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Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

newtboy says...

You can't really be that dense, can you?
Flying the battle flag represents love and support of the 'confederacy' and what it stood for, which was clearly based on racist dehumanization of millions of people (just read what the confederacy's founders said at the time, it's clear). You can ignore that it's a symbol of racial hatred, you can listen to those that claim it's about 'heritage', but you must consciously ignore that the heritage it represents is one of complete subjugation of a people based on the amount of melanin in their skin, and a clearly stated superiority of those with less melanin. That IS the history of the flag, it is not, and never was about any other part of Southern culture.
Your mistaken feelings about this flag indicate that you think Germany should still fly the swastika, just below the current German flag? It's pretty much the same thing, and the same level of insult to the victims of the confederacy as the swastika would be to Jews/Polish/French/Belgians/etc.

sixshot said:

Well, the guy was lucky to have the scene captured on video. But I don't see his problem with the supposed confederate flag.

Playing a bit of the devil's advocate here... but I'm sure most people here understands it anyway.

Why do they hate the confederate (battle) flag so much? It makes no sense. Do they just hate because they want to hate? I hear these excuses saying that it's a symbol of hate or racism. Yet I don't. I don't see it as a symbol for those two. I see it for what it is, the flag that people associated with as the confederate. I see historical value in it.

The people who are angry over a mere flag needs to wake the F up. The people who are hating it needs a reality check. That flag and its symbol has been a part of history for many years. It has represented a part of American history that should not be forgotten. These flags should not be taken down just because people are angry or hating over it. As long as the confederate flag is flown below the American flag, I am fine with letting it be displayed.

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

MilkmanDan says...

Might be interesting to compare and contrast how we in the US have handled our laundry list of "bad things we've done in the past" compared to, say, Germany.

I know that the Nazi flag and other imagery are outright banned / censored in Germany. From what I understand, WW2 history taught in schools in Germany is handled very carefully, if not largely glossed over.

In the US, the only bit of history that gets treatment similar to that (in my experience/opinion) is the Vietnam war. I know my High School history classes definitely glossed over it and didn't want to get into any details about why, how, or whether or not we should have been in the war at all.

Compare that to WW2, which was covered in pretty great detail. Very much including actively encouraging students to consider their own thoughts on controversial things like dropping not just one but two atomic bombs on Japan.

The Civil War is also covered much more openly and honestly. I don't think I can recall anyone ever seriously suggesting that the single, most important root cause of the Civil War wasn't slavery. Other umbrella labels like "states rights" might be referred to as the impetus, but yes, any and all of those things really boil down to slavery.

One thing that scares me about the German approach (sweep under the rug and don't talk about it) is that it sort of all too conveniently ignores the reality that these terrible things were done by people who were (disturbingly) not very different from us. OK, Hitler himself might have been a 1 in a million or 1 in a billion combination of evil, crazy, and powerful. But Joe Average from today ... not so different from Hans Average from 1930s Germany.

Celebrating one's heritage and past is OK, sometimes even good. Especially when one can honestly own and try to understand the bad along with the good. I think it is OK to appreciate the Confederate flag, along with historical figures like Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. It is possible to accept that their core motivations were done in support of a very bad and evil institution (slavery), but to still respect or even admire their accomplishments as human beings. Thomas Jefferson owned slaves too, but we are willing to look beyond that when considering his legacy.

Maybe the Confederate flag is tied too closely to the institution of slavery for it ever to be uncoupled from that. Maybe a government that prides itself on being democratic should consider that that connection creates a conflict with many of its constituents. But I hope we never sweep it under the rug and pretend it never happened.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

*Here's a back-up for when you delete my comment cause it makes you uncomfortably aware of reality.

But to answer your questions..

1.) Why would I want to charm a openly belligerent jingoist racist asshat? I wouldn't.

One who "takes every opportunity" to mock, disparage and shame black people & culture..

..Completely denying that rule-class privilege, ethnicity & heritage have ANY bearing on those unequal, unfair, unjust outcomes..


2.) Do you call me names? Yes.

Every time you talk shit about how young black males are all "criminals, savages & thugs" and they "deserved what they got because only bad people get stopped by police".

You're a fuckin' bully. You bully black people with nearly EVERY comment you post here.

I'm just here to remind you of what that feels like Lantern.

Doesn't it suck when someone relentlessly insults and mocks you? Constantly,. on the same topic.. ..every chance they get..

Don't you hate it when someone judges you & all other cops "shitty" based on the actions & statements of a few ACTUALLY shitty cops?

Nope? You don't care or understand or "get it". It figures.

Back into your bubble, old fool.
Back into your bubble.

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

GenjiKilpatrick says...

But seriously, @JustSaying

If that's how you feel, all you needed to express was that idea in the very last paragraph.

That's an insightful and helpful topic of discussion. Nice, one.

The rest - unfortunately- was you explicitly saying..

"While White Shame stretches as far from.. mundane everyday political buffoonery.. to harrowing tales of holocausts & lynchings..

..point-blank, there is literally NOTHING you colored folks could say to hurt my feelings/make me feel any true embarrassment, outrage or remorse..

(including the most terrible heinous things my heritage & daily life present)

..because at the end of the day, this world was LITERALLY made for me

(besides. i'm not even culpable for any of that abhorrent stuff
that "happened such a long time ago".

So what's wrong/why shouldn't I still benefit from it today also)

so.. hah. whatevs"

A point folks like @lantern53 ACTIVELY REFUSE to admit is THE #1 problem in American race-relations.

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

modulous says...

Reminds me of "Dick Like Me" from the first season of 3rd rock from the sun which explored culture and ethnicity as an important part of identity.

"you may see color, but I see people."

"Aren't we fortunate to have someone so enlightened? - O pious one, show us the way."

"This verges on sarcasm."

"You know, my heritage happens to be very important to me."

"As it should be."

"I'm Irish, and I'm very proud of that. And you're what?"

" Me? Uh, I-I-I'm, uh one of those, uh you know, one of the really good ones. You're this big anthropologist. You tell me. What am I?"

" Certifiable."

" Yes, that's what I am-- certifiable.
Certifiable and damn proud of it, as my father was before me and his father before him and his father before him.
Of course, we no longer practice."

newtboy said:

Perhaps what I'm calling 'racist' I should start calling 'being racially aware' to be more clear.

The Twiliters - Shakin' All Over

vil says...

About as Czech as Ferdinand Porsche.
I do welcome her inclusion in our multicultural national heritage even though the video is rather monotonous.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

enoch says...

not exactly a secret.
elites by the very definition feel themselves superior to the befuddled herd (actual term used) and therefore feel compelled to "guide" them and "control" them.
this attitude crosses partisan lines.
so on one side you have educated,indoctrinated elites who disdain the masses but use the language of empathy and compassion to manipulate and on the other side of the aisle you have a perverted aynrand/jesus monster to manipulate the masses.

either are being manipulated.

and there aint NO way the republicans are getting rid of obamacare.only the largest bailout gimme to big pharma and the health insurance industry.that would be political suicide.the entire policy was written by the heritage foundation for fucks sake! not exactly a bastion of liberal ideologies.

just as no republican will repeal roe vs wade.
they will use abortion like a battering ram to get their religious base into a frothy frenzy of hate and self-righteousness,but no way would they EVER let go of that boom stick.

this video is stupid and is only being used to create a platform so a certain someone can jump on his soapbox and preach his religion.

fuck that shit.go on a street corner and peddle your wares.this video has zero relevance.


Flying a Mexican flag in the USA is UN-AMERICAN

Ickster says...

She should come to Minnesota and tear down all the Norwegian/Swedish/Finnish flags you can find in this state.

Oh, wait. She wouldn't object to those, because those are white people's heritage.

The Middle East problem "explained"

enoch says...

@Sagemind man i didnt even know that!
i was looking for what @rbar posted and the affiliations with the heritage foundation and the hoover institute.

political think tanks which specialize in propaganda.

so,nothing to do with JEW @Taint but everything to do with manipulated information presented by an apologist wishing only to skew the opinion of those wishing to understand a very complicated situation.

that is the reason to discount his opinion,not the fact he is a jew.

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

chingalera says...

You're missing the forest for your own trees concerning these government agencies and how they are used by special interests, people-Lands declared federally-owned then 'managed' in this country have been historically for public use. According to the Sierra Club: "Public lands are used in the production of oil, gas, coal, hardrock minerals, timber, and livestock in addition to being used for roads, power and gas lines, and communication facilities just to mention a few. Likewise, the Public lands are an environmental treasure house for recreation and wildlife and scenic wonder from desert to seacoast, mountain top to prairie, grassland to forest -- a shared heritage for now and the future."

Most generational ranchers don't fuck-up the land, they don't abuse it , it's their goddamn livelihood. They know it's vibe way better than the feds and their little friends....

Bundy was paying to, and had a preexisting deal with Clark County and his damn family had been cattlemen on these lands for a few generations, living in harmony with the goddamn turtles, and not trashing the place like newtbox (god you think you know what the fuckit is you know nothing about except what the TV tells you) here and others use in defense of the encroaching and over-reaching bureaucracy whose ONLY goal is to save their own interests in the rights of this land for their nefarious personal good-ol' boy club purposes.

Urbanization and ominous government with peeps with votes never getting involved in righteous decisions during the process of being ASS-RAPED from behind tomes legislation with special interest laws piggy-backed within legislation has ALWAYS been the method of politicians, licking the asses of the money-men.

If people would get an ACTUAL clue abut how the government works to benefit these cunts, they'd start to sound like people who did their homework instead of self-righteous cunts trying to sound smart.

I am happy to accommodate the cries of 'ignorance' and 'fail', heard all this shit before, so go fuck yourselves unless you have anything else to spew but scripted 'what you think you know' horse-shit. I understand that certain types of dum-basses are quite satisfied with themselves to talk a lot and say nothing but whats fed them.

The United States government fucked the Native Americans, now they're fucvkng cowboys and ranchers......No digression with land and money drunk robber-barons, especially when they have dutiful putties to interpret history to suit their delusions.

Wanna fix the situation America? Stop eating their meat. Try turtle soup, the shits awesome.

How To Wreck Your Precious Lambo Aventador

WaterDweller says...

I love when grammar nazis don't actually look up the point they're trying to make, to make sure they're right. See no. 2 under tr.v. (transitive verb).

mat 2 (măt)
1. A decorative border placed around a picture to serve as a frame or provide contrast between the picture and the frame.
2. also matte
a. A dull, often rough finish, as of paint, glass, metal, or paper.
b. A special tool for producing such a surface or finish.
3. Printing See matrix.
tr.v. mat·ted, mat·ting, mats
1. To put a mat around (a picture).
2. To produce a dull finish on.
adj. also matte
Having a dull finish.

(Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.)

Payback said:

Matte is an adjective not a verb. It describes the type of black.

You have painted your bike uniformly matte black.


AIKIDO - Street story (Czech short movie)

TheFreak says...


Then we have a similar heritage. I study under Gaku Homma sensei, who was at Iwama very close to the same time that Bob Frager was there.

Also interesting, Frager is a friend of Stanley Pranin who came and gave a private lecture at my dojo last year, about the early history of Ōsensei. So if we're playing "Six Degrees of Morihei Ueshiba", I think we're 2 degrees twice over.

First Lady gets people to buy things with name-calling

enoch says...

i voted for this video if only to see it dissected for the hack piece it is.

do we really need to point out the infantile logic of using michelle obamas comment of "knuckleheads" and conflate it with a 300$ bottle of water?

come on..seriously? thats pretty dumb.

but obamacare is not a is performing exactly as it was designed.
written by the heritage foundation.
it is basically a gimme bailout for big pharma and the health insurance industry.
and it is functioning perfectly.

if obama truly wanted a universal health care.we already had a system in place that,as @Yogi already pointed out,would have saved money and the infrastructure was already in place.
single payer would have been an easy implementation.
covered everybody.
and saved money.

but that was never the goal.

socialism for the rich.
capitalism for the poor.

Sarah Silverman Hurt By Jonah Hill's Roast Jibes

chingalera says...

Yikes. I suppose what hurts worst for yourself is your sincerity. Oh and, I know I could never be as funny as her, ain't got the heritage and bloodline there Yogi....

Oh and uhhh, Yogi?? If you'll recall or not, I was the 1st or second user on this site to have been roasted, AFTER I began the fucking tradition, which is now about as dead as your exhortation.

Yogi said:

Shut the fuck up ya dumb cunt, you will never be as funny as her. You try sooo fucking hard but you're not funny. You're a should be suicide and you know it.

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