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jubuttib says...

The robots were in some ways some of the most reasonable ones I've seen in movies. The balancing when moving in the way shown here would pose definite problems, but they had a variety of locomotions (I liked the fastest rotating one the best) and the joints between the pieces at least looked like they'd be fairly easy to make very solid and robust. Though the fittings between the pieces looked pretty tight, so basically if you got a rock stuck in there... Yeah... Some issues.

Other than that overall the movie was a very meh experience, and I was so disappointed by some of the physics (mostly the basic one, particularly the airlock explosion somehow causing the craft/station to de-orbit... How exactly?) that I almost wrote it off at that point. Luckily the ending kinda pulled it together again so it wasn't on the whole unpleasant, even though they hammered it in way too much.

The Daily Show - A Million Gays to Deny in the Midwest

Jinx says...

Allying yourself with WBC must be the fastest way to hoist yourself right out of the argument since Godwin's Law. Sometimes I wonder if such comments aren't actually left by left-wing shill-martyrs propping themselves up as strawmen.

The Fastest Tractor

newtboy jokingly says...

I'm thinking the reality is it's the "fastest tractor sponsored by someone who paid Guinness to call it a record".

oritteropo said:

Yeah, it didn't seem that fast overall when normal John Deer tractors go 100 on the highway, and this was only 130.

I think they've missed something about the record... Fastest Finnish made tractor driven by an ex rally driver on snow??? The linked article doesn't help at all, it's only more marketing.

The comments unkindly suggested that the broken driveshaft is normal for these machines

The Fastest Tractor

oritteropo says...

Yeah, it didn't seem that fast overall when normal John Deer tractors go 100 on the highway, and this was only 130.

I think they've missed something about the record... Fastest Finnish made tractor driven by an ex rally driver on snow??? The linked article doesn't help at all, it's only more marketing.

The comments unkindly suggested that the broken driveshaft is normal for these machines

newtboy said:

Pretty good, and a good advancement in snow tires, but I'm sorry, this is no where NEAR the "fastest speed ever recorded for tractors" as they imply, maybe the 'fastest speed for unmodified (except for software, which is everything on new computer controlled motors) commercially available tractors on commercially available unmodified tires on ice'....
...because even lawn tractors have gone WAY faster, over 130MPH....

And according to Wikipedia, drag-pulling tractors theoretically reach over 200kph in short distances all the time.

The Fastest Tractor

newtboy says...

Pretty good, and a good advancement in snow tires, but I'm sorry, this is no where NEAR the "fastest speed ever recorded for tractors" as they imply, maybe the 'fastest speed for unmodified (except for software, which is everything on new computer controlled motors) commercially available tractors on commercially available unmodified tires on ice'....
...because even lawn tractors have gone WAY faster, over 130MPH....

And according to Wikipedia, drag-pulling tractors theoretically reach over 200kph in short distances all the time.

Drifting Nissan GT-R almost crashes

oritteropo says...

It is about speed. They aim to be the fastest and the most sideways, and there are also points awarded for style.

The formula drift scoring is described here, and seems fairly similar to the other competitions I've seen televised:

eric3579 said:

I don't understand the point of intentional drifting. Does it have anything to do with racing (when on a track) as in trying to have the best time? I assume its more like watching monster trucks or WWE wrestling. Am i wrong?

Crazy street racing! Peel Kart Race - On Board

dannym3141 says...

It's wind resistance, it makes a massive difference. When they're really far apart the rear driver is just driving better and shaving time off the lead, so he catches up, but once there it's down to drafting to get the little burst of speed to get alongside. The carts are probably approximately equal in power, so he reaches level from the draft position easily enough, but can't keep the momentum to get a lead with the new air resistance on him, just draw level. So they're level, but obviously there's only one sweet racing line to take to keep your speed up and lap time down. You can either pass on the outside (in which case you have to go faster into the turn to stay ahead) or the inside (in which case you have to turn sharper at speed to stay ahead) both of which are risky, or you can return safely to the racing line - i.e. not by swerving into him, but by conceding the lead to him and dropping in behind him. If you do that, you take less risk and give yourself the chance to try again because you're in draft position again. He needs to stay as close as he can and find the right place to overtake so that his superior driving can give him the lead into the racing line of the next corner, at which point he gets right of way and the position advantage the lead gives. Sometimes that's not even possible and lead to what some would call boring races (Monaco Grand Prix) where the leader is decided on the first corner and doesn't change unless they crash out.

I'll draw two parallels:
1. DRS in F1 racing, where a tiny part of the tail opens up for a small part of the track, which drastically increases speed and allows for more interesting races because it almost ensures overtaking. You can also see the same application of the racing line and people conceding position or trying to take different lines and spinning out or locking up.
2. In cycling, the commonly quoted figure is that you can save 40% of your energy by drafting behind a leading cyclist. The Tour de France and every other cycling road race is defined by drafting, cos no lone cyclist would ever be able to keep pace with the peloton which 'cycles' riders in and out of the wind-protected bunch throughout a day. This should convince you more as cyclists are not streamlined objects but still offer significant gains. Go and watch a cycling sprint finish - it's a case of whoever gets behind the fastest guy wins by conserving energy in his wake until it's time to burst out alongside and pass.

A Response to Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery

RFlagg says...

Also *related=

A Response to Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery

A New Level Of Archery Skills

newtboy says...

^I noticed in this other video (below) of a different shooter using one of Lars' 'tricks', similar speed and accuracy is achieved by using the method of holding the arrows in the bow hand, and could be sped up by more than double the shooting speed if the method of notching the arrow on the outside were used. This other video shows how useful speed is in 'battle', and shows just how much only one of Lars' tricks speeds up the shooting speed without diminishing accuracy.
I admit, it is odd that Lars is not recognized as the fastest arrow shooter by Guinness, but not definitive. Some people just don't care about recognition or Guinness. I'm now on the fence, but still leaning towards it being 'real'.


A New Level Of Archery Skills

bareboards2 says...

Is it a hoax? I have been rooting around trying to see.

None of the stuff I found on-line has Lars in the same room as the interviewer. He doesn't do speed tournaments because he is so much faster than anyone.

He also has been at this since at least 2012, based on dates of things posted ABOUT him.

And the most damning -- Guinness Book of World Records says Luis Martin is fastest.

If this guy is really this good, why hasn't he contacted Guinness?

I think hoax.

ant (Member Profile)

Contact Explosive - Detonating Nitrogen Triiodide

Stormsinger says...

Oh, the memories. We used to make this stuff (in small ~gram quantities) and paint it on door knobs and such, waiting for unsuspecting victims to com along.

Pro tip, never ever replace the fluid with alcohol (for more rapid drying), and then try to store the stuff long-term. The alcohol -will- evaporate, and the bottle -will- explode. It's the fastest way to sober up that I've ever found.

Never Feed Your Cat Whipped Cream

deathcow says...

> you probably don't want them licking on the nozzle

Actually I worked as a barista for years and this was the fastest way to clean things when customers were lined up back to back.

Golden Retriever Really Wants To Race But..

newtboy says...

They didn't explain it to him...he thought it was a race to see who could eat all that food and play with each toy the fastest. I thought he did pretty well, considering. He got nearly every one!

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