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VideoSift's SOPA/PIPA Response (Sift Talk Post)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Happy New Year! (History Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Considering that everyone basically empties out of Canberra on holidays - there was actually a really impressive and expensive seeming fireworks display. This is a very prosperous city - thanks to Australian taxpayers.
>> ^oritteropo:

Happy New Year, everybody, and especially critical_d
I had a quiet one, so no stories to tell. There were a surprisingly large number of illegal fireworks set off nearby though (hmm...).
The legal fireworks in Melbourne had an issue or two as well:

Happy New Year! (History Talk Post)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Louis C.K. Interview on "Nightline" 12-12-11

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^kymbos:

Man, people are gonna hate me for not jumping on the Louis train, but I paid $80 to see him here in Melbourne (which on the current exchange rate is like $481,973 in US dollars). He was great, and it was money well spent, but if he hasn't achieved any financial security from his act yet, I'm not sure it's the industry's fault.

He turned down a shit load of money to make his own show. He has said that the only way he could keep creative control was to turn down the big bucks. He took a much, much lower offer so that he could write, direct, produce, cast, act in, and edit his own show.

If you paid $80 dollars to see him he probably made 50 cents off of it.
That's the industry's fault.
(But, I don't hate you--well, not for this anyway)

Louis C.K. Interview on "Nightline" 12-12-11

kymbos says...

Man, people are gonna hate me for not jumping on the Louis train, but I paid $80 to see him here in Melbourne (which on the current exchange rate is like $481,973 in US dollars). He was great, and it was money well spent, but if he hasn't achieved any financial security from his act yet, I'm not sure it's the industry's fault.

Louis C.K. on Evolution

spoco2 says...

That was awesome, and it did not start 37 seconds in.... the whole first bit was funny too

Also, I think I may have to buy it. This is how artists get me now. I love their stuff, I've watched lots on youtube etc. They give me things I can buy of theirs to support them for small amounts of money.

I do.

I've done it for Jonathan Coulton, Pogo, VAST, erm... others.

And now I think I'll have to for Louis CK. He is consistently my favourite comedian I'm seeing out there at the moment.

(I wish I could compare it to live like I used to... maybe this Melbourne Comedy Festival will be the one I get to go out to again. (bloody kids, sapping up time and energy... why I awdda)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Spoco's 2011 Melbourne Siftup Footage

Spoco's 2011 Melbourne Siftup Footage

Spoco's 2011 Melbourne Siftup Footage

Spoco's 2011 Melbourne Siftup Footage

Spoco's 2011 Melbourne Siftup Footage

Spoco's 2011 Melbourne Siftup Footage

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