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Key&Peele "Liam Neesons"

kceaton1 says...


I really love this skit, it just hits all the right notes, in the right way AND at the right time(s). It's on the mark, over the mark, hyperbolic, ridiculous, sometimes completely correct, but always introduced with a point that is reamed into your mind over and over again--with some people unable to even get the joke if you read Youtube comments for all or any of their skits (reading these comments is actually one of the funniest/funnest things you can do; I swear you literally can find the dumbest people on the planet on Youtube just by reading their comments; for some reason they seem to all like Tea Party related material, HAARP, "Black Helicopters, UFOs, ghosts AND the fact that shows like, "Ghost Hunters", as these idiots always like to say, "IT IS REAL!", and various other stupidity expenditures that in all likelihood takes one I.Q. point off every time they post--they are usually EPICALLY idiotic and can almost induce strokes just by reading their comments at times, as many of you are may be very well aware of--these idiotic posters are contained in this vestibule of the Internet, almost like an abscess of "The Tubes™"...) . A great vaudevillian type skit... Which is why I like so many of Key and Peele's skits and their material as it DOES have that vaudeville quality and atmospheric vibe going for it. I feel as though if you can't like Key and Peele you certainly have a genetic disorder that compromises your ability to enjoy humor and life.

It quite frankly, is a type of comedy that is dying in American television (indie comedies on Cable stations are the key shows still keeping it alive for now--shows like Key and Peele, Portlandia, etc...) and has basically completely disappeared from movies all-together. I think the last comedy that was great, and good enough to count as something along these lines was, "O Brother, Where Art Thou?". Woody Allen and quite a few other directors/writers made a movies that fit this vein, but Mel Brooks really was the king of this type of slapstick and understood this field better than most directors and writers have for a long time.

Although, I know I haven't watched EVERYTHING there is to see, so I readily admit I might be missing some real winners that I REALLY should be mentioning (for example I know Community is very popular, but I don't know what type of comedy it is--is it a typical generic platform comedy, like Friends, or is there something more to it...) . Make sure to post below any other comedies that you feel should be added into the mix, comedies that can be simple on their face, but end up having a lot of intelligent discourse hidden underneath or they just have influences like Key and Peele that give them the feel that a bit of vaudeville and improv (the reason why shows like, "Whose Line Is It?", did so well and if you do a search on Videosift--or Youtube--you quickly realize it was a HIGHLY enjoyed, liked, and well thought of in almost ALL of it's skits, sketches, and comedy routines--a program, that should be mentioned, that originated in the U.K. on the BBC; that version ALSO being excellent in execution, production, and an extremely very well thought out program from it's very inception) are included in their style of comedy and their skits.

Anyway, just my two cents...

/My comment on the state of current U.S. comedy in mainstream media sources is added in so my quality markup isn't just sitting there all alone... Plus it gives us something to talk about besides just this clip/skit.

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

probie says...

After buying countless, differing versions of the original trilogy over the years, surviving the prequels, and seeing what a mess the entire franchise has become, Star Wars has long since been dead to me. After Indy 4, Lucas deserves to have his arms torn off by the proverbial Wookie.

I'm just glad he didn't have any hand in the Back to the Future movies.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Smart Cat Knows How to Open the Freezer

Mr Bean at the Olympics

dannym3141 says...

Yossarian i couldn't agree more.

Very british ceremony, and probably very much FOR the british people. I don't doubt that many of the reasons i enjoyed it will not be relevant to others. To take the stadium from fields of green to industrial towers was great, especially showing all of the people who were there (willing or not) to help the transition - boats arriving from the west indies and such, the suffragettes. To see the growth of britain and eventually the forging of the rings. I think the ring forging was one of the coolest things i've seen.

It was different, and at times anti-political, anti british. Because being anti british is a british trait. Thank you boyle for showing what pride in our country looks like. The NHS and great ormond street, these are things to be proud of. Our humour, our invention, our quirkyness, our gifts to the arts. If only this would inspire more pride in our health sector. We used to lead the world with our NHS till the tories got their hands on it, maybe we can once again if we take PRIDE in its quality; show the world what a free health system can be. Come on, britain. Where's all the pride gone?

Even though i wasn't such a fan of the singing and dancing and texting, i understand why it was there (a tribute to what we've given the world in the technology and arts departments) and i think choosing Danny Boyle was a masterstroke. I haven't seen anything like it in my life before, and thank god it was finally something to come out of britain to be proud of. At least the british public knows how to represent britain on the world stage. If you want to know how great "great britain" really is, watch our HUMBLE ceremony.

We could lead the world again by showing them what humility, cooperation and pride can do; no more money in politics, no corrupt bankers. Civilised society and fair play were once our specialities.

Btw interrupting a tribute to one of the major bombings of the "anti terrism era" led by bush no less is if you ask me outright insulting to the memory of the dead. To cut to a worthless talking head like ryan seacrest as well? I'm sorry that britain couldn't hold people's attention for longer than 3 minutes whilst we mourn the loss of our loved ones. I hope the silence for the wars didn't bore anyone either. We all payed dearly to defend this island, this link to the theatre of war that eventually inspired the world to fight with us against wrongdoing and against the odds; the least we might expect from the rest of the world is their attention span for a bit.

It was deemed good enough that china commissioned a stage version to be shown in beijing. I bet seacrest won't be getting a call up. Anyone who didn't like it - switch over to Big Brother, Celebrity Love Island, X's Got Talent, Geordie/Jersey Shore or E! now. I'm sure you'll be mesmerised. You might even find ryan seacrest presenting one of them!!

Romney Has Already Told Us Enough

VoodooV says...

The question is what the indies will do. I already know how this indie will vote..but I can only speak for myself.

I am getting sick of the paid personalities though...left and right. These so called discussions between "liberal" and "conservatives" on shows like this are about as genuine as Mitt's smile.

This election is already over though. Mitt simply cannot rally the conservative base because he prays to a different imaginary friend than his other Republican pals. Republicans and Democrats alike are calling for him to release his taxes.

Something tells me it doesn't matter either way. If he stands firm, he's sunk because he's hiding something. If he does release them, he's sunk for being a tax dodger.

They did make an excellent point though. Even if he did really leave Bain like he said in 1999. This notion that he ran things without outsourcing and they only started outsourcing the instant he left is a bit absurd.

What knife fights are really like

Indie Musician Pranks Starbucks to Become Song of the Week

"Spoiler" (Indie After-the-Zombies Movie)

Metric - Gold Guns Girls

GeeSussFreeK says...

So this song made me do some wikipidiaing. I love punk, usually pop punk and stuff that is very ironic or just silly, The Vandals, The Ramones, ect. I have heard of new wave before, but didn't really know what it was. So, this band is classified as indi-new wave. And new wave is basically post punk with a more electronic feel and less "arty" than most post punk (punk takes itself to seriously now a days, you are lost punk, so lost!)

All that to say, I really liked this song, and it somehow reminded me of punk. Now I found the connection and perhaps a brand new genera of music to like

Metric vs. Finnish Disco Moves

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'metric, disco, dance, finnish, indie, mix, how to' to 'metric, dead disco, remix, remodel, dead disco remix' - edited by BoneRemake

Metronomy - The Bay

lampishthing says...

Yeah, I love it! It's really rather perfect. This is one reason I wish I liked regular pop music more - there's not enough scantily babes* in indie videos

*I've been listening to that Best Coast song>> ^Sagemind:

Early 80s style editing. In the style of Love Boat or Fantasy island.
They did a lot with little.

EA in a Nutshell

Fletch says...

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Take bioware for example. Before they were 'bought' by EA they made some of the (arguably, but almost universally accepted) best games of their particular genre. Baldur's gate 1 and 2, neverwinter nights....

Forgot about Bioware. They're on my list as well. They used to be an automatic buy, but DA2... EA is poison to game companies.

It's difficult to explain to young'uns who were raised on consoles why old-school PC gamers are so disappointed in the current state of PC gaming. This whole backlash that PC gamers are "elitist crybabies" is just so tired. I have a gaming mouse and a 104 keys, yet many PC games are designed for multiple platforms, and, unfortunately, the lowest common denominator is an ADD-addled console player with a gamepad. The result is cookie-cutter dross that is only made discernible in its genre by the textures and artwork that make up its world. I'm not saying great AAA pc games aren't being made any more, just that there are so few, and this move by developers towards always-online DRM for single-player gaming (Ubisoft, Blizzard) limits my choices even more, as I refuse to support that bullshit.

I still play through Doom and Doom2 about once a year and have a blast every time. I'm about halfway through yet another run of Diablo II, and I'm thinking I'll fire up Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate after that. So many excellent older games to play and replay, not to mention the large number of quality indie games being released. I don't miss Diablo III one bit.

EA in a Nutshell

dannym3141 says...

To call the battlefield franchise "well made" is a bit of an insult to high quality fps games. BF2 was released CHOCK full of bugs (if you played it, you'll know) and was left unmaintained. Certain game-breaking bugs were left in for months and months at a time despite ruining huge aspects of the game. On top of the bugs that were not fixed, new content was released and promoted - that ALSO contained bugs. Even when bugs were fixed, new bugs were introduced. And many of the fixes involved changes that negatively affected other aspects of play! How can this be called "well made"?

I consider myself an experienced gamer. I enjoy many genres, and have been playing for ~18 years. I don't just play huge titles, but i do play those too. I play indie games, casual games, you name it. The only company that i go out of my way to avoid is EA and that's due to bad experiences with their games. I am not "just a hater", as i did play dragon age and sang its praises once i'd come to accept that it wasn't simply another standard EA title.

Take bioware for example. Before they were 'bought' by EA they made some of the (arguably, but almost universally accepted) best games of their particular genre. Baldur's gate 1 and 2, neverwinter nights.... we're talking sweeping epics that involved in depth and original story lines that carried the game single handedly (i mean, it was only isometric, the story was everything). Then suddenly, EA get involved and bioware produce mass effect - instead of being able to choose from a plethora of moral and immoral dialog options, actions, we get a good/neutral/evil meter and equivalent options. I'm not going to tell anyone mass effect is a bad game; it is up to the public to decide and they have decided it's good. But i insist that, but for the dated graphics, their earlier RPGs were better in every single other way, and what they provide in their modern RPGs falls short on any RPG checklist you care to make when you put it up against Baldur's gate, icewind dale, etc.

I was very excited when dragon age was released, but then immediately disappointed again when dragon age 2 was released - and who can honestly claim that 2 lived up to 1? Can anyone deny that it was shat out at maximum velocity to cash in quickly on the success of the first? It was a completely different game!?

I hope i have managed to not sound like an anti-fanboy cock; i have spent hundreds and hundreds of pounds on game flops by EA which were underhandedly promoted by reviewers that i then learned not to trust. I feel utterly cheated by them but that is why i don't buy their games now, and that's why you'll find more and more people expressing the opinions herein and in the video. So yes, it's very easy to say "lolz u shudnt buy there gamez u foolz", but when there's several teams of people working together to try and trick you into doing something it may take you a few goes before you learn what the shape of the turd looks like. It's underhanded and i would have thought you could understand why people get annoyed by that.

I'm not surprised piracy has increased with the steady decline in VALUE FOR MONEY. I payed £30 for half life 1 and i still play it to this day. I'd gladly pay £100 for it in retrospect. The first installment of a battlefield game costs me £40, and £15 for an extra few maps or guns they add. Valve are still giving me stuff for free, and i cannot thank them enough for putting pride in their work, and for that they will have the kind of brand respect that EA will never get.

@Fletch hit the nail right on the head. I don't think people who disagree are stupid, or wrong, or anything. But if you haven't experienced the old AND the new (that goes for everyone, not just fans of the new or just fans of the old), then you are not in an ideal position to put forward arguments about whether or not games have increased in value for money, or decreased in value for money; i'm glad you enjoy modern games, but i feel disappointed and cheated by them and that's a perfectly valid thing to express, and it is not your place to tell someone they're over reacting or being a baby. If you haven't tried it yourself, you can't know for sure.

I think that is what this guy was trying to say in a humourous way, probably didn't do the best job of it ever but it was at least funny. And do remember it was meant to be funny. I think some people in this thread in favour of EA have looked more foolish in their pro-EA arguments than this guy did in his anti-EA exaggerations. Remember it was meant to be funny.

TL:DR - i don't blame you

EA in a Nutshell

spoco2 says...

Seems like a lot of anger and energy has gone into this. Anger and energy maybe better spent just not buying their games.

I mean, I hadn't even HEARD of Origin (I thought he was referring to the Australian power retailer, which is not surprising, given this is the power company logo and this is the EA one. Not entirely dissimilar.

In any case, it's not lot Steam isn't doing insanely well, it's not like indie games aren't going great guns. So really I feel this is more about this guy falling for marketing over and over and feeling pretty damn stupid about it.

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