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"Look How Dangerous These School Teachers & Nurses Are!"

NetRunner says...

@blankfist how do you think arguments are won? Compare your opponent to a villain in a comic book? Proclaim that he's too dumb to understand you, and then refuse to answer the questions asked? Maybe randomly accuse him of being a liar, or a nazi sympathizer?

I might throw some elbows along the way, but for the most part I'm trying to use logic and/or supporting evidence to try to present a definitive argument.

Do you think the Wisconsin Republicans are right to take away the ability for public sector unions to engage in collective bargaining?

If so, where does the state derive the power to take away the rights of unions to freely negotiate contracts?

Roddick Wins With "The Best Shot of my Life"

Roddick Wins With "The Best Shot of my Life"

English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Skeeve says...

Might want to check my link again. It cites the Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Edition 1989. So yes, it is in Oxford. darkrowan's link addresses this as well.

>> ^lucky760:

>> ^blankfist:
Does anything rhyme with elbow?

Hell no. Bilbo is the closest I could find, but not a full rhyme obviously.
>> ^darkrowan:

Jargon doesn't count.
>> ^gwiz665:
"Door hinge" would like a word.

Not even close, though it might depend on your accent.
>> ^Skeeve:

Not in Oxford so it must not be a real word. (Oxford has more credibility than the wiktionary.)
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Whore binge?

Bingo! <insert Charlie Sheen joke here>

English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

>> ^blankfist:

Does anything rhyme with elbow?

Hell no. Bilbo is the closest I could find, but not a full rhyme obviously.

>> ^darkrowan:


Jargon doesn't count.

>> ^gwiz665:

"Door hinge" would like a word.

Not even close, though it might depend on your accent.

>> ^Skeeve:


Not in Oxford so it must not be a real word. (Oxford has more credibility than the wiktionary.)

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Whore binge?

Bingo! <insert Charlie Sheen joke here>

English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

English for Smarties (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Muslim school of love and tolerance

jonny says...

>> ^Yogi:

Up until just after the 1960's children in our schools were taught that it's a wonderful thing that we massacre'd the Native Population. There was even a little boy in a cartoon telling everyone how he wishes he was there killing them when they would wait to the men went out hunting and massacre the women and children.
Also in the 60's there was an exhibit in a museum where children could play on a Blackhawk helicopter and fire on a Vietnamese village.
I'm not saying this isn't a good video I upvoted it...I'm just pointing out that we should look in the fucking mirror. QM I'm looking at you.

Anyone old enough to remember this little saturday morning diddy?

RvB2: Ryan vs. Brandon 2

Someone Thought This Would Be An Awesome Music Video

Elevator Button That You Push with Your Foot

Shiny Suds are Naughty

ghark says...

>> ^HollywoodBob:

>> ^spoco2:
The point is that product makers should label what's in their cleaners so you can chose to not to use ones with certain chemicals in them.

Yeah because we all know which chemicals (and chemical combinations) can have adverse effects on us. Yeah we could all use the internet to investigate which chemicals could be harmful, but really if we're going to do that isn't it just as easy to figure out which products could be harmful the same way? Plus I think it would be easier to remember that "Shiny Suds" might be harmful than to try and remember if "polyethylmethalenedimonochlorohydroxipentathyaletamine glycol" might be harmful.
Better suggestion would be for consumers to stop buying cleaning products all together. Salt, vinegar, and elbow grease will clean your bathroom far better and you won't have to worry about any harmful chemicals.


Jimmy Carr - If you were a soup, what soup would you be?

Jimmy Carr - If you were a soup, what soup would you be?

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