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What Do Women Look At When They Meet A Guy?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'women, look, bicepts, bpdy parts, camera, crotch, butt, glasses, cosmo' to 'women, look, biceps, body parts, camera, crotch, butt, glasses, cosmo' - edited by xxovercastxx

What Do Women Look At When They Meet A Guy?

What Do Women Look At When They Meet A Guy?

What Do Women Look At When They Meet A Guy?

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

Louis CK on Consumers and Capitalism (part 1/3)

Louis CK on Consumers and Capitalism (part 1/3)

Anthony Weiner Resigns, While "Press" Heckles

burdturgler says...

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
>> ^peggedbea:

i accidentally caught .. my doctors .. watching shep smith .. "crotch", .. seeing .. weiner .. plastered all over the screen .. amazing! .. my crotch .. had to resign.

Anthony Weiner Resigns, While "Press" Heckles

peggedbea says...

i accidentally caught some fox coverage of this in my doctors office today. watching shep smith say "crotch" 5 times in 15 minutes... and then seeing the words "weiner" and "crotch shot" plastered all over the screen was.... amazing. and then i went in and had my doctor take a look at my crotch.... it's fine btw, and no one had to resign from anything over it.

i was going to take a shot at fox for being classless, but i decided to talk about my crotch exam instead.

Jefferson Memorial Dancing on June 4 2011

smooman says...

^cosmovitelli:If you can't see how letting people get body slammed for abstract localised unspecifiable silent body movements can't lead to getting dragged off to jail for dropping gum then you need to start hiding your gum.

*sigh* again, no one was getting slammed for dancing. The cops werent running around saying "hey, that dude is dancing, crossface chicken wing that motherfucker! ya! DX for life!! SUCK IT" and then slamming their crossed arms on their crotch.

the only "bodyslam" that took place (in the video at least, the rest is speculation) was on kokesh (pretty sure it was him). If you can objectively watch that video and then with a straight face insist he was slammed for dancing you are out of your fucking mind. He was being placed under arrest and then repeatedly and forcefully resisted arrest. THAT is what he was taken down for. The arresting officer gave him two "last" warnings before the takedown but all you saw was the bodyslam huh?

if you can objectively watch the video and then with a straight face insist that those arrested were not disturbing the peace and were acting civilly then you are out of your fucking mind.

their first warning even was "if you demonstrate by dancing" but all you heard was dancing huh?

officer calmly and politely explains to them they are in violation of the demonstration ordinance and gave them ample warning to knock it off. what do they do? argue the semantics of dancing with them? continue to demonstrate and then act outraged that they got arrested? MLK would be proud

the fact that everyone keeps latching on to the dancing aspect and willfully ignores the fact that they were demonstrating shows a certain selectiveness of what we are seeing here. Ive been trying to be as objective as possible in viewing both of these videos. but we see what we wanna see huh?

The Denver International Airport, it's Full of Dicks

Drachen_Jager says...

"There is a more powerful symbol which negates the phallic symbol, and that is the crotch... CROSS, I meant to say cross! I didn't say crotch, I said cross! Really! I'm not obsessed with men's hard throbbing, yet oh so soft and silky penises." <pauses to wipe drool from the corner of his mouth with faraway look in his eyes>

I'm Bleeding from my balls!

bcglorf says...

I've seen a lot of painful skater crashes in my day, long before youtube ever came along. I must say, this is first time I've seen one where a kid's board catches him in the crotch so hard the board breaks.

The bar has been raised.

Pickup driver tries to kill a motorcyclist

Payback says...

* viral

"The new 2011 Ford Extreme F150 Raptor, Smith and Wesson Edition! After an exciting morning riding your quad through the back country lookin' fer varmits and illegal aliens, load it up and STILL have the power to chase down some City Feggit Jap-Ridin Crotch Rocketeers and unload a whole 48-pack of Patriotic American Whoopass, all the while callin' yer good ol boys through our Farmville-enabled Snyc Entertainment and Whoopin Ass System.

Ford, Quality is Job One, right after lettin' you run down and whoop the asses of City Feggits."

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

smooman says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

>> ^smooman:
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
See, there's another one of those people calling someone a bad person for having a different opinion. Are people that enjoy Jackass also mouthbreathers, stormsinger? Fail troll is fail.
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

I'm not calling anyone a bad person for having a different opinion. I'm calling anyone who views violent abuse as entertainment or even acceptable behavior to be a lower form of life...and not really deserving of any form of respect. See the difference? Violence and abuse -is- bad. We are supposed to have learned that by the time we get out of...oh...kindergarten or so.
And yes, the majority of folks who find Jackass to be funny are exactly the sort of people I'm talking about. That's your audience, apparently...may you all have a blast beating each other silly. But don't start whining when people with any degree taste and empathy find your little show to be abhorrent.
Violence and abuse are never right. Gender, or even consent, has nothing to do with it.

god could you be more pretentious?

Sure...but then you wouldn't be able to follow it, would you?

if you were more pretentious i wouldnt be able to follow it? what is "it"? your pretentiousness? you even know what pretentious means? =(

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

Stormsinger says...

>> ^smooman:

>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
See, there's another one of those people calling someone a bad person for having a different opinion. Are people that enjoy Jackass also mouthbreathers, stormsinger? Fail troll is fail.
>> ^Stormsinger:
>> ^gwiz665:
I personally think that pushing this talk post to the frontpage is more damaging to the site than the jousting video. Talks and videos are separated for a reason, so the majority - who do not care at all about the talks - can just watch their videos instead of seeing this drama crap.

Well of course you're one of the mouth-breathers who thinks people getting punched in the crotch is just good clean fun.

I'm not calling anyone a bad person for having a different opinion. I'm calling anyone who views violent abuse as entertainment or even acceptable behavior to be a lower form of life...and not really deserving of any form of respect. See the difference? Violence and abuse -is- bad. We are supposed to have learned that by the time we get out of...oh...kindergarten or so.
And yes, the majority of folks who find Jackass to be funny are exactly the sort of people I'm talking about. That's your audience, apparently...may you all have a blast beating each other silly. But don't start whining when people with any degree taste and empathy find your little show to be abhorrent.
Violence and abuse are never right. Gender, or even consent, has nothing to do with it.

god could you be more pretentious?

Sure...but then you wouldn't be able to follow it, would you?

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