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Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

Sarzy says...

>> ^SlipperyPete:

>> ^Sarzy:
Saw this a few weeks ago. Might just be one of the best documentaries I've ever seen -- yes, it's that good. Even if you're not into videogames, you need to watch this film.

HotDocs? I saw it too, and agree 100%. One of the best - very well shot, well paced, great visual treatment, and super engaging.

Yep. I actually saw it via the satellite feed in a theatre in Etobicoke, and the massive thunderstorm that night caused the feed to cut out a couple of times, which sucked. I'll have to go watch it again now that it's playing at the Lightbox.

Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

SlipperyPete says...

>> ^Sarzy:

Saw this a few weeks ago. Might just be one of the best documentaries I've ever seen -- yes, it's that good. Even if you're not into videogames, you need to watch this film.

HotDocs? I saw it too, and agree 100%. One of the best - very well shot, well paced, great visual treatment, and super engaging.

Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

hpqp says...

My mistake, I mixed it up with Rosen's solo product (and Overgrowth's ancestor) Lugaru.

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^hpqp:
promote, even thought I think they really missed out by not featuring Overgrowth's Wolfire, who is making what is probably the most anticipated one-man-made indie game of all time.

Except that the site says it's by 4 guys. Not that it isn't a tinsy, tiny team, but still

Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

Auger8 says...

Your right but back then they were still constricted by programming and memory constraints since the average computer had maybe 128k of ram to work with. I remember programming in Basic when I was like 8yrs old. I remember having to do programs sometimes upwards of 500 lines or more that only ran once and couldn't be saved in anyway. And the finished product was some Pixel Art or maybe a song that played "Mary had a Little Lamb" through a PC Speaker. Granted Basic was a very limited programming language to begin with.

Then there was the gaming crash of 83' that pretty much destroyed those same bedroom coders your speaking of.
It wasn't really till the invention of Shareware which didn't become widely used till the late 80's that things started to get back on track and people had some of the freedoms we are enjoying now with indie games and crowd-funding. Though I see and acknowledge your point about things being cyclical. If games hadn't suffered such a major setback in the early 80's things would have been very different today.

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^Auger8:
A new age has dawned for games. The ideas of the common man can now be expressed to the world in a way that was never possible before. Free of the restrictions of publishers and corporate giants. Free of the expectation to make the next great cookie cutter FPS or RPG. We can now for the first time in history truly make the games that we WANT to make. We can innovate. We can push the boundaries of the old genres. We can create new genres and we can tell the stories that not only change the industry but change the hearts of the players we strive so hard to reach. This is the second Golden Age of Gaming and I for one couldn't be more excited to see it arrive!

Erm, hardly 'for the first time'.
The first games on home computers, back in the mid 80s, were largely one man jobs. A whole collection of bedroom coders made buckets of money back then creating games for computers like the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.
Yeah, it then became taken over by the giant media companies, and yes it's now becoming far more accessible for people to be able to code quality games with tiny teams, and have them reach people via the internet and delivery systems like Steam.
But it's a return to that, not a first time thing, it's all cyclic

spoco2 (Member Profile)

Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

spoco2 says...

>> ^Auger8:

A new age has dawned for games. The ideas of the common man can now be expressed to the world in a way that was never possible before. Free of the restrictions of publishers and corporate giants. Free of the expectation to make the next great cookie cutter FPS or RPG. We can now for the first time in history truly make the games that we WANT to make. We can innovate. We can push the boundaries of the old genres. We can create new genres and we can tell the stories that not only change the industry but change the hearts of the players we strive so hard to reach. This is the second Golden Age of Gaming and I for one couldn't be more excited to see it arrive!

Erm, hardly 'for the first time'.

The first games on home computers, back in the mid 80s, were largely one man jobs. A whole collection of bedroom coders made buckets of money back then creating games for computers like the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64.

Yeah, it then became taken over by the giant media companies, and yes it's now becoming far more accessible for people to be able to code quality games with tiny teams, and have them reach people via the internet and delivery systems like Steam.

But it's a return to that, not a first time thing, it's all cyclic

Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

spoco2 says...

>> ^hpqp:

promote, even thought I think they really missed out by not featuring Overgrowth's Wolfire, who is making what is probably the most anticipated one-man-made indie game of all time.

Except that the site says it's by 4 guys. Not that it isn't a tinsy, tiny team, but still

Trailer for "Subway Surfers"

gwiz665 says...

I can't honestly say, since that's not really my department, but my gut says that it will eventually make it to android as well, since it's not a huge leap.
>> ^Auger8:

Slick, looks like a lot of fun, always happy to support a indie developer and a fellow sifter at that!
[edit]Any plans for Android platform? I sorta have a thing against Apple heh, I only use PC and Droid devices.

Indie Game: The Movie - Official Trailer

Trailer for "Subway Surfers"

Auger8 says...

Slick, looks like a lot of fun, always happy to support a indie developer and a fellow sifter at that!

[edit]Any plans for Android platform? I sorta have a thing against Apple heh, I only use PC and Droid devices.

Harrison Ford Watches Indy For The First Time

Zawash says...

The Last Crusade - best Movie + Computer Game combo ever!

What would have made this clip really epic is if he had bad things to say about Uncharted too, and it would all be cut in context of the "Crystal Skull" thingy that some (fools) claim to be an Indy movie.

There are Three movies made featuring Indiana Jones, and Two featuring Mad Max.

Harrison Ford Watches Indy For The First Time

Harrison Ford Watches Indy For The First Time


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