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Omegle (Geek Talk Post)

inflatablevagina says...

ok this is the last one i will post... its just too fun:

Stranger: horny girl??
You: steven is that you?
Stranger: no
You: where the fuck have you been?
You: ive been fucking blowing up your cell phone for days
Stranger: out door
You: is it Jessica again?
You: oh wait..
You: youre not steven?
Stranger: ...
Stranger: what do you have to say
You: how did you know to call me horny girl then?
Stranger: ??
Stranger: ask you
You: do you think that marriages can last
You: do you want to get married one day?
Stranger: yes or no
Stranger: no
You: explain this to me....... what's the point of cyber sex?
Stranger: do wank with webcam
You: why dont you find a real girl to press her nasty parts on yours?
You: are you really ugly or something?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death

spoco2 says...

Two things stopping me watching or voting for this:

1) I would rather not have the image of someone being beaten to death in my head
2) We've reached our data allowance at work so it'd cost 15c a Mb to watch it.

But from reading about what it contains it sounds pretty darn disgusting.

The reddit thread has a lot of cyber investigation going on trying to track down those involved.

It would seem that Bobby Joe Blythe posted this video with great pride. And has another video of what he did to the person who fought this man afterwards because he took 'too long' to down him.

What a disgusting individual, and what disgusting individuals all who were there.

It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be some sick hoax however as it's quite odd this coming out like this now...

Also, there are some reports (although it would seem only from BJB) that the man survived this and ended up in a mental institution.

Deltron 3030 - Positive Contact

MrFisk says...

Now let's see - Deltron Z
Art avenger, let's start the adventure
Hit ya with nerve gas, absurd blasts
Crashin space craft, I'm bio-enhanced
Hiero advanced series, monstrous evolution
Headed, tooth and nail, scoop the trail
Super-sleuth, a new race
Mad creator, savage nature
World Wide Web, the ebb and flow
Light years from watchful eyes while my thoughts provide
objectives to ostracize the pompous prophecies
Underground societies are hard to lead
Asteroid surfing, castor-oil burping
The darkest side of humanity animated
The grand awakening, plan to take it in
I demand your patronage, mobilize my battletanks
With clusters small, NTR's to empty Mars
Many MC's cruise low earth orbit
Easier for me to use my search warrant
Drift by a star, absorb it, and store it
Leave tourists pourous, my galaxy's gorgeous
Quantum jump - I'm right at your doorstep

Now I catch more wreck with fast ignition
My last decision, pulse amplification
Terror with napalm, I want y'all to stay calm
Alien annihilation, I stay armed to the grill piece and kill beef
20 percent matter, 30 percent is energy
Assimilating to become a living being
Evaporative radiation fades your station
I get high as aviation

I rise like helium, you're falling rapidly
Trapped in apathy, while I track your speed
I'm what you call a legend, dominance with armageddon
Gives me a warm reception
Verbal war with weapons, installation
Blowin the star dust, distance twelve parsecs
Enthuse your phalanx with my literary talents
Just a bit of balance, rip the silence
in space, all-star systems are our victims
Atomics, anonymous with ominous
implications of information, or information, and entertainment
Cyber-tech dialect, you gotta earn my respect
I'm like Gamera to amateurs, hit em with a cannonball
And in all this confusion
The fusion of music and mind precipitates translucent illusions
Search the ruins with Automator
Hit the walls with a carbonator
Hit-or-missiles, just regenerate
The sonic soldiers allow us to demonstrate
Emergency dispatch, skyscrapers ripped back
from the impact, their flow is mismatched
My style's protected by heat shields and ceramics
Don't panic, I landed on planet Mercury
Gave it atmosphere, set up my headquarters
I'll never get captured here
Rap your tear clap your ear with Soulsonic Mantronik phonics
Turn your brain to an omelette
I'll hold a comet in bondage, with my dominance
Take a space shuttle to escape trouble
Bounce through the Milky Way
Not many MC's feel this way

Cyber-Homeless in Japan

Planet and Star Size Comparison in HD

dannym3141 says...

>> ^shagen454:
This isn't the first star comparison video, obviously, but I find it interesting that many of them contain this not so subtle message that YOU are but a speck of dust instead of focusing on the amazing massiveness and endless variations and possibilities. Why can't they just let the images speak louder than words instead of trying to cyber bully the viewer?

Or better yet, demonstrate how amazing it is that we can sit here on this planet killing each other over things such as religion, when we could combine and work towards going out and experiencing all of the amazing (amazing is such an understatement) things out there.

We sit on this planet in our little rat race of our own devising, working 9-5 to live in our tiny little house on our tiny little planet, shitting on other tiny little people to get a little bit more status/money, whilst the universe flies on past without us even knowing, but calling to us, saying "You don't NEED religion to feel special, look at all these wonderments i have, and you are alive to see it. AND YOU ARE ONE OF THESE WONDERMENTS. You're so fucking special it's beyond words."

Planet and Star Size Comparison in HD

shagen454 says...

This isn't the first star comparison video, obviously, but I find it interesting that many of them contain this not so subtle message that YOU are but a speck of dust instead of focusing on the amazing massiveness and endless variations and possibilities. Why can't they just let the images speak louder than words instead of trying to cyber bully the viewer?

The USAF sent a DMCA takedown notice for this video. Why?

vairetube says...

Actually, what happened was... according the Air Force, anyway... is that they caught the attention of ADM Mullen, now a big shot, who wanted the Navy to be a forerunner in cyber/tech sec (for whatever reason).. and since they were pushing this "DOMINANCE OVER THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM" and Cyber-Command plans... he had them stopped.

i think officially the story is congress wants to look at the provisions of the cybercommand doctrine, and examine further what areas are in need of such control. There's news stories about them stopping the program and the recruiting for it...

...While all the while....they recruited and trained under the new specialty codes which are now suspended.... so...

what really happened was..

they got to choose from the best of the best, make a shadow force, complete their mission of cybersecurity with the exact manpower they really desired.. and are now.. in .. control. Monitoring all networks, everywhere.


ACtually, I think they got too much interest and realized this needs to be the new way to recruit for the future.. and needs to be precisely deployed and supported.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

yourhydra says...

oh man that cybering was soooo good, thank you

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Aw, you don't just want to cyber..?

Sure, I've added you. But I gotta add, that I'm actually super busy the next few days finishing up my bachelor's project. Your welcome to write though.

In reply to this comment by yourhydra:
add me on msn ( i need u for very selfish reasons. (i am studying for a philo of religions exam and i will remember everything better if i have an active discussion with some1. based on ur profile u seem like a good candidate)

yourhydra (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Aw, you don't just want to cyber..?

Sure, I've added you. But I gotta add, that I'm actually super busy the next few days finishing up my bachelor's project. Your welcome to write though.

In reply to this comment by yourhydra:
add me on msn ( i need u for very selfish reasons. (i am studying for a philo of religions exam and i will remember everything better if i have an active discussion with some1. based on ur profile u seem like a good candidate)

Rachel Maddow & The Republican's - 'ScamWow'

mrk871 says...

I do dislike the way she just seems to be a voice for the democratic party whatever they may choose to do.
This is much more a real case of actually having the power to shut down the internet in cases of "cyber security".
The republicans may come out with a lot of over the top paranoid kind of stuff and it may discredit them for when there are real issues.

I can't see this as being a good thing, and it's so obviously open to abuse.
I'm surprised the republicans oppose it though. Perhaps they oppose it in principal until they are in power and then will think it's a good idea.
I don't think this should be passed whoever is in power.

As for them taking it as an opportunity to scam stupid republicans, I couldn't care less.

I just wish Rachel Maddow wasn't so clearly biased and presuming that anything Barack does must be good.
This particular news item is not much of a laughing matter.

Obama passing new law to allow searching of PC's

rougy says...

This will be the cyber-world's version of the drug war.

It will give the authorities an excuse to search you computer for copyrighted material, but while they're in there, they will look at everything and anything they want.

The Internet Is Infected -- A 60 Minutes Story

Jude Law and Clive Owen Cybershag

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Where the Hell is Matt? - Team Fortress 2 Style

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