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Copyright Math

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^Peroxide:
Nowadays with the money in my budget I do the best to go to the movies, shows, and buy the media that I actually like.
Before access to the internet I can recall too many bad memories of coming home with CDs and DVDs that I thought I would love, and then ended up being really upset that I had purchased them.

Laziness did it for me. Stealing games is just to hard compared to downloading it on steam. When I was a kid, driving to the store was harder than just downloading it (and it was also free). I would wager that a large majority of people wouldn't pirate if the copyright holders offered their content in the right way. I like the way valve put it, "Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem". Not always true, some cheap thief's out there, but I know I have bought more games via steam and more books via amazon then I did before them.

I noticed ME3 is going for $80. 80 fucking American fucking dollars. Not fucking likely.

Great post then great reply. I think it's a service problem and a price problem, steam does well because they do good deals. Fact.

I see a game, it looks good, but i've been stung so many times i'm tempted not to try. Then i see it's worth 4.99, and it's completely worth the purchase. 40 pounds for a game i may or may not like and may or may not be able to return at my own expensive of time and effort is an absolute joke. Especially modern day games. Sorry, that's how i see it. Not that i pirate, i just play indie games and get the right games.

Valve so far are the company to release games that i would admit i've had about £150 worth of fun from, and in retrospect i'd have happily paid that for the game. How often can you say that with the £40 titles?

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Stormsinger says...

Damn dude! I used to think I knew how to search the net. Nice work, and I thank you for the info.

These were submitted in the hope of finding just such info, more than any hope they'd get sifted. So I owe you one now. LOL
In reply to this comment by oritteropo:
Electronic Pop Indie band from Lisbon, Portugal.

They have a youtube channel and their website is accessible using the internet wayback machine (it has been defunct since 2007) -
<a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="<a rel="nofollow" href="">">

From the bio on that archived site:

The Portuguese musician João Pico formed BANGGURU in December 2003. Featuring J.Pico (guitar, programming) , Marisa Fortes (voice, lyrics), Pedro Henriques (voice, lyrics), João Hora (programming) and José Dias (guitar). The group presents a multi-oriented electronic pop music and is working on their second album.

João Pico was born in the early '70s. He attended the Hot Clube de Portugal and several musical projects sprang up from this invariable interest in music. He is presently working as an image editor in a TV network.

Marisa Fortes was born in the late '70s. she had singing lessons in Academia de Amadores de Música de Lisboa. She has a degree in Portuguese and English Literature and is presently working as a teacher.

Pedro Henriques was born in the early ‘70s, he attended the Academia de Amadores de Música de Lisboa and studied Archeology. He is presently working as a technician in a TV network.

João Hora was born in the late ‘70s, he has a degree in Physics and he is a music composer since the early ‘90s. He is presently working as an audio technician.

José Dias was born in the early ‘70s, he has a degree in Portuguese Literature, he is a musician as well as a composer. He is a teacher and he also works in a Portuguese dance music magazine as a jazz reviewer.

The Miserable Rich - Early mourning

Bangguru - Another 80's

oritteropo says...

Electronic Pop Indie band from Lisbon, Portugal.

They have a youtube channel and their website is accessible using the internet wayback machine (it has been defunct since 2007) -

From the bio on that archived site:

The Portuguese musician João Pico formed BANGGURU in December 2003. Featuring J.Pico (guitar, programming) , Marisa Fortes (voice, lyrics), Pedro Henriques (voice, lyrics), João Hora (programming) and José Dias (guitar). The group presents a multi-oriented electronic pop music and is working on their second album.

João Pico was born in the early '70s. He attended the Hot Clube de Portugal and several musical projects sprang up from this invariable interest in music. He is presently working as an image editor in a TV network.

Marisa Fortes was born in the late '70s. she had singing lessons in Academia de Amadores de Música de Lisboa. She has a degree in Portuguese and English Literature and is presently working as a teacher.

Pedro Henriques was born in the early ‘70s, he attended the Academia de Amadores de Música de Lisboa and studied Archeology. He is presently working as a technician in a TV network.

João Hora was born in the late ‘70s, he has a degree in Physics and he is a music composer since the early ‘90s. He is presently working as an audio technician.

José Dias was born in the early ‘70s, he has a degree in Portuguese Literature, he is a musician as well as a composer. He is a teacher and he also works in a Portuguese dance music magazine as a jazz reviewer.

Car disintegrates.

Porksandwich says...

As I think it's relevant to the discussion and it was left as a little quasi threat on my profile.

In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
Disagree with what ? your intent or interpretation of the events in the video are completely void because of this statement " Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera. ?

Is clearly is in violation of the posted rules. I'd make a big stink about it if it was 2 pm and not 2 am. I'll do it in the morning

Please do make a big stink, this site has a lot of rules that don't get enforced until someone gets a bug up their ass about it. And without enforcement whose to know what videos are allowed or not when my video CLOSELY resembles some of the videos I've linked below. And I'll say right now that you putting extra tags on my video was in poor taste and mocks the events of the video. I don't think you are the right person to be making judgements on my videos when you can mock the video with those tags.

These are the videos I found in the first 20 pages of the "death" channel. - Has a short intro screen and a exit screen. No news coverage, no documentary claims. It would fall under your rule, yet it's been voted very high up there and no one complained. - This video was taken down by youtube because it showed a guy dieing in it. The comments on THIS SITE even reflect it. No one ever questioned it. - I can't confirm those men on the ground are dieing or dead. It shows corpses, wounds and all being defiled for ENTERTAINMENT of the troops. I'd classify this as snuff. - Shows a building where 100+ people died. - Shows the tv footage of a car crash where the driver died. No informative news network or documentary. Snuff. - Shows a plane crash, no news or documentary. Snuff. - Shows footage of WTC where we know people were dieing inside. We can't see them dieing, but that rule still applies. Snuff. - Police office shoots a man to death. Snuff. Stage collapses people die. Snuff. - Police kill a guy on film. Snuff. - I didn't watch this one all the way through. Video Submitter claims death occurs in it. Could be animal, could be people. You watch it and decide if it's snuff...I saw some animals attacking people but never saw the outcome to tell if they were dead or not.

Die Antwoord is a ninja. A terrible, terrible ninja.

A little techno to brighten your day

bmacs27 says...

Exactly. Electronica is a bit too broad a term for me. I mean "club music" or producer music. I don't mean synth pop or hip hop. I think Techno is understood by most people to mean something broader than Motown four on the floor or whatever. The only people that get uppity when you use that word are pedantic hipsters that know the 6 other words for that specific sub genre anyway. >> ^rottenseed:

I used to use "electronica" as a catchall and I hated when "techno" was used because techno is specific. However, I've come to realize that hip-hop, indie, alternative and pop are all electronica in many cases. Electronica describes the process (instrumentation) in making the music, not how that music is combined.>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^BoneRemake:
Techno ? this is down-tempo style of electronic.

Meh, I use techno as a catchall. If I'm talking about techno-techno I'll usually call it electro, or what have you. Besides, it's arguably ambient.

A little techno to brighten your day

rottenseed says...

I used to use "electronica" as a catchall and I hated when "techno" was used because techno is specific. However, I've come to realize that hip-hop, indie, alternative and pop are all electronica in many cases. Electronica describes the process (instrumentation) in making the music, not how that music is combined.>> ^bmacs27:

>> ^BoneRemake:
Techno ? this is down-tempo style of electronic.

Meh, I use techno as a catchall. If I'm talking about techno-techno I'll usually call it electro, or what have you. Besides, it's arguably ambient.

Phantom Menace 3D Trailer!! No, Really...

beardy man explains why indie is shit

Deano says...

>> ^acidSpine:

"after this you'll never have to listen to another indie song in your life" Thats funny, I thought the same thing about dubstep after the first 4 seconds of this video.
Oh yeah and he really showed his bias when he called indie the most ceaselessly repetitive un-innovative genre of music: Punk anyone? Of course not, punk's been shit since the 90's.

I love the way people take this sort of performance as a serious representation of the artist's views. Sit him down and have a serious chat and I'll draw a conclusion then.

beardy man explains why indie is shit

acidSpine says...

"after this you'll never have to listen to another indie song in your life" Thats funny, I thought the same thing about dubstep after the first 4 seconds of this video.

Oh yeah and he really showed his bias when he called indie the most ceaselessly repetitive un-innovative genre of music: Punk anyone? Of course not, punk's been shit since the 90's.

Every Teardrop is a Waterfall - Coldplay

westy (Member Profile)

Peroxide says...

Fanks Mate!

In reply to this comment by westy:
>> ^Peroxide:

Don't get me wrong, he's talented but you'll never find anything of his on my ipod. Trance for life.

I listen and listened to allot of trance for last 14 years or so, To me so much of it is utter shit its almost not worth listening to all the "shit" to get to the good stuff.

seems to be an issue with allot of electronic music I guess because its easy to produce the basics but hard to make something iconic or sound really tight.

anyway lol I find it strange listening to trance when out the contrast between people doing every day boring shit and what I am listening to is to much , maybe if I was on mushrooms it would work better together.

You probably know about it already but if not you should check out www.DI.FM , They do play annoying adds and lack new content allot but in general its decent.

beardy man explains why indie is shit

bookface says...

Been saying it for years: indie is shit. It is pastiche pop art, meaning it's inherently derivative. Ironically, musicians and fans of indie fancy themselves counter-cultural (hipsters) when all they've managed to do is raid their parent's record collection and grandparent's wardrobe. Furthermore, there needs to be a moratorium on the following instruments: glockenspiel, celesta, toy piano, or any other bell like instrument. These are staples of the indie diet and they make any track INSTANTLY sound like a Target commercial. I could go on but indie will be dead and gone before I'd finish the rant.

marinara (Member Profile)

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