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A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

pho3n1x says...

>> ^rkone:

Is it wrong that, due to the nature of most Russian dash-cams I've seen, I completely expected them to be in an accident at any point in the video...

I guess you didn't make it to 2:10?

lol, well there you go.
i guess it happened so quickly that i didn't notice...

or i was otherwise distracted

therealblankman (Member Profile)

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

rkone says...

Is it wrong that, due to the nature of most Russian dash-cams I've seen, I completely expected them to be in an accident at any point in the video...

I guess you didn't make it to 2:10?

A completely different kind of Russian dash-cam video

Dash-Cam Video Exposes Officer Misconduct - Seattle Police

longde says...

It seems to me that it's these cops getting a government payout: doing a shoddy job on my dime. They do a bad job, violate citizens' rights, then open up the city for huge lawsuits. How are they sympathetic again?>> ^quantumushroom:

I feel bad for all involved.
Yeah, we see ONE video where these cops overreact, we don't see the no-doubt non-stop bullsh1t from lowlifes these cops have to put up with all the time, many of whom are ready to put on Oscar-winning performances for the camera, trying to create a scene in the hopes of getting a gummint payout.
You can't have a functional society when EVERYONE thinks s/he's a badass who's above the law.
This is an excellent book, written by an ex-cop.
Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion
These cops may need more training, society needs REAL education.

Don't stop in the outer lane!!

nanrod says...

Since he has a dash cam it must be Russia. Lol. In fact it is St. Petersberg. The traffic sign they pass under says Murmansk Hwy 4.5km.

To my mind the cam guy is not significantly tailgating until the lead guy starts dicking around and I'm not sure there was even any contact. But regardless stopping in a travel lane especially in traffic like this is a really dumbass move.

I guess if you're dumb enough to stop like this you're dumb enough to assume that everybody behind you will stop safely.

Edit: Of course dash cam guy was pretty dumb to open his door without checking behind so I guess there is enough dumb to go all around.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

messenger says...

The Fifth Amendment says nothing about dash cams. I did a word search both with and without the space.

But seriously, standard equipment on a car is not covered by the Fifth Amendment, mostly because private enterprise decides these, things based on attractiveness to the buyer, not by government based on Big-Brother-ness. Auger8 didn't say they should be legally required.
>> ^Payback:

>> ^Auger8:
Imagine the world if dash cams were standard, no reckless driving, no speeding, no DUIs, 3 billion safer more aware drivers.
>> ^VoodooV:
I really want to get a dash cam for myself. Should be standard issue for crying out loud. Everyone drives nice when the cops are around but turn into Mr. Hyde when they're gone. Dash cams for everyone would put a stop to that.

...completely negating the Fifth Ammendment in the US.
Just sayin.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

Payback says...

>> ^Auger8:

Imagine the world if dash cams were standard, no reckless driving, no speeding, no DUIs, 3 billion safer more aware drivers.
>> ^VoodooV:
I really want to get a dash cam for myself. Should be standard issue for crying out loud. Everyone drives nice when the cops are around but turn into Mr. Hyde when they're gone. Dash cams for everyone would put a stop to that.

...completely negating the Fifth Ammendment in the US.

Just sayin.

Why it's good to have a dash camera!

Psychologic says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I really want to get a dash cam for myself. Should be standard issue for crying out loud. Everyone drives nice when the cops are around but turn into Mr. Hyde when they're gone. Dash cams for everyone would put a stop to that.

Get a window mount and use a smartphone as a dashcam.

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