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Alberto Gonzales Resignation Speech

Breath In, Breath Out

choggie says...

Car Keys,....check
CD's, cellphone, bottled water,....check
Flyers encouraging awareness about hybrid lawnmowers printed on recycled rain forest product paper with soy ink in hemp fabric backpack,.....check for sea otters superseding that of myself and my fellow sentients,....check!

("god, why can't the others make a difference like me, why can't they understand??")-*rambling inner-voice....check

-Captain Planet

Giant electric shaver runs after giant hair, LIVE!

Krupo says...

If you mean dumbass marketing hacks, then I'm afraid I agree.

Damnit - if you're going to pimp a corporate viral video, make the quality half-decent. I've seen better video quality in the hemped-up stoner recordings, sorry.


drattus says...

Cool technology, bad use. I'm sure there's difference of opinion on how much, I've heard estimates of anywhere from 2.5 to 4 times as much, but it seems that acre per acre we can get more paper with less pesticides and less effort with hemp. Pretty good quality paper as well and other uses too once the pulp is stripped.

Quick web search turned this comparison up, as I said I wouldn't take it as more than estimates since I've seen variation and management will effect it, but the trend seems solid enough.

Bon Cop Bad Cop - Canadian Border Relations

Lisacat's kitten "Choggie"

Spongebong Hemppants

Hemp For Victory (1943 US Information Film, 13:42)

Farhad2000 says...

Industrial protectionism, DuPont lobbied the government to make Cannabis a Class 1 drug, a narcotic, in order to vilify by association hemp, and effect the transfer to polyester. In reality the THC levels in hemp are minute and have very little intoxicating effects. Genius isn't it?

Yay for dictating goverment policy to appease corporations!

Hemp For Victory (1943 US Information Film, 13:42)

benjee says...

People don't smoke Hemp (I hope) - it contains no THC - and my point is that Hemp is a species of plant whose use out-weighs any other, and has been used for thousands of years longer by humans than - say, alcohol (the now socially acceptable substance). Plus, your question "how is using a plant for something that is useful hypocritical?" What about the varying legality of medical cannabis? What about our rights to grow and use a plant that we've used as a species for so long? Watch the linked video for the evidence of what I'm saying.

Hemp For Victory (1943 US Information Film, 13:42)

gorgonheap says...

There is a diffrence between hemp plants that the factories grow and what people smoke. A lot of rope is still made of hemp, I grew up on a farm where we had some wild hemp that would grow. but that speices of hemp has such low dossages of THC that you'd literally have to breathe in smoke from the burning plant for several hours just to even start feeling high. how is using a plant for something that is useful hypocritical? I think the problem is people used the stronger more potent species of hemp (actually the leaves not the whole plant) to get a high. Which dulls the senses and impars judgement. Hense a ban on use of the plant leaves for ingestion.

Hemp For Victory (1943 US Information Film, 13:42)

benjee says...

Obviously, when fighting the Nazi's - the US war-machine couldn't ignore the most useful plant in the world: hemp (or THC-less cannabis, to the layperson). Full of useful information the government has now chosen to ignore, such as "Hemps been used for thousands of years" - since around 6000 B.C. to be correct (predating alcohol by a couple thousand years).

More information on the U.S. Governments illogical & hypocritical war on cannabis can be found here in "Grass" - History of Marijuana Documentary.

South Park - Cartman hates hippies

choggie says...

....Patchouli smellin', Grateful Dead listenin', no leg shavin', dreadlock growin', draft dodgin', stray dog havin, stream of conciuosness speakin', Phish followin', hemp wearin', freelovemakin' HIPPIES!...............goddamn hippies!

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