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Got Fired Today... (Happy Talk Post)

choggie says...

Ok Ok OK...(Lost power and having to start over for your job-losin' ass....

This should make you feel less like a time wasting dumb ass....

I worked at a Xmas store back in 87 for a friend of my mother's from the hippie days...seasonal-retail...On break one day OI bought a copy of the collected "Life In Hell" Series from Matt Groening...while reading it at work, I realized that Bongo and his co-workers, represented perfectly in my own experience, just how much my life was like their hell.

I quickly and enthusiastically xeroxed a copy of my favorite workplace escapade, labeled each character with co-worker's names, esp the boss, and proudly pinned it up for all to see the next day.(You see I closed, and the boss opened, and I thought her recovering alcoholics Excedrine-addicted crazy bitch-ass would have a sense of humor!!...

She greeted me the next day with a smile, a coffee and caffeine jag from the asprinz addiction, and a piece of paper in her hand she smiled and described as my last check, my ass at the door...(she could have called, I was fucking late anyhow)

I wrote Matt.

I sent him a copy of his doctored cartoon strip and an explanation attempting to evoke some sympathy as well as tickle him because I had had enough of that place anyway ...he replied with a postcard with a "You know what they say, work is hell." and a signature on the back, and a cool autographed in marker production print glossy of him next to a marina holding a duck with a cartoon bubble for the duck quacking, "Halp, Halp! HALP!"

This was the year the Simpsons first appeared on the Tracey Ullman Show-Still got that gear, baby.....On f'sale on Ebay..... Item# 90824655..?

The Today Show covers the Cash4Gold ripoff

TerryF says...

^ Agreed, if your afraid of the hood, there is always eBay.

The real problem is that most of the gold is probably stolen and the police are never able to recover any of it before its melted down.

Thieves clean out Apple Store in 31 Seconds

What Should the Queue Escape Level Be? (User Poll by dag)

xxovercastxx says...

I'm not saying working to get something obscure in is a bad thing either. I'm saying that with enough patience, time and effort, you can get anything in. We hold the publishing threshold to be indicative of quality and I'm arguing that it's not.

It used to be that videos were queued for 2 days or 3 days or whatever it was and if they didn't make it in that time, they were done for. In all honesty, I hated that system, because it required too much extra effort most of the time. You had to watch your submissions like a fucking ebay auction and save, promote, etc. That system suffered from one of the same problems as the current one except that it required a lot of intervention. That problem is that we have potentially infinite queue time. Before you had to keep saving, now it's automatic with the PQ.

I'm arguing that there's no difference between something sitting "unsifted" in PQ now and something "sifted" with 3 votes in a system with no queue. As it is, when you hit 15 votes we decide your contribution is of sufficient quality to give you a star point. It doesn't matter if it took 1 hour to get to 15 or 2 years... if 15 people on the internet were willing to click the up arrow, then it must be good. I'm arguing that we've got an overcomplicated system that contradicts itself by saying "You've got 2 days to make the cut!" and then if you don't, "Ok, ok. Take as long as you want."

Throwing out the queue will have zero effect on content compared to today. The videos that are languishing in PQ with 4 votes now will be languishing in a dark corner of the site with 4 votes without a queue. The only time sifted/unsifted currently matters is for rewarding stars, and I think that stars based on votes might actually be a better measure of contribution value than the current system.

As for the "lowest common denominator", that will never change. LCD doesn't mean lowest quality; it means broadest appeal. The top sifts will always be the LCD.

Re-discovering Diablo II because of D2MultiRes (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Tymbrwulf says...

I loved this game. For a video game nerd I'm surprised you only recently heard about the resolution fixes. They've been around forever! Even before these fixes came out everyday programmers were hacking this game to extend the resolution past 800x600 as far back as 2004, but I guess this just makes it easier. I "officially" quit back at the end of 1.09d. I walked into a random game, wrote "FREE STUFF" and started dropping my enigmas, occy rings, etc etc. It was an odd feeling and looking back on it I should have sold it on ebay.

>> ^EndAll:
I started Diablo again about a month ago, too, for the first time in years.. getting tired of it though. You leveled quick!
Any CS'ers? (Not Source, boo Source)

Ex-hardcore CS player too. 1.6 FTW.

Man tries to pay bill with spider drawing

lucky760 says...

That guy actually got a large amount of money selling that spider drawing on eBay. And that is fact because I saw the listing myself.
People were so amused by the emails they were willing to part with large sums of money

Real or fake I still LMFAHS after all this time.

Blue Screen of Death (Videogames Talk Post)

Girl gets teacher's note from President

Girl gets teacher's note from President

The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations

blankfist says...

>> ^pipp3355:
ok. so is this 'bad form' only when dealing with small businesses / contract work or should it apply to other buyer-seller relationships (e.g. wallmart & customer)? and what about auctions like ebay? or financial services like loans?

I think the point of the video is that it is humorously comparing things like simple purchases at WalMart (where the customer doesn't try to haggle the price) to larger client/vender relationships in the corporate world. I wouldn't over analyze it.

The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations

Xax says...

>> ^pipp3355:
ok. so is this 'bad form' only when dealing with small businesses / contract work or should it apply to other buyer-seller relationships (e.g. wallmart & customer)? and what about auctions like ebay? or financial services like loans?

Between Walmart and a customer, you're making a relatively small purchase, whereas Walmart is making large, bulk purchases from a vendor. Even if Walmart employees had the authority, they probably wouldn't give you much of a discount on the $10 toy or shirt you're buying.

As for eBay, it's supply and demand... people bid what an item is worth to them, and whoever is willing to pay more wins the auction. There's no negotiating there.

The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations

pipp3355 says...

ok. so is this 'bad form' only when dealing with small businesses / contract work or should it apply to other buyer-seller relationships (e.g. wallmart & customer)? and what about auctions like ebay? or financial services like loans?

D&D 80's commercial

videosiftbannedme says...

A few years back I got inspired and built up a set of near mint 1st edition rulebooks. I've got them all except for Dieties & Demigods (had already gotten Legends and Lore which is basically the same thing minus the Cthulu and Babylonian stuff).

I figure one day I'll throw them on eBay. Maybe help pay for my retirement party.

Police Brutality, Denmark

Videosift estimated worth: $1,957,617 (Commercial Talk Post)

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