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The Plant that Could Save the World - audio

The Plant that Could Save the World - audio

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

Tofumar says...

Don't forget "smelly-potato farming-horse thief"

In reply to this comment by MycroftHomlz:
I wrote this about you... thought you might laugh.

That philosophy loving-tofu eating-pinko-ivy league-neocon-hemp wearing-liberal-conspiracy theorist has been floating around the sift for a long time. Like the kid who stands next to the pool watching everyone else swim, occasionally shouting to the other kids that they look like they are having fun.

In reply to this comment by Tofumar:
"Furthermore, if he was really brave he would renounce his faith and become a fellow atheist."

Um, no. It would not be any more brave just because that's what you want him to do, or even because it's true (IMHO) that there is no god. Rather, it would only be going beyond where he feels the evidence leads him, and thus would constitute a betrayal of his principles. Remember, he said he doesn't know whether or not there's a god.

So doing what you want him to do wouldn't be brave. It would be foolish.

Jewish boy announces his Agnosticism at his Bar Mitzvah

MycroftHomlz says...

That philosophy loving-tofu eating-pinko-ivy league-neocon-hemp wearing-liberal-conspiracy theorist has been floating around the sift for a long time. Like the kid who stands next to the pool watching everyone else swim, occasionally shouting to the other kids that they look like they are having fun.

>> ^legacy0100:
^Hey, I like this new guy.

Hemp won't create Marijuana Problem

smibbo says...

pissing into the wind here.... as he said, the oil companies know this and have known for a long time. Which is WHY hemp is illegal. Unfortunately. But maybe someday we'll get this situation fixed. Someday....

Hemp: history and usefulness as a sustainable alternative

millertime1211 says...

In the 1920's the Du Pont company developed and patented fuel additives such as tetraethyl lead, as well as the sulfate and sulfite processes for manufacture of pulp paper and numerous new synthetic products such as nylon, cellophane, and other plastics. At the same time other companies were developing synthetic products from renewable biomass resources--especially hemp. The hemp decorticator promised to eliminate much of the need for wood-pulp paper, thus threatening to drastically reduce the value of the vast timberlands still owned by Hearst. Ford and other companies were already promising to make every product from cannabis carbohydrates that was currently currently being made from petroleum hydrocarbons. In response, from 1935 to 1937, Du Pont lobbied the chief counsel of the Treasury Department, Herman Oliphant, for the prohibition of cannabis, assuring him that Du Pont's synthetic petrochemicals (such as urethane) could replace hemp seed oil in the marketplace.

William Randolf Hearst hated minorities, and he used his chain of newspapers to aggravate racial tensions at every opportunity. Hearst especially hated Mexicans. Hearst papers portrayed Mexicans as lazy, degenerate, and violent, and as marijuana smokers and job stealers. The real motive behind this prejudice may well have been that Hearst had lost 800,000 acres of prime timberland to the rebel Pancho Villa, suggesting that Hearst's racism was fueled by Mexican threat to his empire.

Just another FYI:
Peter Bensinger is a former head of the DEA. He and his partner Robert DuPont (former Director of NIDA) created Bensinger, DuPont & Associates, which profits from selling drug war related consulting and testing services.

Hemp: history and usefulness as a sustainable alternative

Hemp: history and usefulness as a sustainable alternative

Hemp: history and usefulness as a sustainable alternative

jonny says...

>> ^Enzoblue:
they're missing out on reality as it is.

That would be your reality - not theirs. If they are truly your friends, you might ask yourself (and them) to what end does each of them indulge in a particular intoxicant, instead of lumping them together in the class of "stoner burnouts".

Hemp: history and usefulness as a sustainable alternative

Enzoblue says...

Yes but the myriad of uses for hemp were discovered by people heavily funded by stoners who can't appreciate reality un-baked, and are desperate to get it legalized so they don't have to spend 50 bucks a week on their habits or get arrested for them.

If you could get high off bamboo they'd find a way to cure cataracts and make sweaters with them too I'd bet. Just seems too convenient that weed just happens to be a "miracle plant" too.

Hope you're right about my friends though.

"Just Words"

choggie says...

history IS the judge, uhohohouuh, hope in that sense is, spin the cylinder hope for a "click" sound....this guy strings positive jingoisms together like he's braiding Rapunzel's hemp-like locks!!

Hemp: history and usefulness as a sustainable alternative

arvana says...

Industrial hemp is a completely different thing from marijuana -- although they are the same species, you can't get high from smoking hemp; the THC levels are just too low.

And yes, there are other plants that have some of the usefulness of hemp (bamboo, sisal, flax), but it is by far THE most useful plant for many many different purposes, plus it's a very sustainable crop. It's almost a miracle plant, so it's great to see that it's starting to be allowed again for commercial use in some countries. I have some hemp clothes that I like very much.

As for your stoner friends, I feel your pain but I also think it's a healthy stage for a lot of people to go through to get to know something more about their own inner world. 97% of them will get over it in a year or three, though if they get stuck in it they might benefit from a good kick in the butt (and some therapy to get to the bottom of whatever they're avoiding facing by being permastoned).

Ron Paul's December 17th press conference

Ron Paul's December 17th press conference

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