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NASA Engineer tells you how to win an egg drop

10 Surprise eggs Kinder Surprise unboxing

ant (Member Profile)

"Wow", Understatment of the Century. Wait for it.

dannym3141 says...

You don't need to literally out-run the fastest moving particulate matter, as long as you've got a big head start you may be able to make it to what would eventually be a safe zone.

Surely you've got to die TRYING to run away!? What sort of "It's a Wonderful Life" wretched acceptance of your horrendous fate is that? Ah well, all things must end, and it appears in a fiery inferno of pain and suffering as my skin melts off my bones. I think i shall sit here with a feeling of nostalgia and a single tear in my eye, face my camera - which will soon be ash - towards the irresistible harbinger of my demise, and reminisce of old. I have lived a good life, and all that remains is for me and my trusty hip flask to salute the end.. An englishman will not flee in the face of uncertain odds!

Fuck that - LEG IT!

lucky760 said:


His last line translates as "fuck your mother."

I like him for the understated "wow," but I hate him for catching an exploding volcano on his camera then pointing it at the ground and turning it off.

Maybe he was afraid for his life, but you can't outrun a volcano. Ever hear of Pompeii, amigo? Keep the camera rolling!

(P.S. Didn't have to wait for it. Thumbnail spoils the surprise.)

kulpims (Member Profile)

kulpims (Member Profile)

Lars Andersen shoots arrows the fastest

A Response to Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery

Lars Andersen, world's fastest archer, responds to critics

Lars Andersen, world's fastest archer, responds to critics

kulpims says...

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A New Level Of Archery Skills

Lars Andersen, world's fastest archer, responds to critics

siftbot says...

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A New Level Of Archery Skills

A New Level Of Archery Skills

Turtle Terrorizes

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