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Morgan Freeman being black and succeeding in life

newtboy says...

What I think he means with "stop talking about it" to end racism means stop talking about (and focusing on) race, not stop talking about racism....all of us, not just the victims of racism. If we ALL ignored race, clearly racism would evaporate....but racists don't do that, instead they focus on it. What the video implied IMO with the smiling Trump is that we should just stop talking about racism but continue to apply it, problem solved. Trump himself often divides and labels people based on race, unapologetically and gleefully, he certainly does not approve of the idea that he should 'stop talking about race and dividing people based on race', which is what I'm sure Morgan was saying.

I was mostly with him until he said anyone can pull themselves up by their boot straps. That's bullshit. He had immense talent (he won a state wide drama competition at 12), drive, opportunities, supportive family, education, and just as important, luck. Assuming that anyone without those abilities and support can do the same is ridiculous. Circumstance and natural ability mean most people don't have a chance to take advantage of opportunity that might present itself if they're lucky enough to have one appear. There's something wrong with him to think that anyone can do what he did, clearly almost no one can as very few have.

Yes, Mr Freeman, the bus runs every day....but you have to have the fare and be willing to abandon your family, job, home, and community for a lottery ticket elsewhere. For some, there's nothing to lose looking for greener pastures, but most who get on that bus are not successful, and many take their families down with them. I'm not suggesting people shouldn't look for better options and take them, but it's not as easy or simple as just getting on the bus.

Ministry - "Thieves"

lurgee says...

Thieves, thieves and liars, murderers
Hypocrites and bastards 

Hey thanks for nothing!
Morals in the dust
Two-faced bastards and syncophants
No trust

Thieves! Liar!
Inside, outside, which side, you don't know
My side, your side, their side, we don't know
Which side are they? Which side are they?
Which side of their mouth do you suppose that it came?
Which side are they? Which side are they?
Which side of the grass is greener?
Inside, outside, which side, you don't know
My side, your side, their side, we don't know

You're like a great big fucking gun,
Just waiting to get squeezed!

Breathe, forfeit erection!
Toxical injection
Geriatric fuck-fest
We still believe in lies

Thieves! liar!
Inside, outside, which side, you don't know
My side, your side, their side, we don't know
Who started it? Who started it?
Which side are they? Which side are they?
Which side of their mouth do you suppose that it came?
Which side are they? Which side are they?
Which side of the grass is greener?
Inside, outside, which side, you don't know
My side, your side, their side, no one knows

You're like a great big hit of acid,
Waiting to be taken!

Late Night with Seth Meyers: Kansas Tax Cuts

MilkmanDan says...

@eric3579 Thanks for the quality!

My mom is president of a district school board in Kansas, so the "education" parts of the cuts have hit really close to home for her (and by extension me, even though I'm not living there). Very very tight budgets. Most music programs got drastic cuts years ago, and are effectively gone now. AP programs for college credit? Gone. Good teachers for academic subjects? Usually bail for greener pastures very quickly.

...But, being rural Kansas, plenty of money gets spent on bus / coach / equipment / facilities for the football team. To be fair, a good chunk of that comes from booster clubs rather than gov't. Still shows where the priorities are.

Net Neutrality Battle Rap

eric3579 says...

The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back
The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back

So the FCC won't let me be
They want to stack the deck for the ISPs
but we've got a couple of tricks up our sleeves
It's far too important to leave to police
it could lead to the streets
a breach of the peace
and even decrease our freedom of speech
there's never been a bigger reason to read up
and see what's agreed 'cause of greed for the green and deceit
The greener the leaf, the sweeter the tree
the quicker they'll chop it down and leave nothing but tree stumps; debris
the damage is done, no refund received
see, the thing about net neutrality
is unless you get huge salaries
? the paramedic won't rescue casualties
' til they've seen to the rich next dude's allergies
they'll prioritise cash over content
wanna send one bit? That's one cent
What nonsense, man it's scaring me
a planet of plenty's selling scarcity
Innovation paved the way
Now invaders are paying to take it away
but they ain't gonna make it today
! Letting that happen's a major mistake
If Lessig was rapping he'd tell you the same
Tim Berners Lee baked us a cake
and they've taken the cherry.. AND THE CAKE
discrimination is happening today
to blacks and to gays and to packets of data
though ethically they're exactly the same
so Oi, we're not gonna stand 4 it m8

U WOT M8??????

The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back
The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back

I'm from the place John Oliver came from
but no matter where you live you should be singing the same song
at long last, I'm putting Comcast on blast
'cause they never learn their lesson like they're in the wrong class
well I'm the professor and I'm setting you with one task
Get them knocked back like a shot glass
Straight in front of me's a cable company
The way they're behaving's unbelievable
Comcast is in league with the devil
and it's pissing me off, I'm not even American
! Take a peek, see from the evidence
Netflix had to pay a fee to get better links
it's a shakedown, communication breakdown
There's a bully in the playground
I had enough of that at school, won't lay down
lay a finger on me, you'll be laid out
You'll be laid out
You'll be laid ou
You'll be laid out
You'll be laid out
lay a finger on me, you'll be laid out

The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back
The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back

Taking it back, we're taking it back
We're taking it, we're taking back

Bill Nye: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever

bobknight33 says...

So there are 97 "scientists" that say unequivocally the sky is falling and you are buying it.

How many Climate Scientists are there in the world? Surly more than 100. What about the other 200 - 300 scientists? Do they agree?
This Carbon dioxide you claim to be the doom of man, how can you differentiate between man made and naturally made?

If you really care about this then ride a bicycle and eat only locally grown food and cut you electricity. Go live "3rd world" and leave reasonable men knowledge in peace.

I'm all for cutting fossil fuel and going "greener" but it has to be cost effective.

Who is going to buy a Chevy Volt at 60K when you can get a gas car for 30K.
Oh wait the Chevy volt was a financial disaster because it cost too much.

What happens when the coal fired electric plants stop producing electricity due to government "green" requirements that they can't meet and you electric bill goes up 30%? are you cool with that?

I think it will take 50 more years to get to cost effective "green" technologies.
Until then keep strong in your 3rd world hut..

I'll invite you over to my electric air conditioned house. I'll even pick you you in a gas power car.. Heck Ill even let you take a warm shower and do you laundry in that electric thing called a washer.


VoodooV said:

you mean the 3 out of 97 that don't believe?

good luck with that. Great plan you have there. I'm sure you could go beat up the 97 cuz you're such a tough guy.

so stupid

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

chingalera says...

So newtboy....Your points kinna lost on me and you seem to think that there's some kind of idiot disease keeping Texas from offering you the peace-of-mind of being surrounded by people with similar "progressive" ideas? Hell man, the entire countrys' full of imbeciles who haven't a clue how the system works to enslave (you apparently are in this group WITH ALL OF US!!) EVERYONE...

uhhh, New York and Chicago are full of out-of-touch kool-aid drinkers if you want the opinion of someone who distrusts any and all governments, any and all monetary systems, etc etc you see where this is going???

California: biggest flake-fest on the planet, lived there would never go back to do so again. Colorado, Oregon, Washington State, Arkansas....Lived a lotta places and always come back to Texas-

You are wrong about the greener grass elsewhere, and Texas has plenty of highway, covered in Ladybird Johnson's neurosis for having married a cock-sucking murderer.

Now-You have issues obviously with Christianity as well,maybe you should check yer shit because3 that very last sentence of yours?? This one:
"and Texas is not one of those places if you aren't a right wing Christian."

Well sir, that's simply untrue and fucking retarded. You have a childish bias shaped like a corn-cob in some hidden place in need of extrication perhaps??

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

chingalera says...

"That is typical of Texas rightwingers"

Love the broad brush-strokes, I use similar stereotypical sentiments when referring to MOST Americans regardless of their "state" of incarceration

So newtboyP, you left Texas at 13 because you had to, you lived with your parents at age 13 I trust, and semantics-be-damned, so you didn't "run", so please, "Go fuck yourself."(see, simply because I used some ad-hom the irony of your own directed at me is lost entirely in rules and regulations and adhesion to conduct)

I'd move to some idyllic utopia within this country but the only places that appeal to me have too many rednecks or too many pretentious university students-Sorry mate, I don't fit your convenient groups or labels we're a bit more enigmatic than all that.

You wanna analyze something how about picking-apart your last few sentences lamenting the mentality of everyone in a state 2/3 the size of Europe and again, using convenient labels and broad generalizations that fans of such tripe can soak the gravy up with after eating the manna falling from their asses like it was sent down from God herself.

I've lived everywhere but the eastern seaboard mate and "being" anywhere now is about as good as the shits gonna get-Your own ideas that grass is greener politically somewhere else and therefore better than state X over state Y,... self-indulgent and illusory.

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

chingalera says...

Careless. What you left is to be enjoyed throughout the United States of Unconsciousness, regardless of invisible borders between the hectares...This particular abuse of the machine notwithstanding, you ran from what's essentially your own shadow cast by the sun, and the suns' everywhere-Blame for the insanity of governing bodies rests upon everyone's shoulders, no one state can be singled-out-

I stay here because all there is to be had somewhere else is more ineffectual whining from Americans who have been groomed for the past 50+ years to enjoy the smell of their own shit as their heads reside comfortably, up their own asses.

Conservative, liberal, progressive, partisan, democrat, republican, socialist, etc., these terms and labels have become absolutely meaningless and the discourse to be had on forums where these terms are slung-about like they actually mean something actual or tangible (including this one), banal, tiresome, and lacking any practical substance to affect change of any kind.

Moronic and pointless iffn yer askin', and since this soapbox tirade be unsolicited, enjoy your "freedom" wherever the grass seems greener. It's only a picture of grass, the real stuff will cost you money.

newtboy said:

I'm so glad I left Texas...where the freedom loving 'conservatives' enjoy the power to control, degrade, and eventually incarcerate anyone that thinks differently. It's hilarious that the right wants to constantly rail against the loss of their 'freedoms' unless it's a freedom to do something they don't like, then it's obviously the right thing to do to outlaw 'X' because it's wrong (in their tiny minds). They don't even see the hypocrisy they're so myopic.
So glad to be out. I loved the land, I liked many of the people, I could not tolerate the insane legislature(s).

16-plane fly-by of USS Ronald Reagan

Best/Worst Entertainment of 2012 Thread (Cinema Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's funny, I guess the grass is always greener - but I think UK TV is the best in the world:

Peep Show
Downton Abbey
Would I Lie to You

Now Australian TV on the other hand ... don't get me started.

Deano said:

I won't go on about the worst as I'm just trying to forget them and it's boring.

Dredd. Well cast, looks great, a lean story and a well wrought vision of Mega-City One. Loved it. The soundtrack is great as well.

The Avengers. More superhero films should be made like this, particularly when handling multiple characters. Better than any of the preceding films that built up to it.

Far Cry 3. Haven't finished it but this is a wonderful open-world shooter/stalker/explore-em-up. A self-contained world that totally convinces.

X-Com. Great remake/reboot/whatever. This could have gone wrong so easily but speaking as a fan of the orginal 1994 classic, this got far more right than it got wrong.

Sadly, I don't recall reading much this year. In fact I may not have read a book at all. A friend is obsessed with Murakami so I may start there in 2013.

I'm accumulating music fairly organically and randomly from Youtube viewing, games and other sources. But I can't really recall any of the big releases this year. The one thing that made me smile though was Gangnam Style.

Just Breaking Bad. TV is so bad in the UK right now I've long stopped watching it.

Seconds From Disaster : Meltdown at Chernobyl

GeeSussFreeK says...

Indeed, I am all for reactor simplification, the reactor I want to see constructed could theoretically be nearly completely made on a factory line then shipped and installed very simply. The molten salt reactor concept is just a bunch of pipes with a graphite core. Most of the Gen4 reactors have this goal, and while large construction projects do mean jobs, usually good jobs...they are also costs, and if we want China and India to adopt greener power systems, they need to be cheaper than coal.

I am going to sift this after I post, but it is a short look into reactors in general, and why the MSR and other potential Gen4 concepts could eliminate that huge capital and labor cost. And nearly completely eliminate radioactivity problems to the general public.

300 billion is actually not to much money when you get down to it. Each year, the global economy spends up to 10 trillion dollars on dino fuel technology. Considering the reliability of NPPs and the nearly 90% load rate over the course of many years...those costs are really really good! Typically speaking, when you consider the costs of decommissioning, waste transportation, nuclear generally ends up being about on par with coal...mostly because nuclear plants last so darn long, over 60 years for some of our gen2 plants in the US and still going strong! Compare that to the 150 billion or so Germany has spent on solar project to their total ACTUAL output and it is a very telling tail. Even more so when you look at total carbon emissions of Germany compared to France.

Waste is actually what made me anti-nuclear myself. My introduction to caring (negatively) about nuclear was the Fukushima Daiichi incident. But after learning more about that situation, I actually really started to appreciate nuclear more. No one died as a result of FD failure, the containment building stopped most of the most harmful radiation, and the stuff that did get out is the really mild stuff (stuff with the million year half lives). I don't want to downplay this, it is still a very serious industrial mess to clean up, but compared to the 20 thousand people who died in the Tsunami and the tons of fuels, trash and other crap that got souped around in Japan as a result, the old reactor help up respectably, and is a credit to the operators (all of whom are currently alive an well).

I had a common misconception about radioactivity, I thought something with a long half-life was bad because it was going to be radioactive for a long, long time. That is mostly wrong. What that means is it is going to be hardly radioactive for a long time, elements that are short lived are VERY radioactive, but disappear very fast. I don't want to mire you in most of the gritty details, but the fission products reactors produce don't last very long, most only hours, a fewer some decades, and only a few longer than that. Stuff that has billion year a billion year half life...well, you don't really need to worry about it at all, it just isn't that radioactive. Most of the worry is based around "transuranics". That is just fancy speak for "stuff heavier than uranium". This is the stuff like Plutonium and Curium ect. The great thing about modern, Gen4 reactors is they don't really make those things...the thorium reactor I like starts with thorium, which is a long, long way from making anything heavier than uranium (less than 1% theoretically possible). So micrograms per year...not really that much to worry about (there is also no way to really get that to go into the environment because we don't use pressure vessels, but I will leave that to Kirk to explain).

I don't want to make it sounds like there isn't any risk or anything, but the risks have been way overplayed by political interests and not technical ones. For instance, many of the exclusions zones for FD were way overblown, they were no more radioactive than my home in the mountains ...but that isn't want you heard in the news.

But I think I will leave it like that. Nuclear has a bunch of mystic joojoo around it. Don't take my work for it, please, give "bill gates nuclear" a google, or other "gen4 reactor" stuff a chance before you completely write off nuclear as a green option for the future. I personally think it will have a big role to play if we want to stem off CO2 production AND bring more people into a western quality of life. Thanks again for the back and forth.

Letterman: Don't vote Romney unless he does the Late Show

VoodooV says...

I do have to admit, even though I do agree with him, I am sick of these night shows injecting politics into their shows.

In their defense though, doesn't matter if it's left or right, the whole political system is absurd and absurdity does fall into the realm of comedy. If politicians acted like adults, comedians would move on to greener pastures.

And Letterman? Independents DO have a dog in this hunt. Just because both parties are shit, doesn't mean they're equally shitty. One is clearly more shitty than the other. Being Independent doesn't mean I have no opinion.

Africanized bees swarm during hive removal

xxovercastxx jokingly says...

>> ^AeroMechanical:

Why are they removing them? I understand, what with the bees all dying and everything, removing normal bee nests to greener pastures, but it seems to me that the killer bees may as well get the nerve gas.

Yeah, you sure wouldn't want to waste time saving the most productive bees on the continent when there's a shortage of bees threatening the viability of agriculture. That would be ridiculous.

Africanized bees swarm during hive removal

Zero Punctuation: Diablo 3

RedSky says...

My bad on D1 dungeons.

There will always be cookie-cutter builds. And besides, when you're talking about 'the' build, you're talking about the ideal items to have, the vast majority of people will never get there. Meanwhile, the options for 'best with what you have' varied heaps. I played D3 through with a Monk, and the entire time, the only stats that felt worthwhile chasing were damage, dexterity and vitality.

I'm not saying it didn't have dark elements, but vast portions of the story, dialogue and tone, particularly after Act 1 (which I thought was best part of the game), where juvenile and completely off for a Diablo game. I mean for christ sake, the game delved into damsel in distress territory multiple times. Anyway posted this elsewhere, going to just copy paste:

1. Story tone is horribly off for a Diablo game. Act 1, the tone is almost that right mix of dark, macabre & grim horror albeit with overly colourful graphics. Then, in Act 2 and especially 3/4 the game becomes flat out goofy. It's almost like different studios designed the two parts. Regardless, it's obvious the whole gothic, cheesy but serious tone of previously Diablo games has been thoroughly ditched.

It becomes obvious there is a reason that most of the prime evils were mostly mute & why your characters was kept to making sarcastic remarks and one liners in D2. Diablo beretting you with grating "if it wasn't for your meddling kids" dialogue completely ruins the game's tone. Overall the mix of occasional ultra-violence and the overt colourfulness and childish NPC banter gives it an almost surreal and contradictory theme. As if a design house was of two minds, fighting over dominance over the franchise's feel.

There was just no need to muck with what was not broken to the point that it's hard for me to NOT imagine Activision sitting behind the developers dictating them how well the WoW tone sits with target demographics. There is nothing wrong with WoW existing in its own space with it's own unique identity. There's a problem with creative variety between Blizzard games becoming non-existent because they've caught on to what sells best and decided to stick to that.

As for launch issues, I didn't play D2 at launch, but that's not what really bugs me. It is abundantly obvious though that foisting online-only is part of the reason they're having so many launch issues.

Here's my full bitch session -

>> ^mentality:

>> ^RedSky:
D2 felt like a huge leap on D1. Randomized dungeons, huge increase in class and especially item variety, introduction of a vast swathe of new environments. In comparison critically looking at D3, while it does have an expanded skills system, at the end of a prodigious 11 year development cycle, D3 has far less item variety at launch, and arguably simplified gameplay mechanics on a number of levels.
Personally, I happen to also think the story is a let down, the tone of the game has been inappropriately been made cartoonish (art design non-withstanding).

D1 had randomized dungeons. Item variety in D2 was very limited because there often was one set of unique item that was 'THE' item for a specific build. The expanded environments in D2 were also very cartoony compared to the dungeons of D1, and calling D3 cartoonish with levels like the Halls of Agony is outright ridiculous.
The fact of the matter is that the grass is always greener, and we all look at the past with rose colored glasses. History repeats itself, but it seems like few people remember all the problems, controversy and bitching surrounding Diablo 2's launch.

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