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Capitalist Holiday Brings Out Best In Humanity

bobknight33 says...

I agree with quantumushroom...I also fail to see how this is 'capitalism's' fault..

Capitalism is a great thing. It is the best economic model to use. ebay is a great example. who would say ebay is a bad thing?

B.W. Stevenson - On My Own, 1972

chicchorea says...

I much recommend the self titled album(CD) B W Stevenson. It can be had on eBay for a decent price if you are paient. I just checked and it is available in a compilation CD there.

If you/your dad have good sound systems, you will be amazed the sound of these recordings. Stevenson was networked with some incredible talent.
>> ^residue:

That's amusing that THIS was called pop country in light of what country music is now... I'm digging this and it's also the kind of stuff my dad likes. There's a best of album on amazon I'm taking a gander at...
>> ^chicchorea:
Don't you love all the genre tags?
It was called Country Pop at one point!?
The Texas music scene was a lot of fun back then and some since.
Stevenson had a couple of hits. They were his lesser works IMHO.
I am happy you like it. I expected no votes on these actually.
>> ^residue:
I've never heard of "progressive country" I like it

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Deano says...

PC guy here. This is where cheap redundant hardware is really cool.

I bought my same laptop again on ebay for £95 (what's that, $150-$180?). I'm taking that with me on holiday tomorrow to do a bit of work in the evenings. The idea being if the first laptop goes kaput I have an identical replacement lined up.

OK, it's old and crap and runs Windows 2000 but it's the right setup for me and - thankfully, cost-effective.

Anyway, hope you get it back soon!

Breaking The Addiction

Tymbrwulf says...

Well this guy is an idiot. I made the same mistake when I quit Diablo 2 a few years ago. I gave away all my gear (hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth) instead of selling it on eBay like I should have to actulaly gain some money off of my efforts in playing the game.

He'll realize this soon enough as well.

Superfast Ninjacat now haz Lightsaber

AU 60 Minutes - BP Oil Disaster (Infuriating!)

GeeSussFreeK says...

Profit also allows this website to exist. It gives us food at a lower price, allows for people to travel the world at reasonable fairs, allows people to raise their standard of living, the widespread adoption of antibiotics, the information revolution,, ebay, slashdot, google. All exist because of the profit motive. There is a difference between one who wants to provide a service that people want and are willing to pay for than people who conspire with governments to make sure their needs are met before all others. This isn't a problem with profits, but corruption.

Restore Stephen Baldwin

choggie says...

>> ^gwiz665:
Can't it be both? I'm routinely mind fucked by religiousity..
>> ^burdturgler:
Is this something that was actually endorsed by Stephen Baldwin or is it some sort of parody/comedy/mind fuck?

Mindfuckin' you is as hard as getting dead rats to travel maze paths with chopsticks ...but s'rsly-Steve Baldwin's best movie role was some high-8 footage from his botched circumcision...

How to Skip the Trailers and FBI warning on any DVD.

spawnflagger says...

Unfortunately, you are both breaking the law. Specifically the DMCA (digital millenium copyright act), which states that you cannot circumvent any encryption on media. Even if it seems like "fair use", or you say "but I own the DVD!" - doesn't matter. This law is poorly worded for the consumer, and only crafted to support lawsuits by the large media studios. Even the simple DeCSS code used on DVD, which was beaten within months, counts as encryption, so "ripping" DVDs is therefore illegal. CopyLeft was sued for printing t-shirts with the DeCSS source code on them. It also brought about a case of the first "illegal prime number".

(I suppose if you are preserving the DeCSS encryption on the ripped-to-hard-drive copy it might be a legal backup falling under fair use, but I am not a lawyer)

Anyway, that's why there aren't any legal programs to archive all your movies to hard drive (free and widely available does not equal legal). Which is also why most of those dvd's and blu-rays include a separate Digital Copy that includes a lower res, pre-encoded, DRM'd, version of the movie transferable via iTunes or WMP.

I wish that movies had a separate licenses for the content than for the media. If you saw the movie in the theater, you should get a discount on the DVD (or digital iTunes/etc). If you own the DVD, then you should get a discount on the blu-ray.

My biggest gripe with pure-digital media is the lack of a 2nd hand market. You can't sell used iTunes downloads. (at least not a-la-carte. there was a case of a successful sale of an entire iTunes account transfer on ebay)

>> ^deathcow:

I find decoding the content, followed by making a new disc without them, to be very efficient.

>> ^Psychologic:

It usually isn't just for bypassing previews. I back up all of my DVDs on an external mirrored hardrive. Besides protecting against scratched dvds, I can watch any of the movies from any computer in the house over the wireless network without having to keep up with the physical DVDs.
There is plenty of free software that bypasses DRM, and cutting out previews and unwanted extras reduces the size noticably. The only way the process would take close to an hour is if the video is being compressed (calculation intensive). If it's a straight copy then it takes less than 20 minutes and only requires user input at the very beginning.

The price of spam (Blog Entry by jwray)

Holy Grail of Energy?

rottenseed says...

This comment interested me so I did a little morning time research. You are right in stating that this technology has been out there for a long time. One of the major down falls of conventional SOFC's are that they require a high operating temperature. The efficiency of SOFC's limitations lie in the material they use because of the high operating temperatures. The bloom box claims to have solved this problem with a fairly cost effective solution for what materials to use (melted sand = glass?). They were always made from ceramic before, I don't know what improvements glass have over ceramics. I don't know if their claims are all true. Too early to tell since it was just "released".

That all being said, I don't understand what the hoopla is about, either. You'd still need to bring some sort of natural gas to each "bloom box". Let's say tomorrow, we took out all the power plants and replaced every home and business with one of these devices. Let's say they operate at 70% efficiency (10% more than traditional SOFC's), would this be more energy efficient than a power plant. Would it cost us any less natural resources to run our planet? Those questions are a little more difficult to find out. Gotta do some more research on power plants. Somebody with a degree have any insight?>> ^joedirt:
You guys are total suckers and idiots.
This is like ancient technology. It is just a solid oxide fuel cell.
The only thing interesting is that they have existing fuel cell installs at eBay and google.
This won't be cheap or better. All it does is capture the big green energy investors and also it uses tax rebates in places like California to let rich people subsidize their electricity.

Holy Grail of Energy?

joedirt says...

You guys are total suckers and idiots.

This is like ancient technology. It is just a solid oxide fuel cell.

The only thing interesting is that they have existing fuel cell installs at eBay and google.

This won't be cheap or better. All it does is capture the big green energy investors and also it uses tax rebates in places like California to let rich people subsidize their electricity.

A Photograph Of Jesus, Wow

No one is safe without a Sjambok!

choggie says...

Cold Steel makes viddies for their entire line of weapons-some are lame, others cool as fuck. Their knives are some of the most affordable and well-made out there, using high-carbon steel. I recommend purchasing them on ebay or directly from the factory.

Their recon tanto is a fucking sweet, though illegal to carry knives, great for the personal go-bag when survival means everything....

The coolest starfish you'll ever see

Bugatti Veyron Crash

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