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oritteropo (Member Profile)

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

dag says...

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Things I learned about Melbourne:
-- if you're an American don't pull the bell on the tram. But if you do - say g'day and exit immediately.
-- the best pubs are on the roof up six floors of stairs - and no fair taking the lift
-- best place for the Pulp Fiction soundtrack played on sitar.
-- smartest, nicest most fun people South of the equator - and equal to the North ;-)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

dag jokingly says...

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Yes, the jungles of outer Melbourne are pretty rough. >> ^deathcow:

The sitftup was excellent. Funny enough I ended up naked and lost in a well jungled area surrounding Melbourne, I can surf the web from my phone so I know there is cell service within a few miles, but I cant see any city lights.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^deathcow:

The sitftup was excellent. Funny enough I ended up naked and lost in a well jungled area surrounding Melbourne, I can surf the web from my phone so I know there is cell service within a few miles, but I cant see any city lights.

Stay calm, and if you get thirsty you can drink your own pee.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

deathcow says...

The sitftup was excellent. Funny enough I ended up naked and lost in a well jungled area surrounding Melbourne, I can surf the web from my phone so I know there is cell service within a few miles, but I cant see any city lights.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

kymbos says...

Yep, it's all looking good. Saturday's now looking 25 and mostly sunny - loving it.

Melbourne is our oyster. I have had a bit of a check, and most rooftop bars open around midday on Saturday.

As I said, I'm looking like 8pm and will contact Dag to find your whereabouts. If you do head to the rooftops, Mme Brussels and the Carlton Hotel are pretty close by Meyers Place. Brussels is a bit more showy and expensive than the Carlton, which is more of a 'beer on tap' kind of place. The rooftop bar on Swanston St is further away, but has a spectacular view.

If you are keen to eat before I get there, no worries - I'll meet you for drinks afters.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

@kymbos, I do love the idea of the rooftop places, and as @dag said, we may well move to one. But most don't open until after 4pm. Meyer's place opens at 4, so we have a place to start from, and then can move on through the city as places open up

We'll find our way to great places I'm sure. I wish you were coming earlier as you certainly seem to know the bars around the city much better than I... although to be fair I think there are alley cats that know more about the bars in Melbourne than me.

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

>> ^dag:

@persephone and I will be at the Crowne Plaza. Is that far?

@dag, Not really, it's either about a 15minute leisurely walk, or a quick tram ride up the street.

@kymbos, I do like the idea of roof top places or those with gardens, and Madam Brussels is ridiculously close to Meyer's Place... it's just that
a) The weather is not looking to be nice and sunny, so rooftops might be a bummer
b) Being down at street level I think makes it easier to spot the fellow sifters.

Now, being that @dag and @persephone will be down Southbank way, we could make the meeting point be closer to that area, but I think that runs the risk of the whole thing remaining around the Crown complex, which doesn't really show off Melbourne that well.

What we need is a way of people knowing our movements as the Sift Up progresses. I'll say it here and at the top of the post, if anyone wants my mobile number so they can track us down on the night, then I can do that.

Or, I guess... being that dag tweets, people could follow that? I've never used Twitter in my life, so I can't speak for how well that would work.

Would that make more sense though?

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

Melbourne Siftup (with Dag): This Saturday! (Downunder Talk Post)

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