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What are the most devastating pandemics in human history?

bremnet says...

With ya. Was trying to figure if they were stacking the bodies like cord-wood or where they head to feet. Odd comparison. Now, by mass... that'd be interesting.

moonsammy said:

Interesting info, but whoever produced the video made some really questionable editorial decisions. Commas separated values over 1000, except for periods used in #1. What's with the "big stuff" in the background? How do the heights of various buildings compared to things like mountains and the size of Halley's comet relate to these mortality figures?

Just... weird. Good video though, in spite of that

Call Me A**hole One More Time

Bush fire goes from 1 to a 100 in a couple seconds

newtboy says...

Those look like eucalyptus not pine trees....but the same process applies.
The heat will not only desiccate leaves/needles, but it will also vaporize the oils in the leaves (needles in pine trees) making even the air in the canopy flammable. Eucalyptus trees are loaded with oils, maybe even more than pine trees. This is also called crowning, a crown fire, or a canopy fire. Once a fire crowns, it's nearly impossible to fight from the ground....or at all if the tree tops are close together.

Scary stuff. Where I live, in the Northern California redwood forests, that canopy can be hundreds of feet high and continuous in places.

Sagemind said:

That's called "Candling"
As someone who has been evacuated many times and had my town threatened by forest fires many times, I've seen this first hand so many times. It's scary, but can be predicable. Pine needles are very flammable, and at the correct temperature, they dry instantly and burst into flame like a fuse. If other trees are close, they just keep lighting the next one, like match heads in a book of matches.

If you've ever used pine needles as kindling to start a fire, you'll understand this.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Oh dear. I knew you were halfway around the world! I am starting that slide into death called being over 65 and I am forgetting all sorts of things now. (I had to stare at my slippers for a full 90 seconds before I could remember the word. I knew they went on my feet though. Not that far gone yet.)

So yeah. Summer. We do something similar in about six months -- except it is light at 5 am and the sun sets about 9:45 pm. And never gets to 111.

I have been reading about your climate crisis challenges. My heart is breaking for you all.

oritteropo said:

There are few parts of the globe further from me than the Pacific North Wet

It was 44.1°C (111.4°F) here yesterday at 6pm and sunset wasn't until 8:42pm. Sunrise was at 5:55am.

But anyway, happy return of the light We have an excess, I'm willing to share.

Portrait of Lotte, from birth to 20 years old

geo321 says...

as an opposite to that I tried to find the video of the end of the 6 feet under series. honestly it is moving the way they show up gradually going to death

Shocking Data On China’s Economic Growth

newtboy says...

They poured more concrete in two years than US did in the 20th century. IN TWO YEARS! That's a factual statement. (Shows article and chart showing it took 3 years. Apparently they don't understand that 2011-2013 is 3 years, even when it's in the title.)

Also mentions the new Chinese city with 550 square feet of office space with 95% not occupant. *facepalm

China dipped into our retirement funds to pay tariffs? No, they didn't. That's simply asinine in numerous ways.

They harvest most of the world's frozen fish? No, they freeze most of the world's frozen fish. No one harvests frozen fish.

These people are morons. Typically, they are fast and loose with facts and definitions, maybe just to avoid being truthful, something the right now finds distasteful.

SLAPP Suits: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

newtboy says...

@bcglorf Here's a tome for you....

It's certainly not (the only way). Converting to green energy sources stimulates the economy, it doesn't bankrupt it, and it makes it more efficient in the future thanks to lower energy costs. My solar system paid for itself in 8 years, giving me an expected 12 years of free electricity and hot water. Right wingers would tell you it will never pay for itself....utter bullshit.

Every gap in our knowledge I've ever seen that we have filled with data has made the estimates worse. Every one. Every IPCC report has raised the severity and shrunk the timeframe from the last report....but you stand on the last one that they admit was optimistic and incomplete by miles as if it's the final word and a gold standard. It just isn't. They themselves admit this.

The odds of catastrophic climate change is 100% in the next 0 years for many who have already died or been displaced by rising seas or famine or disease or lack of water or...... and that goes for all humanity in the next 50 because those who survive displacement will be refugees on the rest's doorsteps. Don't be ridiculous. If we found an asteroid guaranteed to hit in the next 50-100 years, and any possible solutions take a minimum of 50 years to implement with no surprises, and only then assuming we solve the myriad of technical issues we haven't solved in the last 100 years of trying and only if we can put the resources needed into a solution, not considering the constantly worsening barrage of smaller asteroids and the effects on resources and civilisation, we would put all our resources into solutions. That's where I think we are, except we still have many claiming there's no asteroid coming and those that already hit are fake news....including those in the highest offices making the decisions.

Every IPCC report has vastly underestimated their projections, they tell you they are doing it, only including data they are certain of, not new measurements or functions. They do not fill in the gaps, they leave them empty. Gaps like methane melt that could soon be more of a factor than human CO2, and 100% out of our control.

The AR5 report is so terrible, it was lambasted from day one as being incredibly naive and optimistic, and for not including what was then new data. Since its release, those complaints have been proven to be correct, in 5 years since its release ice melt rates have accelerated 60 years by their model. I wouldn't put a whit of confidence in it, it was terrible then, near criminally bad today. I'll take NOAA's estimates based on much newer science and guess that they, like nearly all others in the past, also don't know everything and are also likely underestimating wildly. Even the IPCC AR5 report includes the possibility of 3 ft rise by 2100 under their worst case (raised another 10% in this 2019 report, and expected to rise again by 2021, their next report), and their worst case models show less heat and melting than we are measuring already and doesn't include natural feedbacks because they can't model them accurately yet so just left them out (but noted they will have a large effect, but it's not quantitative yet so not included). Long and short, their worst case scenario is likely optimistic as reality already outpaces their worst case models.

Again, the economy benefits from new energy production in multiple ways. Exxon is not the global economy.

It took 100 years for the impact of our pollution to be felt by most (some still ignore it today). Even the short term features like methane take 25+ years to run their cycles, so what we do today takes that long to start working.

If people continue to drag their feet and challenge the science with supposition, insisting the best case scenario of optimistic studies are the worst we should plan for, we're doomed....and what they're doing is actually worse than that. The power plants built or under construction today put us much higher than 1.5 degree rise by 2100 with their expected emissions without ever building 1 more, and we're building more. Without fantastic scientific breakthroughs that may never come, breakthroughs your plan relies on for our survival, what we've already built puts us beyond the IPCC worst case in their operational lifetimes.

There's a problem with that...I'm good with using real science to identify them without political obstruction and confusion, the difference being we need to be prepared for decisive action once they're identified. So far, we have plans to develop those actions, but that's it. In the event of a "surprise" asteroid, we're done. We just hope they're rare.
This one, however, is an asteroid that is guaranteed to hit if we do nothing, some say hit in 30 years, some say 80. Only morons say it won't hit at all, do nothing.
Climate change is an asteroid/comet in our orbit that WILL hit earth. We are already being hit by ejecta from it's coma causing disasters for millions. You suggest we don't start building a defense until we are certain of it's exact tonnage and the date it will crash to earth because it's expensive and our data incomplete. That plan leaves us too late to change the trajectory. The IPCC said we need to deploy our system in 8-10 years to have a 30-60% chance of changing the trajectory under perfect seem to say "wait, that's expensive, let's give it some time and ignore that deadline". I say even just a continent killer is bad enough to do whatever it takes to stop, because it's cheaper with less loss of life and infinitely less suffering than a 'wait and see exactly when it will kill us, we might have space elevators in 10 years so it might only kill 1/2 of us and the rest might survive that cometary winter in space (yes at exponentially higher cost and loss of life and ecology than developing the system today, but that won't be on my dime so Fuck it).' attitude.

Out Of Gas

2013 US SUMO OPEN - SUMO SLAM Slow Motion!

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

1) I'm not opposed to suicide. If life makes you unhappy, I don't insist you suffer through it. People who judge themselves unworthy of life fall into that category.

2) I've been at it for 45 years+-. It has nothing to do with strength, it's about a compulsion to work towards fairness, knowing it won't ever be reached, at least in my lifetime. I'm strong enough to never condone or excuse clear racism as long as I draw breath.

3) ? You would catch the arsonists before the home owner and their children and not lay blame at their feet. I would let the arsonist burn, locking them inside the house they ignited after saving the family. He's the one with the gas can and lighter if you can't identify who is who.
Calling out wholly inappropriate behavior/speech is never a waste of time. Gaining the trust of racists at the expense of their victims and society as a whole is worse than a waste of time, it's supporting racism.

4) My point. Let them get it, while not allowing your gift to be stolen or misused for harm or other things they get judged harshly for. No judgement, no opportunity for misuse, not just throwing money at a problem, helping a person.

BSR said:

1) Everyone makes mistakes. When the error of their ways is exposed they may change or they may put a gun to their head. Only they can judge themselves.

2) Keep denouncing as long as you can. You will need to know how strong you were.

3) Nipping it in the bud every single time will be a waste of time. When the house is on fire and people are jumping, you need to be there to catch them just as they will be there to catch you.

4) No need to judge. Give as little or as much as you like without terms or conditions. They know better than you what they need.

720 Ton Dragline Excavator Rescue From Island

President Carter on Trump, Russia, and the Election

BSR says...

BAM! You nailed it Dude!

Trump has always believed that money BOUGHT him love. His father raised him that way. He loved his father so he followed his father's teachings.

Trump would lie, cheat and steal for money as long as it BROUGHT him love.

Now, many years later, Trump has gotten angrier and angrier. He wants something else but he doesn't know what it is. Over the course of his life, little by little, he has attracted many people that kissed his feet and his ass.

This pacified him for a while making him feel special, great, "loved."

But something was missing. Could it be people really loved his money and not him? If that's true then he has fallen into his own trap. He can't trust anyone other than himself. They will always walk past him to get his money.

Now he finds himself having to sell himself as a great, great man. The best! The one and only. Top shelf saviour!

Best used car salesman EVER!

But what about his followers? They love him. Not for his money but for his anger. His anger against those pussy dems and anyone else that doesn't know how to change brakes on a car or plow a field or throw sod or repair a roof or work real hard.

Trump might not make them richer but he can punish them there weak snowflakes. Make this country tough again! Make the world submit again! Make 'em all fear us again.

Make us destroy each other again until he gets the love and happiness everyone else talks and sings about. How can those peasants be so happy without money?

"V'ger is a child" -Spock

bobknight33 said:

Name a humanitarian project Trump has been involved in ... Female anatomy inspector.

Trump Voter Feels Betrayed By President

bobknight33 jokingly says...

Your so smart Newt. I swoon at you words.

May I sit at you feet and listen to you bloviate your delusions of reality?

newtboy said:

Oh Bob.

Admit it, you thought this was real news until you noticed the "the onion" logo.

If it was sporting the OAN or Infowars logo, you would believe it to your grave

Prosecution of Julian Assange/Attack on Freedom of Speech

BSR says...

I'll interject.

I accept your challenge.

1) Do you believe love is all you need?

2) Are you aware who the undercover agents are?

3) What do you know about acting?

Can you crack this code?

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home*

GILLIAN: What you're hearing is recorded whale song. It is sung by the male. He'll sing anywhere from six to as long as thirty minutes, and then, start again. In the ocean, the other whales will pick up the song, and pass it on.

(Spock is seen swimming in the underwater tank)

GILLIAN: The songs change every year, but we still don't know what purpose they serve. Are they some kind of navigational signal? Could they be part of the mating ritual? Or is it pure communication beyond our comprehension? Frankly we just don't know.


Hey you, out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old
Can you feel me?
Hey you, standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles
Can you feel me?
Hey you, don't help them to bury the light
Don't give in without a fight
Hey you out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone
Would you touch me?
Hey you with you ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out
Would you touch me?
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home*
But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high
As you can see
No matter how he tried
He could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain
Hey you, out there on the road
Always doing what you're told
Can you help me?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall
Can you help me?

Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall

Songwriters: Roger Waters

noims said:

1) Cheers for the interjection. I always appreciate a well-formed argument that challenges my beliefs.

2) I wasn't aware of the exposure of undercover agents.

3) ...and is designed to have - a chilling effect on the publishing of information that shows the state acting in what many would describe as an evil manner.

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