture lots of amazing things to see - and the caliber of its citizens, (at least the Sifters) is second to none.

@spoco2 - I've added a couple of pictures to your post. Gaylord's was fantastic - I wish I hadn't filled up on pints of beer beforehand. We've got to do it again at least once a year, maybe we need to fly in some overseas Sifters too.

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