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MythBusters - Instant Popcorn

How an Engineer Moves an Elliptical Upstairs

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

Petey Greene - How to eat Watermelon (Subbed)

Hot Tub Cadillac

Hand digging a well in Mexico (Excavando a mano un pozo)

#LikeAGirl -- attitudes exposed and transformed

Fairbs says...

What I got out of the video is that 'like a girl' is most often derogatory and that it starts to impact women through their (for lack of a better term or for lack of knowing better) formative years. It can then be a self-fulfilling prophesy and make them feel lesser. All of this is not good and we should try not to use these terms.

However much the video is contrived to make an impact is unimportant. This concept does exist and is well known. I know I've used the term to describe a man that ran 'funny' and I know it was a shitty thing to do. Probably making me feel better in the moment.

I think that as we grow up, we do a lot of shitty things because we don't know better. As I grow older, I want to become better and understand things more. Now into my 40's, I still think I have room for improvement. And when it comes down to it, does it really matter if girls, in general, can't run as fast as guys? I think it matters more that if you want to run fast, you try and do the best you can and you don't even have to have the goal of being faster if you simply enjoy running. There is always going to be someone faster than you unless you are the fastest man or the fastest woman.

Anyway, what's your take on my comments as far as mansplaining goes?

bareboards2 said:

Fuck all, that is a shit load of mansplaining that happened in the last two long posts. Holy hell on a handstick.

Next time the topic of "mansplaining" comes up elsewhere, and folks need an example, the last two comments are the gold standard.

I know that this comment will offend those two posters, and those who think like they do. I'm not going to argue back and forth about it though, because I have learned that is a waste of time. If I thought I could move things, I would engage. I'm older and wiser now.

Besides, I'm offended, too, so we're even.

Actually, what I really am is sad. Sad at the cluelessness. The depth of the cluelessness. I started out offended, and wrote the above. But the more I think on it, I'm just sad at the complete lack of understanding. Sad at their need to argue. Sad at the lack of emotional empathy.

And happy at the growing number of people who "get it."

There is hope for the future.

#LikeAGirl -- attitudes exposed and transformed

EMPIRE says...

Although I do think that women's rights still have a bit of a long way to go, this particular video is kinda bullshitty...

They refer to physical activities ("run like a girl", "throw like a girl", "fight like a girl", etc), and also about the moment when those expressions change meaning.

It usually changes meaning when boys develop during puberty, and become faster and stronger than girls. It is an insult, but it's not exactly a lie... women, are for the most part, slower and weaker physically speaking.

"Why can't run like a girl also mean win the race?". It can, if you're running against other girls, but the fastest girl would not be able to run faster than the fastest boy. Period. It's not a matter of equality or justice. It's a matter of biology. There is a reason why there are gender based competitions. Because it wouldn't be fair to put female athletes against male athletes (in most sports. there are a couple of exceptions obviously). That's also the reason why women's sports are usually not as relevant.

Women's rights activists need to focus more on social issues and less on biology. Unless they're thinking about tampering with genetics, men and women will always have differences, and there's little that can be done about that.

A New Twist on Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY

yellowc says...

It's clear you have never tried this form of employment?

I was a checkout person once, at the start I wanted to top the fastest average scan list they released every week, I took pride in knowing all the veggie/fruit codes for quick weighing, I pre-scanned the belt to see how I was going to pack the bags and what room I would have to put things aside etc

That lasted a little while, until my soul was drained from my body, my back started to ache quicker and quicker, my feet got blisters and one inconsiderate asshole customer after another made my day a little shittier with their stupid inane behaviour. Do you know how your fucking eggs got delivered to the store? They're going to be fine.

Well then I realised why the women working full-time was slow, didn't give a flying fuck about where she packed things and couldn't be damned learning the code for bananas. It simply didn't matter in the slightest, you're all coming back for your shitty groceries week after week, I'm getting paid all the same and my shitty day isn't going to go faster being happy than it is being miserable.

That effect only lasts 1-2 hours, no matter your attitude, packing shit for 8hrs is going to get stale. Packing shit for 8hrs a few times a week or every day, well you're constantly thinking "Would I get fired if I punched this guy? Maybe, I think I can make a solid case."

I could craft you a nice burger all the time or I can just slap together some shit your gonna shove down your greasy gob anyway. How much do I get paid again? Oh yeah, fuck all.

Sagemind said:

Goes to show, they CAN make it look better, do it properly.
Most of the time, they are just too lazy to do the job right the first time!!!!!

Close Encounters of the Bear Kind

The Bloodhound SSC 1000 mph car cockpit revealed

The Secret to a Perfect Body - Genetics

dannym3141 says...

I like the comic, but i don't like your comparison - the other guy (i don't know either of them) would have had to try less hard to be just as good. Effort gets you to your full potential, genetics raises the full potential.

I prefer to think about genetics this way - ok, i might not be the most attractive man in the world, nor the cleverest, nor the fastest swimmer, the nicest person, the most eloquent or the best on guitar. But i can be the cleverest most attractive, fastest swimming, nicest, eloquent guitar player - if you get the gist. I mean ok, your genetics might make you good looking, but my genetics make me smart, and vice versa. It takes all kinds of people to make life interesting and fun!

Yogi said:

The best argument against Genetics vs Perseverance that I've seen is Randy Moss vs Jerry Rice. Moss is taller, faster, and just has greater natural gifts than Jerry Rice. Why don't we call Randy Moss the GOAT (Greatest of all Time)?

Perseverance. Rice had that over any natural athlete that came to every NFL camp he went to. Rice was there before everyone, weeks before, and left later. He'd win a superbowl, wait a week and then right back to training. He's the best there was because Genetics doesn't do everything, just watch GATTACA.

But why don't I shut up. Calvin Coolidge said it better than I can.

Women Deserve to be Raped - Outrage

SDGundamX says...

We had a guy like this on our college campus back in the 90s. He also called himself "Brother" something-or-other and used to stand in the quad yelling at girls that walked by in mini-skirts that they were whores and sluts and would burn in hell. The university protected his right to free speech until the boyfriend of one of the girls he verbally accosted punched him in the jaw and sent him to the hospital. The boyfriend was arrested by campus police and charged with assault.

So moral of the story--in the United States you don't legally have the right to not be offended/insulted in a public space. I'm glad to hear in this news story that other students defended his right to speak freely and while on the one hand I'm glad some students decided to counter-protest him, I can't help but feeling the fastest way to make him go away is to completely ignore him and show how irrelevant both he and his crazy ideas are.

The difference new engines make in Formula 1

ChaosEngine says...

Well apparently , the organisers of the Australian GP are threatening to sue because it wasn't loud enough. I remember as a kid hearing a formula 1 car in person when one did a demo lap in Dublin. The noise just blew me away, I had literally never heard anything that loud.

Personally, I think this kinda misses the point of F1. GT racing has always been more exciting because it's closer, but that's not why people watch F1. It should be about the best drivers racing the fastest cars. Yeah, the engineering is part of it. Bring back big engines, bring back ground effect, let's really see what the engineers can do.

F1 has always been as much about the technical aspect as the drivers.

And let's face it...Guitars, jet fighters, explosions.... loud things are just fucking awesome. .

Wingsuiters Chase Skiiers Down a Mountain, One Almost Dies

TheFreak says...

Quick research reveals some stuff about wingsuit flying over snow.

Those wingsuit skydivers are probably traveling about 60-100 mph. During that near miss, when the one skydiver flairs his suit, he probably dropped down to as little as 40 mph.

Ski racers can travel around 50-100 mph. We see crashes at those speeds all the time in snow and the skiier is generally uninjured.

The fastest skiiers, in the aerodynamic suits, are travelling 120-150 mph. Those crashes are obivously survivable, although catastrophic injury happens.

So, it stands to reason that a serious accident involving a wingsuit flyer over snow is very survivable. With some time to flare, there's no reason they couldn't walk away with little more than bruises. In fact, I suspect it's only a matter of time before we finally see a wingsuit pilot land without a parachute. Maybe over snow first, eventually over water and ultimately...why shouldn't we see someone with the skill to land on solid ground. With appropriate advances in equipment.

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