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George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

CheshireSmile says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^possom:
>> ^Darkhand:
Does he have a giant MURAL of himself above his fireplace? If so that's AWESOME!

How do you know that is a mural of him? You can tell by the crotch alone? And why is he standing right under his own crotch?


the whole time he was talking i was thinking to myself "please PLEASE let that be a portrait of himself."

George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

Payback says...

>> ^possom:

>> ^Darkhand:
Does he have a giant MURAL of himself above his fireplace? If so that's AWESOME!

How do you know that is a mural of him? You can tell by the crotch alone? And why is he standing right under his own crotch?


George Takei on Star Trek vs Star Wars

possom says...

>> ^Darkhand:

Does he have a giant MURAL of himself above his fireplace? If so that's AWESOME!

How do you know that is a mural of him? You can tell by the crotch alone? And why is he standing right under his own crotch?

Skater Lights Himself On Fire - Has Regrets

Brazilian Police Ram Airplane To Stop Smugglers

How close do Blue Angels get to each other? This close!!!

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Jinx:

Yeah ok, that was fairly close. I wonder how close you have to get before they start interfering with airflow etc.

At low altitude, wake turbulence is less of an issue than famous scenes from Top Gun would have you think. Also, the more dangerous form are the wingtip variety, which only really spring to life at angles behind the winds wings of the aircraft, not as much directly behind. Even so, he was bouncing about 6"-10". Air is a thick soup down on the deck, though, so lots of wiggle room for fixed wing, crotch rocket, jets

WTF Japan: The Big Tits Dragon

Ever Seen a Crotchface - Hillariously WTF Music Video

garmachi (Member Profile)

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

bcglorf says...

>> ^criticalthud:

@bmcs27 no i would call that a terrible waste of time. go ahead and look up the politics of landmines and you may be surprised at which country is both adamant about the production and continued use of them. and yeah, i've been to cambodia. another country we had absolutely no business sticking our nose into.
@NetRunner. "Al Queda" is a term created by the US government for a loose collection of groups who do not admire US foreign policy.
why are we there? well, before we hated the taliban, we loved em. but either way they are still sitting on trillions in minerals and rare earth deposits.
but hey, lets pretend little johnny is over there ensuring our safety from further crotch-bombers.

Your dead right on Cambodia, after all the horrific things Kissinger's lackeys did to there they followed it up by supporting the Khmer Rouge.

On Al-Qaida, you are just flat wrong. Bin Laden came up with the name for his particular cult of international islamic jihadists.

You are also wrong on the Taliban. During the push to remove the Soviets from Afghanistan, the American's backed Pakistan and it's training of Afghan and imported mujahideen warriors. Those mujahideen warriors were NOT the Taliban, they were a disparate collection of all manner of different local and imported fighters. The Taliban were not the only group to come from this Pakistan and American backed crowd, so where the Northern Alliance fighters whom the Taliban sought to destroy. It's fun to make cheap comments like yours, but that doesn't make them accurate or true.

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

criticalthud says...

@bmcs27 no i would call that a terrible waste of time. go ahead and look up the politics of landmines and you may be surprised at which country is both adamant about the production and continued use of them. and yeah, i've been to cambodia. another country we had absolutely no business sticking our nose into.

@NetRunner. "Al Queda" is a term created by the US government for a loose collection of groups who do not admire US foreign policy.

why are we there? well, before we hated the taliban, we loved em. but either way they are still sitting on trillions in minerals and rare earth deposits.

but hey, lets pretend little johnny is over there ensuring our safety from further crotch-bombers.

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

bmacs27 says...

>> ^criticalthud:

yes, we can debate laws and other agreements of questionable merit. but
i kind of think the US is acting like an asshole. our image worldwide is fucked.
does anyone not get that we militarily occupy their holy land? we got our fingers so deep in their pants. we declare war when it suits us, and we blast them with drones and gunships from afar - and, quite naturally, they see it as acts of cowardice.
and then we have headlines about killing the guy who made an underwear bomb that didn't work. whoopee, we killed the crotch-bomber. the world is safe. billions of dollars and a ruined world image, while we create 10 enemies for every one we kill. what a sick stupid joke.

My 21yo cousin is hiking through Afghanistan with his M4. You call that cowardice?

Every day he's sending pictures of the kids' school he's protecting, or the land mines he's removing. Those Taliban types, they've sure got honor on their side.

Jake Tapper grills Jay Carney on al-Awlaki assassination

criticalthud says...

yes, we can debate laws and other agreements of questionable merit. but
i kind of think the US is acting like an asshole. our image worldwide is fucked.

does anyone not get that we militarily occupy their holy land? we got our fingers so deep in their pants. we declare war when it suits us, and we blast them with drones and gunships from afar - and, quite naturally, they see it as acts of cowardice.
and then we have headlines about killing the guy who made an underwear bomb that didn't work. whoopee, we killed the crotch-bomber. the world is safe. billions of dollars and a ruined world image, while we create 10 enemies for every one we kill. what a sick stupid joke.

Rick Santorum would reinstitute "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

charliem says...

DADT policy relates to the suppression of any sexuality that is not hereo-sexuality.
If someone in the military claims they are gay, or bisexual, they would get the boot under this policy.

But running around claiming you like to bury your face in the opposite sex's crotch, well thats just fine.

To not see this as minority supression, is to not be living in reality.

What Do Women Look At When They Meet A Guy?

Yogi says...

>> ^conan:

<quote yogi doesn't work>
Yes, Girls DO like shiny sparkling things, so that must be true :-D

I'm just saying this is hardly scientific. Especially since I saw a study that WAS scientific and it said women look at the look at crotches...even dogs crotches.

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