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Eklek (Member Profile)

mintbbb says...

You are welcome! You have so much good stuff in your pqueue, now I have to reserve a few days to go through your sifted ones too! I really like your mix of (weird) techno/electronice/whatever-it-is-kinda-funky-cool-stuff. I mean, who would have known I'd like stuff like 'Cyber dark space gothic electro from Moscow' And congrats on the diamond! ":)

In reply to this comment by Eklek:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 30th, 2008" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#ff00ff">mintbbb
thanks for your upvotes, many of those had been waiting to see the end of their queue-state long enough, now I hope others will give them a chance too!
it's quite a few, they're now in my sifted videos folder so you can consider them later as well:)
says the now Diamond VS user:)

One of the greatest rants ever in a movie.

Sagemind says...

This Rant will always be relevant as long as the world leaders expect us to sit back and take the crap they hand out as greed grows and people are pushed further down the ladder over and over again.

It happened before, It's happening now and will continue to happen in the future. Only the anger of the people, banding and rallying together, can inflict change and fight to defeat corrupt policy and the degrading of the common people.

The internet makes this even more relevant now than it ever was.
Right now, the people sit quiet in their homes, typing at their boxes. Their madness lost in cyber-space when their voice and bodies need to be present in the real world and banding together to effect real change.

The internet is the best thing in the world, only if it is used to actually organize. But who's doing that. Most of us just sit here, privately ranting to each other. which makes us complacent and under control.

>> ^10148:

I think this rant becomes less relevant after about 2002, when people began seeking news from many different sources (the internet). Although still there is progress to be made...
We can only hope that the network(s) don't take over the internet too.

Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against WIU Students

chipunderwood says...

Let the field testing begin. The longer people with minds to use waste time and energy nit-picking politics and which one or the other party will do whatever next, the shorter the time it will take them to strip away the fundamental rights of humans on the planet.
This is not happening in Obama's state of residence by accident and such drills are not isolated to the United States. This is part of the shaping of an agenda people-It's going to get bad before worse if people don't demand of their representatives in what is left of D.C., a major redux. Create the problem (terrorists threats) provide the solution (military police).
Dept. of Homeland Security Act 2002
Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002
Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002
National Incident Management System 2004
National Response Plan (NRP)2004

Bin Laden was only a symbol in the form of a man being used by others.How does anyone know wtf is going on when all media is owned by a few entities. They design programming with one obvious purpose and it's not to inform people or report hard news. It's to make people dumber and more fearful while they think they are getting smarter, more confident as evidenced in the banal tape-loops of discourse here, and on other blogs.

While people talk of nothing at all, everything changes as if overnight.

Ask yourselves if your opinions are your own concerning the actual workings of the shattered government of the United States. About the world economic downswing. About anything you hear over the radio and television. Our picture of the world and of her true history is hidden to most, capitalized upon by others.
These others are not friends of humanity. There ARE nasties (yes kids, just like the baddest bad guy you've ever seen in some movie) who want the world allll to themselves. Wake up is all that needs to be said or done. Hope we do. If it gets real bad, can you say, expatriation?

TSA security looks at people who complain about them.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

Mega-bass from car stereo gives girl new hairstyles

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^jwray:

>> ^skinnydaddy1:
>> ^jwray:
People also destroy the environment by accumulating a lot of pointless possessions for the sole purpose of social status competition.

You mean like Star Points?

Cyber possessions don't count. If you want to save the environment, transfer more of the status competition from physical to cyberspace.

Right, because the computer you use gets free energy. The toxic elements vanish after upgrading or replacing the computer and you never ever hear of someone with several computers to manage their on line possessions or hear of anyone being killed for cyber Possessions.

Face it. If your not living in a cave wearing dead animals and hunting your own food. Your killing the Environment and even then I'm sure your still destroying the environment in some way.

Mega-bass from car stereo gives girl new hairstyles

jwray says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

>> ^jwray:
People also destroy the environment by accumulating a lot of pointless possessions for the sole purpose of social status competition.

You mean like Star Points?

Cyber possessions don't count. If you want to save the environment, transfer more of the status competition from physical to cyberspace.

The Gift

The Rise of Something New (Blog Entry by dag)

kronosposeidon says...

Google Maps isn't going to build roads. will not house original documents. World of Warcraft will not provide for the common defense. will not inspect meat processing plants. will not order unsafe drugs off the market. Quizlaw will not be your defense attorney.

Maybe some day some of the above-mentioned services (and others not mentioned) will be provided by the webosphere, but don't hold your breath. Ones and zeros are not the same as boots on the ground.

I'm a firm believer that the number one purpose of power is to preserve itself. I don't agree with the sentiment, but I believe it's true all the same. Governments may privatize some of their functions, but they will not go gentle into that good night. There will be no cyber-velvet revolution. There will just be the good old-fashioned revolution. Period. With guns, blood, and fields where a thousand corpses lie.

Why do something peacefully when you can kill by the millions?

Cyber Monday @ the Sift Shop + Mystery Gift (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I have been on the site for 3 years or so, I lurked before I joined for quite some time. What is it that happened where everything was erased or the reason people have numbers for names, someone went nutzo and went to town on video sift in the past.

There should be a history time line for this site. I have questions damnit.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Graterbot is Siftbot's evil twin. He managed to get out of his cyber-prison last April 1st and remade Videosift in his own image (Videograter). He normally sports a stylish moustache denoting his evilness.

Avoid, if possible.
In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
encyclopedia gwizzanica wtf is graterbot ? ?

Bleep Bloop Starcraft: 1 Pro vs. 3 N00bs

Kerotan says...

>> ^jmd:

Starcraft is and still is a 2 sided player base. You can enjoy the game and beat it if you learn the basics and understand the objectives of each single player map.
However when it comes to multiplayer, there are those who try and play it single player in which you simply work with the structures and units you know and like, and attempt to fight what ever the enemy may throw at you. If possible you produce counter units to a specific unit you just got your first army wiped out with.
Then you got the person who actually understands and learns how to PvP in starcraft. This person knows almost all the units and isn't afraid to use them. He does not build what he likes.. he uses his first spawn minions to both harass the other player (resources are everything. If your collectors are dead or not collecting, you are losing) and see exactly what he is building. He then designs his army around countering it and destroying it. Alot of starcraft falls into the paper rock scissors syndrome.
It becomes a lop sided battle. Even a semi pro noob will totally trounce the average player if he sees and understands what he is building. That is what happened here.

This is frustrating to me, since you kinda have the right idea, but at the same time kinda not.
yes there are times when starcraft will be rock paper scissors, for example if your blindly make alot of shit that can only shoot ground and he makes something that flies and shoots downwards, generally however this is rare at the professional level, since perhaps a strategies biggest weakness is inflexibility.
In this case, it doesn't seem like rock paper scissors at all, just that torch has better mechanics than each player, and to a great extent its not about hand speed either, its a game of memory keepy uppys, (the game when you keep the ball in the air with only without using your hands, I don't know how else to call it) you need to remember to keep building constantly, and it only gets harder as the game progresses.

Quite frankly torch could have beaten these guys with any combination of units.

Also a word on Trevor, I love him purely because when he qualified for GSL, the community at large went "who is his guy?"

Turns out he turned up to world cyber games USA, picked up a mobile game on the day, won WCG USA, got a free trip to Beijing, and finished 3rd in the world at said mobile game, and now he plays SC2.

Korean Gamers Type Real Fast. Starcraft Warcraft

Ever seen 200+ actions per minute in real life?

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