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Supergirl - First Look

CrushBug says...

I never watched Smallville.

I actually agree with you in this general area. My issue, more specifically with Arrow, is that I have found the last season to be bad. I really liked seasons 1 and 2, especially whenever they flashed back to the island. I wish they would have done more of that this season.

Flash has been really tight, in my opinion, in terms of story and characters. Iris has been annoying, though, with her Lois Lane Syndrome, but I can ignore that with all the other good stuff going on.

The first part of the this was weak, but it got stronger as it went on. The music... was wrong and I liked the re-cut video that was done, just for that.

ant said:

I don't know about that for Supergirl. It reminds me of cheesy Smallville. I like the darker series of Arrow, Netflix's Daredevil, etc.

Avengers Family Feud

gorillaman says...

"Is that the best you can do?" Is a pretty strange thing for Thor to yell.

Clearly the missing answers to the tights question were 'merry man' and 'boy-whore'.

I like dressing underage rent boys as little girls so I can fuck them and jerk them off and pull on their pigtails all at once.

Old Guy Gets Stuck In Seatbelt

MilkmanDan says...

Where I come from, it is pretty common in an older married couple for a husband to refer to his wife as "mom". He sounds like he's from Massachusetts to me, dunno if that convention is common there or not.

As for the seat belt, he's a large guy sitting in the back seat of a vehicle, where the width between belt and buckle can be pretty narrow. Could be that when he sat down with plenty of slack he could get the thing buckled, but then after riding the belt ratcheted down on him to such an extent that it placed him over the buckle so he can't just easily unbuckle it. The retractor that keeps the belt tight in modern cars often seems very overzealous to me, often making it hard to pull out some slack even when the car is parked and turned off.

...So, maybe you're right and the guy is just dumb as a post. To me, it sounded like a slightly grumpy/annoyed dude stuck under a seat belt that had locked in a very tight configuration that didn't allow for much movement. A situation made worse (to him) because it sounded to me like he didn't want to be in the car at all and the person who I interpreted to be his wife probably ordered him to wear his seat belt when he would have to just go without...

I dunno. I could certainly be wrong.

newtboy said:

This MUST be fake. There's no way a person could live as long as he has and be this dumb. He would have drowned looking up at a rain storm by now.
It's looking like leaning slightly to the left would let him out of the situation which must have been difficult to get him into. I don't believe for a second that he's really 'stuck' in any way. How is his elderly mom supposed to have strapped him in without clicking the seat belt in the first place?

Impatient Driver Destroys Caravan


jubuttib says...

The robots were in some ways some of the most reasonable ones I've seen in movies. The balancing when moving in the way shown here would pose definite problems, but they had a variety of locomotions (I liked the fastest rotating one the best) and the joints between the pieces at least looked like they'd be fairly easy to make very solid and robust. Though the fittings between the pieces looked pretty tight, so basically if you got a rock stuck in there... Yeah... Some issues.

Other than that overall the movie was a very meh experience, and I was so disappointed by some of the physics (mostly the basic one, particularly the airlock explosion somehow causing the craft/station to de-orbit... How exactly?) that I almost wrote it off at that point. Luckily the ending kinda pulled it together again so it wasn't on the whole unpleasant, even though they hammered it in way too much.

Heads or Tales?

Drachen_Jager says...

I've seen a variation on that trick before. The blue sheet is "dental dam" or something similar, a very stretchy rubber that goes transparent when it's pulled really tight.

Poke a coin into the bottom of the dental dam, stretch the dam so the coin pushes through, sort of like a mushroom. It appears to be on top, but in reality there's a very thin layer of transparent rubber on top of the coin. The right kind of pressure and the bottom coin just pops out the bottom of the sheet.

Voila. Magic!

(search "dental dam coin trick" for lots of examples, the usual one is to pop the coin into a glass)

release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw

lantern53 says...

more trolling from newtboy, just pushing buttons. It's a shame you cannot understand allegory. I'd have better luck explaining this to a 6th grader.

You need to grow up.

By the way, 'loose' is the opposite of 'tight'. 'Lose' is the opposite of 'win'.

Perhaps a simple education would serve you better.

Guy Has Seizure While Skydiving

Sagemind says...

A friend of mine lost consciousness while parachuting last summer. He says they synched the gear too tight, which cut off his circulation and he passed out. whether he mannaged to deploy his chute, or it opened on it's own, I'm not sure, he doesn't remember anything after that.
He regained consciousness a while after he hit a house and bounced to the ground.
He's lucky to be alive and is continuing to re-learn how to walk again.

Red Neck trucker says NO to this blonde trying to merge...

bcglorf says...

Safe to the extent that there was room, with a car length behind and ahead... That is how most people drive in town, or with less room. You do realize this is on a freeway, not in town, right. At freeway speeds, that space was too tight to be safe. Putting a car in that space makes that car immediately at an unsafe close distance to the car in front of it and behind it. At 60mph less than a car length between you is unsafe.

You also still seem to be repeating that the truck had no business being in the fast lane? Look at the start of the video, our truck driver is having to SLOW DOWN to match the speed of traffic in the fast lane. He absolutely is not too slow for that lane.

Finally, per the space available for that lane change, there is no way that car makes a lane change into a space that small, and does it that slowly without ever checking their shoulder, unless they are a terrible, terrible driver.

newtboy said:

I put "safe" in quotation marks, indicating it was safe to the extent that there was room, with a car length behind and ahead, not actually safe. That is how most people drive in town, or with less room, and would have been safe if the truck had not sped up to try to block her.
You have no idea what kind of driver I am, that's not me in the car. I would not have tried to pass, and if I did you better believe it would have been faster and more complete than the driver here. I have consistently said she was unsafe to do what she did. You can drop the ad hom for me too, I've been driving for over 28 years including 5 years of delivery service, with one accident due to black ice (no one else involved) and I did off road racing for years as well. I'm almost a professional driver, how about you?
Not having a cell phone law making it illegal, and it being the reason you lose a civil suit have little to do with each other. It's proven that it's unsafe to do, no matter what your state law is on the subject.
Once again, she was unsafe, as was the trucker. The trucker intentionally made it more unsafe and caused an accident he could and should have easily avoided. No matter what else you argue, that makes it 100% his fault in my state.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: UK Labour Party

blahpook (Member Profile)

Canadian lawmaker blames his absence on tight underwear

blahpook says...

The puns keep going here.

"I'm sure the NDP would much rather be riding up in the polls."
"Pat Martin a victim of wedgie politics?"

Martin himself weighs in: "I kind of got caught with my pants down. Winnipeggers never like to play full price to anything. Fifty per cent off is like catnip to a Winnipegger, believe me."

Canada Takes Zombie Invasion Dead Serious

Megyn Kelly on Fox: "Some things do require Big Brother"

eoe says...

I knew this would happen. Talking to you, too, @oritteropo:

I'm leaving it with just this, because people are attached to their bacon and steaks as tightly as they are tied to religion. Perhaps it's again apples to oranges, but I'm guessing a lot of you are the same folks who rant against religion and wonder why people are so stupid and don't look at logic and science, blah blah blah. This is the perfect time to look in the mirror and see a touch of what you're up against. When you've been indoctrinated with something since you were literally born, you fight against being wrong so hard. So, so hard. Seriously. Take a moment, take a deep breath, and take a little search inside looking at how much of you knows for a fact that eating meat is just fine, and how much of it is cognitive dissonance. How much of it is emotional and how much of it is logical. Look at a video of people going on and on about how Jesus Christ is Lord and another video of people going on and on about how much they love bacon. It's kind of disturbing how zealous bacon-lovers get. Try it. It's fun. It's why I became vegetarian only about 4 or 5 years ago. And I gotta say, getting rid of that cognitive dissonance is very, very relieving and satisfying.

Yes, yes, yes. Loads and loads of vegetarians and vegans are unhealthy. Actually, I would argue that most vegetarians and vegans are wholly less healthy than omnivores since most of them have a high-and-mighty "I'm vegetarians/vegan so I'm automatically healthy" and eat some of the most disgusting, heart-disease-inducing, oily, fatty, un-nutririous, processed shit that's ever been made. Look at some of the fake meat stuff to just have a peek.

No. If you actually watched any of the videos you will see that it's not just being vegan that is important. It's to be a healthy vegan. You know, all that shit you can't ever, ever argue is bad for you. Fruits. Leafy greens. Beans. Lentils. Whole grains, occasionally. But mostly leafy greens and fruit.

And there are loads of studies that control exercise and all sorts of other arguments for "NO NO NO! IT'S NOT MY MEAT! STAY AWAY FROM IT IT'S ANYTHING BUT MY MEAT!". I can think of a specific one that I read/watched about controlling for exercise, and I can find it for you if you'd like, but I'm guessing you aren't really interested. They discovered that very aerobic, exercising, running omnivores were as healthy as lightly walking vegans. He even had a cute graphic for it.

And it's not just this guy, either. Head over to Dr. Fuhrman's website for more of the same. Except Dr. Fuhrman is toting stuff to sell, so that unnerves some people. They claim he's just trying to make a buck. But all the money he makes goes to nutritional research.

The last thing I'll say is this:

I honestly don't give a flying shit about what you eat. I don't really care about the environment at all. I'm not planning on having kids, and I'm sure I'll kick the ol' bucket before antibiotics stop working, water is scarce, the waters rise above NYC, and all the other possible doomsday things that'll probably happen within the next 100 or so years. It's true that I also enjoy not feeling guilty for eating animals who live. It'd make me happy if you stopped eating them because the main thing I believe I'm around for is to minimize suffering in the world. So, that'd be nice if more people didn't eat them.

But if you want to live a nice, long, healthy life where you don't die of a stroke, heart attack, or diabetes by the time you're 65, eat better.

There's a reason why the milk, sugar, meat and pharmaceutical companies pump out study after study about how it's totally fine to eat their shit. They spend so much money on it, it's ridiculous.

Cheers to your health, either way.

ChaosEngine said:

The jury is still out on vegetarian diets, and they are certainly nowhere near anything like a vaccination for heart disease. You can just as easily be an unhealthy vegetarian as an unhealthy carnivore.

Certainly, most people in the west do eat too much meat, but there's plenty of evidence to suggest that meat absolutely has a place in our diet. The problem with most of these studies is that they don't compare like with like. Vegetarians tend to have made conscious decisions about food and health and are more likely to exercise and eat less processed foods. If you compare a vegetarian with a carnivore that eats well and exercises, the difference is much less pronounced.

If you want to be a vegetarian on ethical grounds, that's up to you, and there's certainly an argument to be made that a vegetarian lifestyle is more sustainable (using less land and water, etc)

However, this isn't really relevant to this discussion. If I choose to eat tasty steaks, there's no risk to those around me of catching heart disease.

Should videosift allow images in comments? (User Poll by oritteropo)

BoneRemake says...

What is to stop me from putting up a big cock.gif in tight speedo with the words " 'sup ? " ???


I doubt you all want that.

All it will do is cause problems, you are naive to think this would not be abused, it will drive the peoples away as this place slowly becomes a Reddit clone.

** and how can the definition of appropriate picture be any different than what a video can contain, and that is cock and balls and breasts and vaginas and whole human bodies - if in an artistic fashion. Now let us define what artistic is ? ...

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